Issues & next features
Pull-import execution monitor leaks
Mapping converters
When filtering booleans (and probably other types) $eq: null cast null to false and filter does not work
Dhow flash messages...
Cache for Liquid templates
Prevent recursive referenced items edition.
Refresh Index when redirected from delete callback.
Clean up tenant configuration after tenant shredding
Action to config tasks description and auto-retry
Add breadcrumb when navigating through references properties on forms editors.
Add attachment filter option for notifications and executions.
Use ExecutionMonitor to track collection create/update.
Add styles and navigation links to the editor breadcrumb.
Tasks and executions agents through API.
Extend support for tasks descriptions across all executions APIs
Use the data type title to customize ref-picker loading message.
Async response might be not an execution but an error notification because the task could not be created.
Add collection agent field to collection sharing models
Add data type agent field to deletion task
Add file store migration progress viewer
Add seed contexts to e-mail notification forms
Storage updated_at property at index