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Lifecycle: Stable CRAN status metacran downloads

The goal of reportRmd is to automate the reporting of clinical data in Rmarkdown environments. Functions include table one-style summary statistics, compilation of multiple univariate models, tidy output of multivariable models and side by side comparisons of univariate and multivariable models. Plotting functions include customisable survival curves, forest plots, and automated bivariate plots.


Installing from CRAN:


You can install the development version of reportRmd from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")
devtools::install_github("biostatsPMH/reportRmd", ref="development")

New Features

  • new compact summary table function rm_compactsum
  • main functions are now pipeable
  • new function to use variable labels in ggplots replace_plot_labels


Online Documentation


Summary statistics by Sex


rm_covsum(data=pembrolizumab, maincov = 'sex',
Full Sample (n=94) Female (n=58) Male (n=36) p-value StatTest
age 0.30 Wilcoxon Rank Sum
Mean (sd) 57.9 (12.8) 56.9 (12.6) 59.3 (13.1)
Median (Min,Max) 59.1 (21.1, 81.8) 56.6 (34.1, 78.2) 61.2 (21.1, 81.8)
pdl1 0.76 Wilcoxon Rank Sum
Mean (sd) 13.9 (29.2) 15.0 (30.5) 12.1 (27.3)
Median (Min,Max) 0 (0, 100) 0.5 (0.0, 100.0) 0 (0, 100)
Missing 1 0 1
change ctdna group 0.84 Chi Sq
Decrease from baseline 33 (45) 19 (48) 14 (42)
Increase from baseline 40 (55) 21 (52) 19 (58)
Missing 21 18 3

Compact Table

pembrolizumab |> rm_compactsum( grp = 'sex',
Full Sample (n=94) Female (n=58) Male (n=36) p-value Missing
age 59.1 (49.5-68.7) 56.6 (45.8-67.8) 61.2 (52.0-69.4) 0.30 0
pdl1 0.0 (0.0-10.0) 0.5 (0.0-13.8) 0.0 (0.0-4.5) 0.76 1
change ctdna group - Increase from baseline 40 (55%) 21 (52%) 19 (58%) 0.84 21

Using Variable Labels

var_names <- data.frame(var=c("age","pdl1","change_ctdna_group"),
                          label=c('Age at study entry',
                                  'PD L1 percent',
                                  'ctDNA change from baseline to cycle 3'))

pembrolizumab <- set_labels(pembrolizumab,var_names)

rm_covsum(data=pembrolizumab, maincov = 'sex',
Full Sample (n=94) Female (n=58) Male (n=36) p-value
Age at study entry 0.30
Mean (sd) 57.9 (12.8) 56.9 (12.6) 59.3 (13.1)
Median (Min,Max) 59.1 (21.1, 81.8) 56.6 (34.1, 78.2) 61.2 (21.1, 81.8)
PD L1 percent 0.76
Mean (sd) 13.9 (29.2) 15.0 (30.5) 12.1 (27.3)
Median (Min,Max) 0 (0, 100) 0.5 (0.0, 100.0) 0 (0, 100)
Missing 1 0 1
ctDNA change from baseline to cycle 3 0.84
Decrease from baseline 33 (45) 19 (48) 14 (42)
Increase from baseline 40 (55) 21 (52) 19 (58)
Missing 21 18 3

Multiple Univariate Regression Analyses

rm_uvsum(data=pembrolizumab, response='orr',
#> Waiting for profiling to be done...
#> Waiting for profiling to be done...
#> Waiting for profiling to be done...
OR(95%CI) p-value N Event
Age at study entry 0.96 (0.91, 1.00) 0.089 94 78
PD L1 percent 0.97 (0.95, 0.98) \<0.001 93 77
ctDNA change from baseline to cycle 3 0.002 73 58
Decrease from baseline Reference 33 19
Increase from baseline 28.74 (5.20, 540.18) 40 39

