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💪One package helps you do it: road network acquisition, road network optimization, macro and micro map matching💪
👻Developed by tk, Email: [email protected]👻
🔑gotrackit iterates and updates quickly, remember to pay attention to version update information🔑
❗❗❗Do not download the code from the GitHub repository to use!!! Just pip install gotrackit as a third-party library and use it❗❗❗
😆😁👉Gotrackit User Manual👈😝😉
💬version status:07.03 Updated: v0.3.6
update command:pip install --upgrade -i gotrackit
- adapt to geopandas v1.0.0
Sparse trajectory gps point example:
This map matching package implements probabilistic modeling of continuous GPS points based on Hidden Markov Model (HMM). This package can be used to easily perform map matching on GPS data.
- geopy(2.4.1)
- gdal(3.4.3)
- shapely(2.0.3)
- fiona(1.9.5)
- pyproj(3.6.1)
- geopandas(0.14.3)
- networkx(3.2.1)
- pandas(2.0.3)
- numpy(1.26.2)
- keplergl(0.3.2)
The version used by the author (based on python3.11) is for reference only.
pip install -i gotrackit
pip install --upgrade -i gotrackit
Animated version of map matching algorithm based on Hidden Markov Model (HMM)!
A python package handles road network acquisition + map matching!
Detailed explanation and troubleshooting of map matching package parameters
QGIS road network topology display, base map loading, style reuse, and map saving
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