Releases: cerberustesting/cerberus-core
Bug fixes
- Fix Critical issue when using glassfish 5 : (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.joda.time.ReadableInstant)
- Fixed Issue when creating or duplicating a datalib that has a special character.
- Put back the Maintenance Activation flag combobox on environment modal.
Improvements / New features
- AddToExecutionQueueV003 servlet have now new option for manualUrl (2) that override application definition url/contextroot/loginurl and envdata.
- New system variable : %system.APP_CONTEXTROOT% and %system.EXEURL%
- New property type
. Available for appium android devices - Add action installApp and removeApp for Android to authorize Cross App on android devices
- Implements action openApp (package,activity) for Android
- Execution Retry now also cover the case where robot is not available (or connection is not always working).
- Order of status in reportingbytag page and notification email is now always the same.
- Added 'Post Testing' Support. All active testcase that are created inside 'Post Testing' Test will be automatically added at the end of any testcase that belong to the same application.
- 'Pre Testing' and 'Post Testing' tescase are now also filtered depending on From/To Sprint/Rev Activation Criterias.
- Service now support FTP GET in order to retreive xml, json or any files on FTP.
- Service now support FTP POST In order to send xml, json or any files on FTP.
- NE status that was used for manual execution not yet executed has been renamed to WE (Waiting Execution). NE status is now used for execution that are desactivated by condition. Step, Actions and Controls now also appear as NE in grey color that better correspond to a non executed status. #1712
Warning to be considered before applying the version (deprecated features)
- nothing
Bug fixes
- Improved automatic reload of execution detail page when execution still in queue.
- Fixed filters on ReportByTag page.
- Fixed nullPointerException when service call provide empty result.
Improvements / New features
Added new system variables : "TOMORROW-yyyy", "TOMORROW-MM", "TOMORROW-dd", "TOMORROW-doy".
New Interactive tutorial available from Documentation menu.
For Application Services, GET Query String is also feed from active Request details (key/value). Just like Postman does.
Various documentation improvements.
New QE execution status in order to split execution still in queue from the ones that will not be processed (because in ERROR). #1707
For Mobile devices (Appium)
** Android : Fix a Bug on webview with Android devices : can't type correctly a field.
** Android : New actionexecuteShell
to execute a shell command (adb shell) on android devices
** Android and iOS : New actionscrollTo
to scroll to an element or a text
Warning to be considered before applying the version (deprecated features)
- Removed Opera support following selenium deprecation.
Bug fixes
- Allow jsonpath syntax $[0].
- Fixed a bug when using drag and drop of control from one action to another.
- Allow to set parameter 'cerberus_loopstep_max' at system level.
- No longuer cascade delete a datalib when associated service is deleted. #1635
- No longuer cascade delete a service when associated application is deleted.
- Fixed java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Error when using a condition with variable on testcase header. #1650
Improvements / New features
- List of Robot can now be specified inside a campaign (instead of browser). That allow to run a campaign easily on multiple configuration (Browsers, BrowserVersions, Screensizes, Devices, ...).
- Robot Declination can be defined at robot level. It will be displayed in reportByTag page inside the columns of the detail section (with Country and Environment). When no value, Robot Declination will take Robot name. Declination value can be statically defined but also dynamically defined with variables : %SCREENSIZE%, %BROWSER%, %BROWSERVERSION%, %PLATFORM%.
- Port number is no longer mandatory on Robot screen and Run Test Page.
- Selecting a Campaign on Run Test Page allow to change the default country, environment or robot list from campaign.
- New criteria for testcase selection at campaign level : GROUP.
- Cache management at property level. You can now activate cache at property level by defining a cacheExpire value in second at property level. Property result will be taken from a previous execution during that timeframe. That allow to reduce the number of calls to external systems to retrieve a data (create on the fly test data or retrieve a security token too often).
- Renamed property type 'executeSql' to 'getFromSql'.
- New 'ifElementNotPresent' condition on step, action and control. #1660.
- From Execution page if execution is still in queue, page is automatically refreshed every 5 seconds and until execution start. #1653
- New buttons on RunTestCase page in order to submit and automatically redirect to the result page (either Execution Detail or Report By Tag Page depending on how many execution were triggered). #1653
Warning to be considered before applying the version (deprecated features)
- SQL 1300 1302 1303 and 1304 could be quite long on system with a lot of execution.
