layout | lineage | version | v | pv | timestamp | today | description | snps | min_snps | max_snps | threshold | import_data | detected | source |
global_report_page |
B.1.617.2 |
1.1 |
2.3.9 |
2021-04-21 |
2021-05-19, 10:13 GMT |
2021-05-19 |
A lineage circulating with variants of biological significance S:P681R and S:L452R, first detected in India and international cases with travel history from India. Designated through GitHub issues cov-lineages/pango-designation#38 and cov-lineages/pango-designation#49 |
S:T19R<br> S:L452R<br> S:T478K<br> S:P681R<br> S:D950N<br> ORF3a:S26L<br> M:I82T<br> ORF7a:V82A<br> ORF7a:T120I<br> N:D63G<br> N:R203M<br> N:D377Y |
5 |
15 |
NA |
N |
India |