Thank you for your interest in contributing to BuffaLogs, all contributions are welcome! BuffaLogs was developed to allow contributions from people with any level of experience, but in order to create a friendly and respectful community, please follow these guidelines.
In this guide you will get an overview of the contribution workflow from opening an issue, creating a Pull Request, reviewing and merging the PR.
To get a general outlook of the project, read the README file. Before contributing, you are invited to install the project on your local machine and test its functioning to have a detailed view of how the project works.
In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we pledge to make participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone. For this reason, it is strongly requested to use an inclusive language, be respectful of different points of view, make criticisms in a constructive way, show empathy towards other community members. Please follow the code of conduct in all your interactions with the project.
If you have a fix, feature, doubt or suggestion to propose (that is not present in the current issues), please start by opening a discussion. To start a new discussion, the categories to choose from are:
- General: chat about important news affecting the project
- Ideas: share ideas for new features to implement
- Polls: take a vote from the community
- Q&A: ask the community for help or doubts
- Show and tell: show off to the community something you have made
Discussions help evaluate ideas before they become issues.
Discussions could be converted into issues by the administrators. Scan through our existing issues to find one that interests you. Before starting to work on an issue, you need to get the approval of one of the maintainers. Therefore please ask to be assigned to an issue. If you do not that but you still raise a PR for that issue, your PR can be rejected. This is a form of respect for both the maintainers and the other contributors who could have already started to work on the same problem.
You can submit a PR only for an assigned issue. If you open a PR without prior discussion or approval, it may be directly rejected.
Once you have started working on an issue and you have some work to share and discuss with us, please raise a draft PR early with incomplete changes. In this way you can continue working on the same and we can track your progress and actively review and help.
Pull requests are allowed only for the develop
branch. That code will be pushed to master only on a new release. Before submitting the PR, remember to pull the most recent changes available in the develop branch.
How to create and submit a PR:
Fork the repository and clone it locally. Connect your local to the
branch and pull in changes from it so that you stay up to date. -
Create a new branch starting from the
branch with a name that refers to the issue you are working on.git checkout -b myfeature develop
Now, we strongly suggest configuring pre-commit to force linters on every commit you perform:
# create virtualenv to host pre-commit installation python3 -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate # from the project base directory pip install pre-commit
If you didn't install pre-commit, it is necessary to run linters manually:
- Autoflake
autoflake -r -cd . --remove-all-unused-imports --remove-unused-variables --ignore-init-module-imports --ignore-pass-statements
- Flake8
flake8 . --show-source --config ../.github/configurations/python_linters/.flake8
- Black
black --config .github/configurations/python_linters/.black .
- Isort
isort --sp .github/configurations/python_linters/.isort.cfg --profile black .
- Pylint
pylint --load-plugins=pylint_django --django-settings-module=buffalogs.settings --recursive=y --rcfile=.github/configurations/python_linters/.pylintrc .
- Bandit
bandit -c .github/configurations/python_linters/.bandit.yaml .
IF your changes include differences in the template view, include sceenshots of the before and after.
Test your changes: Run any existing tests with the command below and create new tests if needed. Whether tests exist or not, make sure your changes don’t break the project.
./ test impossible_travel
Doc your code: please, document your new code if needed, under the
Working on your first Pull Request? You can learn how from this free series How to Contribute to an Open Source Project on GitHub