- Actions Marked as DEPRECATED : 'removeDifference' and 'mouseOverAndWait' (Stop using them as they will soon disappear).
- Deprecated action has been removed : 'getPageSource'. --> Use 'getPageSource' Control for the same result.
- Deprecated property has been removed : 'executeSoapFromLib' and 'executeSqlFromLib'. Use getFromDataLib for the same result.
Bug fixes
- [GUI] Fixed issue when modification of queue entry in
state was no longer possible. - [GUI] Fixed the nb of execution
still to go
counter on execution detail page when execution is still in the queue. - [ENGINE] Fixed Issue when user that have login larger than 10 digits cannot trigger any execution.
Improvements / New features
length can now be decoded in order to allow dynamic size of datalib. - [GUI]
action parameters are now consistent between every application type. value2 always take key to enter whether application use Selenium, Appium or Sikuli - [GUI] Properties are now sorted by alphabetical order in test case execution page.
Warning to be considered before applying the version (deprecated features)
- SQL #1289, #1290 and #1291 could be quite long on systems with a lot of executions.
- The following tables have been removed : abonnement, qualitynonconformities, qualitynonconformitiesimpact, testbatterycontent, campaigncontent, testbattery.
- Removed deprecated public servlet :
Bug fixes
- Fixed issue in ReRun Button (from TestCase and Execution detail page) where environment was not selected.
- Fixed various issues on Datalib modal when opened from TestCase page.
- Fixed syntax %property.PROP.SUBDATA% that was not decoded.
Improvements / New features
- [GUI] Various improvements on file attachement on Manual Executions.
- [GUI] Display Changelog of latest version on homepage.
- [ENGINE] Robot can now have https:// protocol specified inside the host name.
Warning to be considered before applying the version (deprecated features)
- none
Bug fixes
- Some Step was badly referenced in case the corresponding testcase was renamed. Now when testcase is renamed, the usesteps are also renamed.
Improvements / New features
- [GUI] Added parameter cerberus_loginpage_welcomemessagehtml in order to be able to define a message in login page. This parameter replace parameter cerberus_support_email that should now contain only the support email.
- [GUI] Property Quick delete picto in testcase script page.
- [GUI] Inline Add/Modify of TestDataLib from testcase script page.
- [GUI] Display property detail in modal from testcase script page without changing tab.
- [GUI] Display the Queue State when execution is still in queue in report by tag screen.
- [GUI] Allow to resubmit execution per status in report by tag screen. That allow quick restart of executions in 2 clicks.
- [GUI] 1st step documentation.
- [ENGINE] REST Service now allow DELETE, PUT and PATCH http method.
- [GUI] Various responsive improvements on very small screens.
- [GUI] Report by Tag page now handle pagination (in order to optimise page loading on system where more than 500 testcase are triggered on a campaign).
- [GUI] Allow to force an execution still in queue in ERROR State. This is to make that execution still visible in reportingByTag page allowing later submition
- [GUI] renamed parameters to make them more consistent.
- [GUI] new variable in campaign mail notification body in order to enrich email with campaign global result per status and detail list of testcases in non OK status.
- [ENGINE] Campaign testcase list definition can now be defined with dynamic criteria : SYSTEM, APPLICATION, STATUS and PRIORITY.
- [GUI] Protecting password display from the GUI. Robot password and parameter password are no longuer displayed in GUI.
- [GUI] When resubmit an execution to the queue, the popup message allow now to get to the execution page to see the result directly. Execution page will report the nb of execution in the queue before the current entry (in order to feedback the user how long to wait).
- [GUI] Battery has been moved to label that have now 3 types available : STICKER (same as before), BATTERY (correspond to former battery) and REQUIREMENT (will be used in order to sort and identify requirements).
- [ENGINE] Control 'verifyRegexInElement' is now supported for application type SRV.
- [ENGINE] Variable %System.TESTCASEDESCRIPTION% is now available.
- [ENGINE] For FAT applications, application is automatically closed at the end of the execution.
- [GUI] For Execution and TestCase screen, contextual buttons has been harmonized.
- [GUI] Improved filter performances by removing distinct feature on id, timestamps and descriptions.
