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added clean code for NMF
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lksenel committed Sep 22, 2021
1 parent 183fd32 commit 79a94ee
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Showing 8 changed files with 1,279 additions and 0 deletions.
Binary file added __pycache__/utils.cpython-38.pyc
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69 changes: 69 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
from utils import LOG, setup_dict_entry, calc_and_update_score, load_gold, get_verse_alignments
import argparse
import os

def main(args):
pros, surs = load_gold(args.gold_file)

save_name = os.path.basename(args.predicted_alignments_file)
save_name = save_name[:-4] + "_results.txt"

result_names = [
"NMF + intersection",
"NMF + gdfa"

results_all = {}
for name in result_names:
setup_dict_entry(results_all, name, {"p_hit_count": 0, "s_hit_count": 0, "total_hit_count": 0, "gold_s_hit_count": 0, "prec": 0, "rec": 0, "f1": 0, "aer": 0})

with open(args.predicted_alignments_file, 'r') as f_pred, \
open(args.intersection_alignments_file, 'r') as f_inter, \
open(args.gdfa_alignments_file, 'r') as f_gdfa:

lines_predicted =
lines_intersection =
lines_gdfa =

for no, (line_pred, line_inter, line_gdfa) in enumerate(zip(lines_predicted, lines_intersection, lines_gdfa)):
verse_id, aligns_predicted = line_pred.split('\t')
_, aligns_intersection = line_inter.split('\t')
_, aligns_gdfa = line_gdfa.split('\t')

# Convert string alignments to set
aligns_predicted = set(aligns_predicted.split(' '))
aligns_intersection = set(aligns_intersection.split(' '))
aligns_gdfa = set(aligns_gdfa.split(' '))

# combine base alignments with predictions
aligns_NMF_plus_intersection = aligns_predicted.union(aligns_intersection)
aligns_NMF_plus_gdfa = aligns_predicted.union(aligns_gdfa)

# update results for all alignments
calc_and_update_score(aligns_intersection, pros[verse_id], surs[verse_id], results_all["base_intersection"])
calc_and_update_score(aligns_gdfa, pros[verse_id], surs[verse_id], results_all["base_gdfa"])
calc_and_update_score(aligns_predicted, pros[verse_id], surs[verse_id], results_all["NMF"])
calc_and_update_score(aligns_NMF_plus_intersection, pros[verse_id], surs[verse_id], results_all["NMF + intersection"])
calc_and_update_score(aligns_NMF_plus_gdfa, pros[verse_id], surs[verse_id], results_all["NMF + gdfa"])

with open(os.path.join(args.save_path, save_name), 'w') as f_out:
for i in results_all:
f_out.write(f'----{i}----\nPrecision: {results_all[i]["prec"]}\nRecall: {results_all[i]["rec"]}\nF1: {results_all[i]["f1"]}\nAER: {results_all[i]["aer"]}\nHits: {results_all[i]["total_hit_count"]}\n\n')
print(f'----{i}----\nPrecision: {results_all[i]["prec"]}\nRecall: {results_all[i]["rec"]}\nF1: {results_all[i]["f1"]}\nAER: {results_all[i]["aer"]}\nHits: {results_all[i]["total_hit_count"]}\n\n')

if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

parser.add_argument('--save_path', default="/mounts/Users/cisintern/lksenel/Projects/pbc/graph-align/results/", type=str)
parser.add_argument('--gold_file', default="/mounts/Users/cisintern/lksenel/Projects/pbc/pbc_utils/data/eng_fra_pbc/", type=str)
parser.add_argument('--predicted_alignments_file', default="/mounts/Users/cisintern/lksenel/Projects/pbc/graph-align/predicted_alignments/predicted_alignments_from_eng-x-bible-mixed_to_fra-x-bible-louissegond_with_max_83_editions_for_250_verses_NMF.txt", type=str)
parser.add_argument('--intersection_alignments_file', default="/mounts/Users/cisintern/lksenel/Projects/pbc/graph-align/predicted_alignments/intersection_alignments_from_eng-x-bible-mixed_to_fra-x-bible-louissegond_for_250_verses.txt", type=str)
parser.add_argument('--gdfa_alignments_file', default="/mounts/Users/cisintern/lksenel/Projects/pbc/graph-align/predicted_alignments/gdfa_alignments_from_eng-x-bible-mixed_to_fra-x-bible-louissegond_for_250_verses.txt", type=str)
parser.add_argument('--source_edition', default="eng-x-bible-mixed", type=str)
parser.add_argument('--target_edition', default="fra-x-bible-louissegond", type=str)

