If you need to reinstall the operating system follow "How to install macOS" from the Apple Support documentation.
- Following this guide from Apple reboot into the system utilities and completely wipe the hard drive and reinstall the operating system. This guide use this step:
On an Intel-based Mac, if you use Shift-Option-Command-R during startup, you're offered the macOS that came with your Mac, or the closest version still available. If you use Option-Command-R during startup, in most cases you're offered the latest macOS that is compatible with your Mac. Otherwise you're offered the macOS that came with your Mac, or the closest version still available.
- When the format utility for erasing the hard drive prompts for name for the drive, I name it
during the reformat process, and the format isAPFS
. Please note, I turn on filevault after the full reformat to keep the drive key synced with iCloud, and SSD type drives do not have the option to zero out like older drives. - Once the drive is reformatted, reinstall macOS using your home network, and iCloud account. I also allow my Apple ID to reset my workstation password.
- Under
Customize Settings
IEnable Location Services
and do not shareMac Analytics
,Crash Data
,Ask Siri
, and I uncheckStore files from Documents and Desktop in iCloud Drive
. - Under
Customize Settings
I make sure to turn onFileVault disk encryption
andAllow my iCloud account to unlock my disk
. - Open the disc utility and if you notice an internal volume named
delete it via this guide from Apple, then restart the computer. Please note, this may also cause a warningIncompatible Disc
to be displayed. If this occurs, you will need repeat steps 1 through 5 following this video walkthrough. Once these steps have been completed you should be successfully connected to your wifi. - Under the
App Store
in System Preferences, make sureAutomatically Check for Updates
is checked, andDownload new available updates in the background
andInstall system data files and security updates
are both checked. - Click
Show Updates
and run all pending updates. - Install the full
developer package from the Apple App Store. I use the full package because it comes with both the gcc compiler and emulators for iOS devices. These come in handy for testing responsive websites and applications. Please note, this will require the latest version of the osx operating system, and ifFileVault
has not finished encrypting the hard drive you will have to wait for that to finish. The status can be located underSettings and Privacy
then underFileVault
. - Open
and verify it both installs the required components it needs and launches without errors. - Open
and install the developer tools by typingxcode-select --install
. - Under
System Preferences
underUsers & Groups
disable theGuest User
from being able to access the computer, then reboot the machine to confirm. - In
System Preferences
under theTrackpad
scrolling. - In
System Preferences
under theTrackpad
underPoint and Click
set the tracking speed to6
. - In
set the cursor size to2
. - In
set toLarge Text
. - Remove
,Display Mirroring
, andSpotlight
from the top navigation bar. - In
System Preferences
and selectmore space
. - In
System Preferences
under theKeyboard
settings make sure to checkUse the F1, F2, as standard function keys
. - In
System Preferences
under theEnergy Saver
set display to turn off after 30 minutes, and uncheckPut hard disks to sleep when possible
andPrevent computer from sleeping automatically when display is off
. - Under
System Preferences
underMission Control
configureHot Corners
.- Top-Left: Application Windows
- Bottom-Left: Desktop
- Top-Right: Mission Control
- Bottom-Right: Start Screen Saver
- Under
System Preferences
configureMission Control
.- Disable
Automatically Rearrange Spaces...
. - Set
Mission Control
. - Set
Application Windows
. - Set both
Show Desktop
andShow Dashboard
- Disable
- In
System Preferences
configure theDock & Menu Bar
.- Enable
and set it tomax
. - Enable
Automatically hide and show the Dock
- Enable
- Remove every application icon from the dock except finder on the bottom left, and the trash can on the bottom right.
- Setup at least
4 OSX Spaces
viaMission Control
. - In
System Preferences
in theKeyboard
inMission Control
desktop switches to usectrl + #
for the first 4 spaces. - In
preferences only showHard Discs
andExternal Discs
on the desktop, and set new finder windows to open withuser home directory
. - In Finder
toShow Path Bar
,Show Status Bar
, which will display the full folder path at the bottom of a finder window. - Use
Show View Options
on the desktop set the icon size to68 x 68
then right click on the desktop and set theSort By
toSnap to Grid
. - In
preferences setupSidebar
...- Disable
. - Disable
. - Disable
CDs, DVDs..
. - Disable
Bonjour Computers
. - Disable
. - Enable
The Computer Name
. - Enable
Hard Discs
. - Enable
Cloud Storage
. - Enable
External Discs
- Disable
- In
preferences setupAdvanced
...- Under
Keep folders on top
enableIn Windows when sorting by name
. - Under
When performing a search
set toSearch This Mac
- Under
- Install 1Password via the
App Store
and sync via personal cloud repo, not icloud. - Setup icloud mail accounts that are synced across all Apple Devices.