- [FrontendBundle] add check if category type is grid or list (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/commit/9d41877773419d05bb6149f5c02a1de6c4ff21d8)
- [FrontendBundle] add check for currency in switch action (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/commit/f4cbe978a906fa95c426cd7cb953e0434a178d63)
- [PimcoreBundle] fix MultiSelect (check for existing store) by @breakone in #2754
- [priceNull - 3.2] - add listener for null/empty price on field by @codingioanniskrikos in #2757
- [ResourceBundle] Version Marshalling for FieldCollections by @dpfaffenbauer in #2768
- [PayumBundle] remove payment_state processing to confirm orders by @dpfaffenbauer in #2743
- [Pimcore] introduce LocalizedFallbackHelper by @dpfaffenbauer in #2723
- [Translations] add missing translations by @dpfaffenbauer in #2721
- [Payum] 2.6 compatibility by @dpfaffenbauer in #2722
- [Currency/Money] implement Pimcore Grid Column by @dpfaffenbauer in #2686
- [StorageList] make sure to remove StorageList from Session on Logout by @dpfaffenbauer in #2684
- [InventoryBundle] add stock label renderer and hide onHand field by @dpfaffenbauer in #2690
- [InventoryBundle] add translations for stock label #2 by @dpfaffenbauer in #2691
- [Product] fix regression of price rules for products with default unit by @dpfaffenbauer in #2698
- [OrderBundle] fix precison/factor for Payment Total by @dpfaffenbauer in #2700
- [Payum] req payum/payum-bundle:^2.6 by @dpfaffenbauer in #2710
- [MoneyBundle] money and moneyCurrency type should respect money_decimal_precision by @dpfaffenbauer in #2671
- [VariantBundle] Add possibility to exclude Variants from AttributeCollector via AttributePreconditionEvent by @almshadi in #2674
- [Product] don't allow Price and DiscountPrice Rule for unit prices by @dpfaffenbauer in #2678
- [Order] fixes for backend order creation by @dpfaffenbauer in #2652
- [Messenger] fix serialization of failed_at by @dpfaffenbauer in #2658
- [ProductBundle] fix missing cascade merge by @benwalch in #2647
- [PaymentBundle] fix null title for payment provider by @dpfaffenbauer in #2640
- [Pimcore] CoreShop 3 compatibility only with Pimcore 10.6 by @dpfaffenbauer in #2644
- [CoreBundle] fix PaymentWorkflow Listener to trigger state transition conditions by @dpfaffenbauer in #2601
- [CoreBundle] fix CartTextProcessor priority and CartManagers setParent for cart-item by @dpfaffenbauer in #2602
- [MessengerBundle] add permission and check for permissions by @dpfaffenbauer in #2611
- [Composer] conflict twig/twig: ^3.9.0 by @dpfaffenbauer in #2612
- [Workflows] update to latest versions by @dpfaffenbauer in #2613
- [PaymentProvider] fix payment provider rule action and add payment provider rule condition by @dpfaffenbauer in #2614
- [Core] reimplement existing data check in ProductQuantityPriceRulesCloner by @solverat in #2620
- [Documentation] Contribution/setting up dev enviornment by @TanaseTeofil in #2576
- [ResourceBundle] Fix EntityMerger and cascade-merging by @dpfaffenbauer in #2622
- [IndexBundle] check migration if column already exists by @dpfaffenbauer in #2627
- Fix store mail and store order mail collection entry type by @kkarkus in #2586
- [NoteService] implement deadlock retry strategy by @dpfaffenbauer in #2588
- always set default unit quantity in gift product action by @solverat in #2590
- [CoreBundle] fix PaymentWorkflow Listener to trigger state transition conditions by @dpfaffenbauer in #2601
- [CoreBundle] fix CartTextProcessor priority and CartManagers setParent for cart-item by @dpfaffenbauer in #2602
- [Tests] add test for stock tracked products in checkout by @dpfaffenbauer in #2560
- [Tests] test only latest pimcore with highest deps for 3.2 by @dpfaffenbauer in #2559
- Increase MessengerBundle Receivers combobox width by @NiklasBr in #2567
- Updated CachedStoreContext.php by @kamil-karkus in #2565
- [Core] fix price calculation with immutables and adjustments by @dpfaffenbauer in #2573
- [Migration] [Migration] fix Staticroute Migration for Pimcore 10 by @dpfaffenbauer in #2550
- [CoreBundle] fix priority of coreshop_payment_token route by @dpfaffenbauer in #2542
- [Frontend] create order-token if not yet exists by @dpfaffenbauer in #2543
- [ProductBundle] default return empty array instead of null in preGetData by @breakone in #2544
- [ProductBundle] fix ClearCachedPriceRulesListener - remove service definition
- [CartManager] create unique key for cart items by @dpfaffenbauer in #2510
- [Core] Use order tokens in payment capture by @yariksheptykin in #2515
- [Core] add caching for recursive variant checking by @dpfaffenbauer in #2520
- use null coalescing operator against maxUsagePerUser by @sovlerat in #2524
- [ClassDefinitionPatch] allow update of field-definitions instead of replace by @dpfaffenbauer in #2494
- [Product] assert range sort for qpr by @solverat in #2498
- [OrderEdit] allow 0 quantity by @dpfaffenbauer in #2499
- [ClassDefinitionPatch] Class patches array by @dpfaffenbauer in #2496
- [Order] introduce feature to allow editing confirmed orders in backend by @dpfaffenbauer in #2382
- [Order] Backend Order Editing by @dpfaffenbauer in #2397
- [StorageListBundle] make restore cart after checkout configurable by @dpfaffenbauer in #2428
- [OrderEdit] don't allow cancelled orders to be editable by @dpfaffenbauer in #2431
- [Voucher] restrict voucher usage per customer by @Philip-Neusta in #2451
- [CoreBundle] introduce Product Price Rule that is not combinable with Cart Price Voucher Rule by @dpfaffenbauer in #2458
- [CoreBundle] fix migration to add immutable field to order by @dpfaffenbauer in #2465