args = parser.parse_args()
295 changes: 295 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
from surprise import Dataset, Reader
import pandas as pd
from surprise import NMF
from utils import LOG, setup_dict_entry, load_editions, load_gold, get_verse_alignments
import os, argparse, random, math
from nltk.translate.gdfa import grow_diag_final_and
import numpy as np
from multiprocessing import Pool, Value

def get_row_col_editions(source_edition, target_edition, all_editions=None):
row_editions = []
col_editions = []
for edition in all_editions:
if edition != source_edition and edition != target_edition:


return row_editions, col_editions

def get_aligns(rf, cf, alignments):
raw_align = ''

if rf in alignments and cf in alignments[rf]:
raw_align = alignments[rf][cf]
alignment_line = [x.split('-') for x in raw_align.split()]
res = []
for x in alignment_line:
res.append( ( int(x[0]), int(x[1]) ) )
elif cf in alignments and rf in alignments[cf]: # re: aak, ce: aai,
raw_align = alignments[cf][rf]
alignment_line = [x.split('-') for x in raw_align.split()]
res = []
for x in alignment_line:
res.append( ( int(x[1]), int(x[0]) ) )
elif rf in alignments and rf == cf: # if source and target are the same
keys = list(alignments[rf].keys())
max_count = 0
for key in keys:
align = alignments[rf][key]
for x in align.split():
count = int(x.split('-')[0])
if count > max_count:
max_count = count
raw_align = "0-0"
for i in range(1,max_count):
raw_align += f" {i}-{i}"

alignment_line = [x.split('-') for x in raw_align.split()]
res = []
for x in alignment_line:
res.append( ( int(x[0]), int(x[1]) ) )
return None

return res

def add_aligns(aligns, aligns_dict, token_counts, re, ce, existing_items):
for align in aligns:

aligns_dict['userID'].append(re + str(align[0]))
aligns_dict['itemID'].append(ce + str(align[1]))

if align[0] > token_counts[re]:
token_counts[re] = align[0]
if align[1] > token_counts[ce]:
token_counts[ce] = align[1]


def add_negative_samples(aligns_dict, existing_items, token_counts, verse_id):
for re in existing_items:
if token_counts[re] < 2:
for ce in existing_items[re]:
if token_counts[ce] < 2:
for item in existing_items[re][ce]:
i,j = tuple(item.split(","))
i,j = (int(i), int(j))
jp = random.randint(math.ceil(j+1), math.ceil(j+token_counts[ce] ))
ip = random.randint(math.ceil(i+1), math.ceil(i+token_counts[re] ))

jp %= (token_counts[ce] + 1)
aligns_dict['userID'].append(re + str(i))
aligns_dict['itemID'].append(ce + str(jp))

ip %= (token_counts[re] + 1)
aligns_dict['userID'].append(re + str(ip))
aligns_dict['itemID'].append(ce + str(j))

def get_alignments_df(row_editions, col_editions, verse_alignments,
source_edition, target_edition, verse_id): #TODO can be improved a lot
token_counts = {}
existing_items = {}
aligns_dict = {'itemID': [], 'userID': [], 'rating': []}
for no, re in enumerate(row_editions):
token_counts[re] = 0
existing_items[re] = {}

for ce in col_editions:

