[2.4.3] (2022-08-18)
[2.4.2] (2022-08-18)
- Fixed type error when auto generating grid elements for forms
2.4.0 (2022-04-20)
- Bump minimum PHP version to 7.4
- Bump Symfony requirements to ^4.4 or ^5.4
- Bump Contao requirements to ^4.9 or ^4.13
- Changed coding standard
- Rewrite modules and elements to fragment controller
2.3.1 (2020-11-16)
- Prevent sql error if tables
does not exist - Prevent security issue occurred in
2.3.0 (2020-08-28)
- Add ability to support custom grid sizes #44 (@scuben)
- Use custom template for grid element #41 (@RoflCopter24)
- Prevent ambiguous field names in parent relation fixer #43
- Do not register grid parent fixer for unsupported data container drivers #40
2.2.2 (2020-01-22)
- Allow symfony/templating version ^5.0
- Fix issue when duplicating form field #39
2.2.1 (2020-01-21)
- Require
instead ofmenatwork/contao-multicolumnwizard
- Repair parent relation of grid elements now also works if children of a page are also copied
- Only check nested data structures if the data container is a table
2.2.0 (2020-01-18)
- Add option to define a grid in newslist and newsarchive modules to wrap each news article in a grid column
- Add parent relation fixer which fix relations after an element or its parent got copied
- Auto select closes grid start element/form field if type is changed
2.1.2 (2019-11-11)
- Prevent double class attributes #34
- Do not silence all exceptions #32
- Do not add row class twiche #33
- Fix grid identifier for modules #31
- Add missing closing div (#30)
2.1.0 (2019-04-18)
- Allow to limit grid resets to a specific size (#29)
- Support auto grid size (#28)
- Support size suffixes for alignments (#26)
- Tag response with grid id when grid element or module is used (#18)
- Translation of grid parent is missing (#23)
- Fix deprecated warning using PHP 7.3 (#24)
- Updated translations from transifex
- Fix broken grid gallery element not handling grid and image sizes.
- Rewrite gallery element for symfony 4 compatibility
- Rewrite grid content elements using netzmacht/contao-toolkit for symfony 4 compatibility
- Implement a workaround so that form elements work again with symfony 4
- Run composer-require-checker and fix issues.
- Fix broken grid width label.
- Fix broken grid parent select in override mode.
- Fix template naming so that custom templates can be applied. Old templates will get removed in 2.1.0!
- Fix label of grid parent field.
- Fix null column width.
- Fix auto value selection. Always 0 was selected.
- Add Contao 4.5 to the travis test matrix.
- Fix issue of attempt to load
from the global namespace (#9).
- Catch error in grid gallery element if grid does not exist
- Fix broken gallery image sorting
- Fix grid order in the options
- Fix img thumbnail for the gallery images.
- Fix auto submitting of the grid input fields.
- Support MetaPalettes v2.0.
- Make listener services public as Contao requires it.
- Add grid content element
- Fix strict type handling errors
Implemented enhancements:
- Require PHP 7.1
- Support Bootstrap 4 beta changes
- Complete english translation
- Support import/export of the theme
- Support easy themes
- Added README.md
- Added .gitattributes
- Added CHANGELOG.md
Fixed bugs:
- Grid row settings were not recognized
- Frontend module did not support resets