Warning to be considered before applying the version (deprecated features)
- A Bug has been fixed on useStep that are not correctly referenced. SQL #1247 will clean badly reference Steps. You can get that list before beeing automaticly cleaned with SQL : SELECT a.* from testcasestep a LEFT OUTER JOIN testcasestep b on a.usesteptest=b.test and a.usesteptestcase=b.testcase and a.usestepstep=b.step WHERE b.test is null and a.usesteptest is not null and a.usesteptest != ''
- Upgrade Java to v1.8 --> Please check your Cerberus infra has JAVA 8.
- Upgrade Appium java-client to 5.0.4 --> Please check that your Robot infra support the change before moving to that new client version.
- Upgrade Appium java-client to 5.0.4 --> Please notice that custom swipe is now using relative coordinate instead of absolute one. You may have to change your test implementation.
- Upgrade Selenium client to 3.6.0 --> Please check that your Robot infra support the change before moving to that new client version.
- Battery has been moved to label (table not yet removed but will be soon).
Improvements / New features
- [GUI] We can now edit or add service directly from TestCaseScript page.
- [GUI] Autocompletion is now available for callservice action field.
- [GUI] Cerberus is now available in french language.
- [GUI] New Cerberus logo.
- [GUI] On the homepage, we can now dynamically filter the tag from a search text.
- [GUI] On testcase list page, mass action now allow to change application.
- [GUI] Testcase header allow to modify testcase on an application outside the current system.
- [Engine] Tag value can now be defined up to 255 character (used to be 50 characters max). Try to keep it the smallest as possible (for performance, storage and UI reasons).
- [Engine] Automatic notification at the beginning or the end of a tag execution can be configured at campaign level. Body, From and Subject email can be configured with parameters that start by cerberus_notification_tagexecution
Warning to be considered before applying the version (deprecated features)
- SQL 1226 is expected to be very long on systems that have massive number of executions.
Bug fixes
[GUI] password fix to allow more than 10 characters.
[GUI] small display issues in campaign and battery screen.
Improvements / New features
[ENGINE] new parameter : cerberus_queueexecution_timeout in order to set the timeout when execution is triggered from the queue.
[GUI] Queue can now be administered from the GUI. Every queue execution can be CANCELLED or modified and resubmitted to WAITING. State workflow documented in doc folder.
[ENGINE] Retry on an execution now generate new execution on the queue. That allow the feature to work on sync and async mode.
[GUI] Added 2 buttons on TestCaseExecution page in order to view the parameters of the corresponding Queue and create a new queue from the existing one.
[ENGINE] New queueing system that allow 3 level of constrains:
global Cerberus level -→ parameter : cerberus_queueexecution_global_threadpoolsize
Application environment level that can be configured in application modal at environment level (poolsize)
Robot IP level that can be configured in invariant table ROBOTHOST invariant (gp1 needs to be feeded with integer value) Default value taken from parameter : cerberus_queueexecution_defaultrobothost_threadpoolsize
Execution will be taken from the Queue (QUEUED state) and triggered ASAP until any of the constrain are reached.
Queue screen allow to control the result and followup the executions.
1st tab display the list of queue execution, 2nd tab the list of constrain and level of saturation of every constrain, the 3rd tab display the timing of the last job that analyzed the queue and allow to force a new trigger of that job (should be automatic at the end of every queue successfully submitted).
[GUI] Test Cases can now be renamed. When renamed, it loose the execution history.
[GUI] in ReportByTag screen, we can now edit the testcase header directly. It allows to modify comment and bugid directly.
[GUI] Control are now not Fatal by default.
[GUI] columns in all screens can now be resized.
[GUI] significant improvements in filtering management of lists.
[ENGINE] Improvements on KEYPRESS action.
[ENGINE] Variables can now be used inside column definition of Data Lib.
[ENGINE] Improvements on Sikuli connection (more actions and controls are supported as well as automatic screenshot).
[GUI] Online documentation are now displayed in popup and not inside a new window.
[GUI] We can now add multiple steps from the same modal.
Warning to be considered before applying the version (deprecated features)
[API] /ExecuteNextInQueue is no longuer considered as public API. Triggering execution from the queue has now become an automatic process. Please get in touch with us via github if you started to use it in external scripts.
format badly formated license on pom.xml
[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag cerberus-testing-1.1.10