setup_dict_entry(token_counts, ce, 0)
existing_items[re][ce] = []
aligns = get_aligns(re, ce, verse_alignments)

if not aligns is None:
add_aligns(aligns, aligns_dict, token_counts, re, ce, existing_items)

add_negative_samples(aligns_dict, existing_items, token_counts, verse_id)

return pd.DataFrame(aligns_dict), token_counts[source_edition], token_counts[target_edition]

def iter_max(sim_matrix: np.ndarray, max_count: int=2, alpha_ratio = 0.7) -> np.ndarray:
m, n = sim_matrix.shape
forward = np.eye(n)[sim_matrix.argmax(axis=1)] # m x n
backward = np.eye(m)[sim_matrix.argmax(axis=0)] # n x m
inter = forward * backward.transpose()

if min(m, n) <= 2:
return inter

new_inter = np.zeros((m, n))
count = 1
while count < max_count:
mask_x = 1.0 - np.tile(inter.sum(1)[:, np.newaxis], (1, n)).clip(0.0, 1.0)
mask_y = 1.0 - np.tile(inter.sum(0)[np.newaxis, :], (m, 1)).clip(0.0, 1.0)
mask = ((alpha_ratio * mask_x) + (alpha_ratio * mask_y)).clip(0.0, 1.0)
mask_zeros = 1.0 - ((1.0 - mask_x) * (1.0 - mask_y))
if mask_x.sum() < 1.0 or mask_y.sum() < 1.0:
mask *= 0.0
mask_zeros *= 0.0

new_sim = sim_matrix * mask
fwd = np.eye(n)[new_sim.argmax(axis=1)] * mask_zeros
bac = np.eye(m)[new_sim.argmax(axis=0)].transpose() * mask_zeros
new_inter = fwd * bac

if np.array_equal(inter + new_inter, inter):
inter = inter + new_inter
count += 1
return inter

def get_itermax_predictions(raw_s_predictions, max_count=2, alpha_ratio=0.9):
rows = len(raw_s_predictions)
cols = len(raw_s_predictions[0])
matrix = np.ndarray(shape=(rows, cols), dtype=float)

for i in raw_s_predictions:
for j, s in raw_s_predictions[i]:
matrix[i,j] = s

itermax_res = iter_max(matrix, max_count, alpha_ratio)
res = []
for i in range(rows):
for j in range(cols):
if itermax_res[i,j] != 0:

return res

def predict_alignments(algo, source_edition, target_edition):
raw_s_predictions = {}
raw_t_predictions = {}

for i in range(algo.s_tok_count + 1):
for j in range(algo.t_tok_count + 1):
pred = algo.predict(source_edition + str(i), target_edition + str(j))

setup_dict_entry(raw_s_predictions, i, [])
setup_dict_entry(raw_t_predictions, j, [])

raw_s_predictions[i].append((j, pred.est))
raw_t_predictions[j].append((i, pred.est))

# get predicted alignments from argmax (max_count=1 means argmax)
res = get_itermax_predictions(raw_s_predictions, max_count=1)

return res

def train_model(df, s_tok_count, t_tok_count, row_editions, col_editions):
algo = NMF()
reader = Reader(rating_scale=(1, 3))
data = Dataset.load_from_df(df[['userID', 'itemID', 'rating']], reader)
trainset = data.build_full_trainset()

algo.s_tok_count = s_tok_count
algo.t_tok_count = t_tok_count
algo.row_editions = row_editions
algo.col_editions = col_editions
algo.df = df

return algo

def get_induced_alignments(source_edition, target_edition, verse_alignments_path, verse_id, all_editions):

verse_alignments = get_verse_alignments(verse_alignments_path, verse_id, editions=all_editions)

# this is only for saving the gdfa alignments from source to target for the evauation
verse_alignments_gdfa = get_verse_alignments(verse_alignments_path, verse_id, editions=[source_edition, target_edition], gdfa=True)

