Shield is the official authentication and authorization framework for CodeIgniter 4. While it does provide a base set of tools that are commonly used in websites, it is designed to be flexible and easily customizable.
The primary goals for Shield are:
- It must be very flexible and allow developers to extend/override almost any part of it.
- It must have security at its core. It is an auth lib after all.
- To cover many auth needs right out of the box, but be simple to add additional functionality to.
- Session-based Authentication (traditional ID/Password with Remember-me)
- Stateless Authentication using Access Token, HMAC SHA256 Token, or JWT
- Optional Email verification on account registration
- Optional Email-based Two-Factor Authentication after login
- Magic Link Login when a user forgets their password
- Flexible Group-based Access Control (think Roles, but more flexible), and users can be granted additional Permissions
- A simple Auth Helper that provides access to the most common auth actions
- Save initial settings in your code, so it can be in version control, but can also be updated in the database, thanks to our Settings library
- Highly configurable
- User Entity and User Provider (
) ready for you to use or extend - Built to extend and modify
- Easily extendable controllers
- All required views that can be used as is or swapped out for your own
Shield is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Every open-source project depends on it's contributors to be a success. The following users have contributed in one manner or another in making Shield:
Made with
The following articles/sites have been fundamental in shaping the security and best practices used within this library, in no particular order:
- Google Cloud: 13 best practices for user account, authentication, and password management, 2021 edition
- NIST Digital Identity Guidelines
- Implementing Secure User Authentication in PHP Applications with Long-Term Persistence (Login with "Remember Me" Cookies)
- Password Storage - OWASP Cheat Sheet Series