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Tools |
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- OPeNDAP - Can be used for browsing the archive file system and interactive downloads. It's also a scriptable interface (API) to the archive over http, allowing remote subsetting within IDL, Matlab. Python etc.
- FTP - The File Transfer Protocol is very common and is a good interface if you need to automate your data downloads.
- JASMIN file system - JAMSIN users should consult the JASMIN documentation on direct CEDA Archive access and appropriate data transfer mechanisms
- CEDA Catalogue - Browsing information about the datasets in the archive.
- CSW Programatically interrogating the CEDA Catalogue using Catalogue Service for the Web - service API. You can also use this service to harvest the metadata using the OAI-PMH protocol.
Tools to subset or aggregate data before downloading are available for some data. These are linked to from the catalogue page for that dataset.
- Web Processing Service (WPS)
- Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF)
- Satellite Data Finder (Sentinel and Landsat missions currently)
- Flight Finder (airborne data)
- Met Office MIDAS stations search
- CORRAL catalogue
When producing data you can use these tools to work out it's formated correctly.