### source -> row, target-> col###
row_editions, col_editions = get_row_col_editions(source_edition, target_edition, all_editions)
#itemid -> col, user -> row
df, s_tok_count, t_tok_count = get_alignments_df(row_editions, col_editions, verse_alignments, source_edition, target_edition, verse_id)

algo = train_model(df, s_tok_count, t_tok_count, row_editions, col_editions)

predicted_alignments = predict_alignments(algo, source_edition, target_edition)
base_inter_alignments = verse_alignments[source_edition][target_edition]
base_gdfa_alignments = verse_alignments_gdfa[source_edition][target_edition]

with cnt.get_lock():
cnt.value += 1
if cnt.value % 20 == 0:"Done inferring alignments for {cnt.value} verses")

return predicted_alignments, base_inter_alignments, base_gdfa_alignments, len(algo.col_editions)+1

def init_globals(counter):
global cnt
cnt = counter

def main(args):

pros, surs = load_gold(args.gold_file)
all_verses =list(pros.keys())
all_verses = all_verses

# Get languages and editions
editions, langs = load_editions(args.editions_file)
all_editions = [editions[lang] for lang in langs]

# print some info"Inferring alignments from {args.source_edition} to {args.target_edition}")"Number of verses whose alignments will be inferred: {len(all_verses)}")"Number of editions to use for the graph algorithms: {len(all_editions)}")"Number of cores to be used for processing: {args.core_count}")

# Prepare arguments for parallel processing
starmap_args = []
for verse_id in all_verses:
# aligns_predicted, used_edition_count = get_induced_alignments(args.source_edition, args.target_edition, args.verse_alignments, verse_id, all_editions)
starmap_args.append((args.source_edition, args.target_edition, args.verse_alignments_path, verse_id, all_editions))

# get predicted alignments using parallel processing
cnt = Value('i', 0)
with Pool(processes=args.core_count, initializer=init_globals, initargs=(cnt,)) as p:
all_alignments = p.starmap(get_induced_alignments, starmap_args)

out_NMF_f_name = f"predicted_alignments_from_{args.source_edition}_to_{args.target_edition}_with_max_{len(all_editions)}_editions_for_{len(all_verses)}_verses_NMF.txt"
out_NMF_file = open(os.path.join(args.save_path, out_NMF_f_name), 'w')
out_inter_f_name = f"intersection_alignments_from_{args.source_edition}_to_{args.target_edition}_for_{len(all_verses)}_verses.txt"
out_inter_file = open(os.path.join(args.save_path, out_inter_f_name), 'w')
out_gdfa_f_name = f"gdfa_alignments_from_{args.source_edition}_to_{args.target_edition}_for_{len(all_verses)}_verses.txt"
out_gdfa_file = open(os.path.join(args.save_path, out_gdfa_f_name), 'w')

for id, verse_id in enumerate(all_verses):
aligns_predicted, inter_aligns, gdfa_aligns, used_edition_count = all_alignments[id]

# convert predicted alignments to string and write to a file
aligns_predicted = ' '.join([f"{align[0]}-{align[1]}" for align in aligns_predicted])


if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

parser.add_argument('--save_path', default="/mounts/Users/cisintern/lksenel/Projects/pbc/graph-align/predicted_alignments", type=str)
parser.add_argument('--gold_file', default="/mounts/Users/cisintern/lksenel/Projects/pbc/pbc_utils/data/eng_fra_pbc/", type=str)
parser.add_argument('--verse_alignments_path', default="/mounts/data/proj/ayyoob/align_induction/verse_alignments/", type=str)
parser.add_argument('--source_edition', default="eng-x-bible-mixed", type=str)
parser.add_argument('--target_edition', default="fra-x-bible-louissegond", type=str)
parser.add_argument('--editions_file', default="/mounts/Users/cisintern/lksenel/Projects/pbc/pbc_utils/data/eng_fra_pbc/lang_list.txt", type=str)
parser.add_argument('--core_count', default=80, type=int)
parser.add_argument('--seed', default=42, type=int)

args = parser.parse_args()


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