diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 90e7e7e..1226dda 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -6,3 +6,6 @@ Dataset_*
diff --git a/Functions.R b/Functions.R
index 3ea8574..3335796 100644
--- a/Functions.R
+++ b/Functions.R
@@ -53,9 +53,9 @@ mean.fxn <- function(x) {
FoldChange <- function (cells.1, cells.2, features) {
thresh.min <- 0
pct.1 <- round(x = rowSums(x = allCells.data[features, cells.1,
- drop = FALSE] > thresh.min)/length(x = cells.1), digits = 3)
+ drop = FALSE] > thresh.min)/length(x = cells.1), digits = 3)
pct.2 <- round(x = rowSums(x = allCells.data[features, cells.2,
- drop = FALSE] > thresh.min)/length(x = cells.2), digits = 3)
+ drop = FALSE] > thresh.min)/length(x = cells.2), digits = 3)
data.1 <- mean.fxn(allCells.data[features, cells.1, drop = FALSE])
data.2 <- mean.fxn(allCells.data[features, cells.2, drop = FALSE])
fc <- (data.1 - data.2)
@@ -113,13 +113,17 @@ perform_de_sc <- function(ident.1 , ident.2, min.pct = 0.1, min.diff.pct = -Inf,
p_val_adj = p.adjust(p_val, method = "bonferroni", n = nrow(allCells.data))
data.frame(gene = features,
pct.1 = fc.results[features,]$pct.1,
pct.2 = fc.results[features,]$pct.2,
avg_logFC = fc.results[features,]$avg_log2FC,
p_val = p_val,
- p_val_adj = p_val_adj)
+ p_val_adj = p_val_adj) |>
+ dplyr::arrange(p_val_adj, p_val, desc(abs(avg_logFC))) |>
+ mutate(p_val = signif(p_val, 2),
+ p_val_adj = signif(p_val_adj, 2),
+ avg_logFC = round(avg_logFC, 1))
@@ -146,13 +150,19 @@ perform_de_pb_wilcoxon <- function(ident.1, ident.2, ...){
statistics = data.use[x, ])), 1)
- p_val_adj <- p.adjust(p_val, method = "bonferroni")
+ FDR <- p.adjust(p_val, method = "BH")
data.frame(gene = rownames(pseudobulk_matrix),
mean_1 = mean_1,
mean_2 = mean_2,
log2FC = log2FC,
p_val = p_val,
- p_val_adj = p_val_adj)
+ FDR = FDR) |>
+ dplyr::arrange(FDR, p_val, desc(abs(log2FC))) |>
+ mutate(p_val = signif(p_val, 2),
+ FDR = signif(FDR, 2),
+ log2FC = round(log2FC, 1),
+ across(contains("mean"),
+ ~ round(.x, 1)))
@@ -162,14 +172,18 @@ perform_de_pb_edger <- function(ident.1, ident.2, ...){
- et <- exactTest(edger_precomputed, pair = c(ident.1, ident.2))
+ et <- exactTest(edger_precomputed, pair = c(ident.2, ident.1))
et$table |>
tibble::rownames_to_column() |>
- dplyr::mutate(p_val_adj = p.adjust(PValue, method = "bonferroni")) |>
+ dplyr::mutate(p_val_adj = p.adjust(PValue, method = "BH")) |>
dplyr::rename(gene = rowname,
p_val = PValue,
- p_val_adj = p_val_adj)
+ FDR = p_val_adj) |>
+ dplyr::arrange(FDR, p_val) |>
+ mutate(p_val = signif(p_val, 2),
+ FDR = signif(FDR, 2),
+ logFC = round(logFC, 1))
@@ -196,24 +210,7 @@ perform_de <- function(ident.1, ident.2, method, ...){
# finish
- tableDEX <-
- merge(
- tableDEX,
- gene_list,
- by.x = "gene",
- by.y = "gene_id",
- all.x = TRUE
- ) |>
- dplyr::arrange(p_val_adj) |>
- mutate(across(starts_with("p_val"),
- ~ signif(.x, 2)),
- across(contains("log"),
- ~ round(.x, 1)),
- across(contains("mean"),
- ~ round(.x, 1)))
- tableDEX
+ left_join(tableDEX, gene_list, by = c("gene" = "gene_id"))
# # Tests
diff --git a/save_data.R b/save_data.R
index 2f0733c..7e8e838 100644
--- a/save_data.R
+++ b/save_data.R
@@ -59,14 +59,24 @@ pseudobulk_matrix <- AggregateExpression(allCells,
slot = "counts",
group.by = c("Neuron.type", "SampleID"))[["RNA"]]
-pseudosamples <- as.character(colnames(pseudobulk_matrix))
