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Ceramicskate0 edited this page Feb 22, 2018 · 25 revisions

Welcome to the Simple-Windows-Event-Log-Forwarder (SWELF) wiki!


Having the to many logs issue?!! This might help you, you tell it the log source and/or the event ID and/or the key words and/or the number of chars in log and/or the length of the commandline, and/or the length of the log itself and the SWELF app with send just that log to your SIEM, from a windows machine and in syslog format. RAW eventlog XML format, and a mixture or eventdata in xml as a syslog message. To get started learning about SWELF click HERE

Now in early release.

SWELF is designed to be a simple enough for almost anyone to use for windows event log forwarding. The agent that will 1st search your logs for what you want then forward just those logs (if you told it to). Since its early release this mean bugs may exist and it could cause issues on a machine its run on (but its unlikely. Issue like app crash or fail to starts...errr). But this also means im taking feature requests (even if you dont code). This app is a log forwarder and with the ability to search and forward just the logs you want or at least as close to it as you want. This means that you can tell your log forwarding agent (SWELF) exactly what logs to forward and it wont forward the rest (This will help with that pesky "to many logs", "we cant send those logs its to much noise", or "the SIEM cant handle all the logs" issues with SIEMs and IT Departments). ;D For example, you want powershell logs (dont lie to yourself every security person does, or at least you better). You know what you want them to have in the log, or what they should looks like, or how long they are, or some keyword, then SWELF will forward in order just the logs to your network location on syslog (514)/udp.

The Apps Goal

The goal here is ideally between this app, Sysmon (or another way to monitor commandline, network connections on the endpoint, and generate hashs (sha256) for running stuff), properly configured Powershell Logging (script block logging), configured your other favorite log sources to get everything you want/need, a SIEM or Log collector (SIEM recommended)(To sort through what your do want to forward), and a little review of your log data you could in theory make a leap forward in finding the footprints that alot of security solutions just cant seem to find (fileless).

Open and issue we will chat it out. (BE A NICE HUMAN) Also please copy and paste the agents error log into issue. Shy? Hit me up on twitter.

Contribution or Recommendations:

Open an issue and TAG it, more detail the better. Shy? Hit me up on twitter. If you can code it open a pull request.



SWELF Design

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