Tidy multivariable analysis

glm_fit <- glm(orr~change_ctdna_group+pdl1+cohort,
               data = pembrolizumab)
OR(95%CI) p-value N Event
ctDNA change from baseline to cycle 3 0.009 73 58
Decrease from baseline Reference 33 19
Increase from baseline 19.99 (2.08, 191.60) 40 39
PD L1 percent 0.97 (0.95, 1.00) 0.066 73 58
cohort 73 58
A Reference 14 11
B 2.6e+07 (0e+00, Inf) 1.00 11 11
C 4.2e+07 (0e+00, Inf) 1.00 10 10
D 0.07 (4.2e-03, 1.09) 0.057 10 3
E 0.44 (0.04, 5.10) 0.51 28 23

Combining univariate and multivariable models

uvsumTable <- rm_uvsum(data=pembrolizumab, response='orr',
covs=c('age','sex','pdl1','change_ctdna_group'),tableOnly = TRUE)
#> Waiting for profiling to be done...
#> Waiting for profiling to be done...
#> Waiting for profiling to be done...
#> Waiting for profiling to be done...

glm_fit <- glm(orr~change_ctdna_group+pdl1,
               data = pembrolizumab)
mvsumTable <- rm_mvsum(glm_fit,tableOnly = TRUE)

Unadjusted OR(95%CI) p Adjusted OR(95%CI) p (adj)
Age at study entry 0.96 (0.91, 1.00) 0.089
sex 0.11
Female Reference
Male 0.41 (0.13, 1.22)
PD L1 percent 0.97 (0.95, 0.98) \<0.001 0.98 (0.96, 1.00) 0.024
ctDNA change from baseline to cycle 3 0.002 0.004
Decrease from baseline Reference Reference
Increase from baseline 28.74 (5.20, 540.18) 24.71 (2.87, 212.70)

Simple survival summary table

Shows events, median survival, survival rates at different times and the log rank test. Does not allow for covariates or strata, just simple tests between groups

# group="cohort",survtimes=seq(12,36,12),
# survtimesLbls=seq(1,3,1),
Group Events/Total Median (95%CI) 1yr (95% CI) 2yr (95% CI)
A 12/16 8.30 (4.24, Not Estimable) 0.38 (0.20, 0.71) 0.23 (0.09, 0.59)
B 16/18 8.82 (4.67, 20.73) 0.32 (0.16, 0.64) 0.06 (9.6e-03, 0.42)
C 12/18 17.56 (7.95, Not Estimable) 0.61 (0.42, 0.88) 0.44 (0.27, 0.74)
D 4/12 Not Estimable (6.44, Not Estimable) 0.67 (0.45, 0.99) 0.67 (0.45, 0.99)
E 20/30 14.26 (9.69, Not Estimable) 0.63 (0.48, 0.83) 0.34 (0.20, 0.57)
Log Rank Test ChiSq 11.3 on 4 df
p-value 0.023

Summarise Cumulative incidence

#> 106 observations with missing data were removed.
Strata Event/Total 1825day (95% CI) 3650day (95% CI)
1, f 7/137 0.04 (0.01, 0.08) 0.06 (0.03, 0.12)
1, m 3/21 0.10 (0.02, 0.27) 0.16 (0.03, 0.36)
2, f 9/139 0.05 (0.02, 0.09) 0.09 (0.04, 0.17)
2, m 0/15 0e+00 (NA, NA) 0e+00 (NA, NA)
Gray’s Test ChiSq 3.3 on 3 df
p-value 0.35

Plotting survival curves

ggkmcif2(response = c('os_time','os_status'),

Plotting odds ratios

#> Loading required package: ggplot2
#> Warning in forestplotMV(glm_fit): NAs introduced by coercion

Plotting bivariate relationships

These plots are designed for quick inspection of many variables, not for publication.

plotuv(data=pembrolizumab, response='orr',
#> Boxplots not shown for categories with fewer than 20 observations.
#> Boxplots not shown for categories with fewer than 20 observations.

Replacing variable names with labels in ggplot

mtcars <- mtcars |> 
  dplyr::mutate(cyl = as.factor(cyl)) |>
                                'Miles per gallon',
                                'Number of cylinders'))) 
p <- mtcars |> 
ggplot(aes(x=hp, y=mpg, color=cyl, shape=cyl)) +