-regx <- stringr::str_match(pseudosamples,
- "^([A-Za-z0-9\\-_]+)_([0-9]{4}-ST-[12])$")
-pseudobulk_metadata <- data.frame(sample = pseudosamples,
- cell_type = regx[,2],
- batch = regx[,3])
-rm(regx); rm(pseudosamples)
+pseudosample_counts <- allCells@meta.data |>
+ count(Neuron.type, SampleID) |>
+ mutate(sample_id = paste(Neuron.type, SampleID, sep = "_"))
+ as.character(colnames(pseudobulk_matrix))))
+# filter out replicates with <10 single cells
+pseudobulk_matrix <- pseudobulk_matrix[,pseudosample_counts$sample_id[pseudosample_counts$n > 10]]
+pseudobulk_metadata <- pseudosample_counts |>
+ filter(n > 10) |>
+ rename(sample_id = sample_id,
+ cell_type = Neuron.type,
+ batch = SampleID,
+ nb_single_cells = n)
# Precompute edgeR object
diff --git a/server.R b/server.R
index 3492b19..5d51c68 100644
--- a/server.R
+++ b/server.R
@@ -403,6 +403,51 @@ server <- function(input, output) {
} else{
+ if (any(b2 == "ALL")){
+ print("testing vs ALL")
+ b2 <- all_cell_types |> setdiff(b1)
+ }
+ if (any(b2 == "NEURONS")){
+ print("Testing against all neurons.")
+ load_as_needed("allCells.metadata")
+ b2 <- all_neuron_types |> setdiff(b1) #does NOT contain "_stressed" neurons
+ }
+ tableDEX <-
+ perform_de(
+ ident.1 = b1,
+ ident.2 = b2,
+ method = input$test
+ )
+ if(input$test == "Pseudobulk: edgeR pairwise exact test" ||
+ input$test == "Pseudobulk: Wilcoxon"){
+ load_as_needed("edger_precomputed")
+ rows_b1 <- edger_precomputed$samples$group %in% b1
+ rows_b2 <- edger_precomputed$samples$group %in% b2
+ nb_sc_group_1 <- edger_precomputed$samples$nb_single_cells[rows_b1] |> sum()
+ nb_sc_group_2 <- edger_precomputed$samples$nb_single_cells[rows_b2] |> sum()
+ nb_rep_group_1 <- edger_precomputed$samples$nb_single_cells[rows_b1] |> length()
+ nb_rep_group_2 <- edger_precomputed$samples$nb_single_cells[rows_b2] |> length()
+ output$pseudobulk_metadata <- renderText({
+ paste0("Comparing group 1 (",nb_sc_group_1," single cells in ",nb_rep_group_1,
+ " replicates) to group 2 (",nb_sc_group_2," single cells in ",
+ nb_rep_group_2," replicates)")
+ }, sep = "
+ } else{output$pseudobulk_metadata <- renderText({""}, sep = "
output$text_error_dex <- renderText({""})
output$legend_de_columns <- renderText({
if(input$test == "Wilcoxon on single cells"){
@@ -432,38 +477,8 @@ server <- function(input, output) {
}, sep = "
- if (!any(b2 %in% c("ALL", "NEURONS"))){
- tableDEX <-
- perform_de(
- ident.1 = b1,
- ident.2 = b2,
- method = input$test
- )
- }
- if (any(b2 == "ALL")){
- print("testing vs ALL")
- tableDEX <-
- perform_de(
- ident.1 = b1,
- ident.2 = all_cell_types |> setdiff(b1),
- method = input$test
- )
- }
- if (any(b2 == "NEURONS")){
- print("Testing against all neurons.")
- load_as_needed("allCells.metadata")
- tableDEX <-
- perform_de(
- ident.1 = b1,
- ident.2 = all_neuron_types |> setdiff(b1), #does NOT contain "_stressed" neurons
- method = input$test
- )
- }
# Finalize output
if (nrow(tableDEX) > 0) {
diff --git a/ui.R b/ui.R
index 85d2541..f9afe3d 100644
--- a/ui.R
+++ b/ui.R
@@ -360,14 +360,15 @@ ui <- fluidPage(
- htmlOutput("legend_de_columns", container = h6),
+ htmlOutput("pseudobulk_metadata", container = h6),
span(textOutput("text_error_dex"), style =
- downloadButton('downloadDEX', "Download table")
+ downloadButton('downloadDEX', "Download table"),
+ htmlOutput("legend_de_columns", container = h6)