Data for use with BrewDay.
To use BrewData in another project you can do the following:
>>> import brewdata
>>> brewdata.where()
It may be more useful to find the specific location of data:
>>> from brewdata import cereals as cereals_data
>>> cereals_data()
The beer data is split into four sections: Cereals, Hops, Water, and
Yeast. The data is provided in *.json
files, one file per data item.
Using the python project Scrapy the data is collected from publicly available websites where possible. Try to ensure that the source is always listed in any files scraped from websites. Permission should always be asked for to ensure there is no copyright problems.
The scrapers for each data type are easy to run:
make scrape_cereals
make scrape_hops
make scrape_yeast
$ scrapy shell ""