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CDAP Integration Tests

CDAP integration tests run against an existing CDAP instance.

Writing Tests

New test cases should be written in the integration-test-remote module, alongside the existing test cases. They can be within their own package, as long as it is a "sub-package" of io.cdap.cdap.apps.

When writing an integration test, the same APIs are available as in CDAP unit tests. Note that some APIs are not available, such as the TestManager methods deployTemplate, addTemplatePlugins, and getDataset.

For instance, to compile and deploy an Application class and start a Service of that application:

ApplicationManager applicationManager = deployApplication(DataCleansingApp.class);

If additional APIs are needed that are not available in the CDAP unit tests framework, the CDAP clients library can be utilized to interact with the CDAP instance.

For instance, example usage of ApplicationClient is in the ApplicationTest test class. Other clients can be instantiated in a similar manner:

ApplicationClient appClient = new ApplicationClient(getClientConfig(), getRestClient());
appClient.list(new NamespaceId("myns"));

If the artifacts being tested are under development, they should be loaded into the target CDAP instance prior to starting the test. If these artifacts are loaded into CDAP through the UI, they will exist under USER scope, so in the tests they should be referred to accordingly.

Debugging in IntelliJ

Go to Run -> Edit Configurations -> JUnit Test, in VM Options add the options from the section below. For example -DinstanceUri=http://localhost:11015 -DprogramTimeout=120

Running Tests

To run integration tests against a remote CDAP instance, execute:

mvn clean test -DinstanceUri=<HostAndPort>

For local development, HostAndPort should be http://localhost:11015, which is the default root url for the CDAP API.

Note that the CDAP instance against which the integration tests are run must have unrecoverable reset enabled.

Also note that if -DinstanceUri is not specified, then it will connect to the default host and port.

To run integration tests against an automatically instantiated CDAP Standalone instance, execute:

mvn clean test -P standalone-test

To modify the timeouts for program start/stop awaiting, set the programTimeout argument to a number (in seconds). For instance, to set the timeout to 120 seconds:

mvn clean test -DinstanceUri=<HostAndPort> -DprogramTimeout=120

To configure the namespace used for the tests, use:


To run against a secure cluster with basic authentication, use:

-Dcdap.username=<username> -Dcdap.password=<password>

Note the entire integration test takes a long time to run, to run specific tests, use:


If the test has dependencies on GCP components, add the following property:


Note that if you get a Timeout from ETLTestBase.setup, its likely that the plugins you are testing have not been loaded into the CDAP instance. To load the standard set of plugins, clone the Hydrator Plugins repo at, then run:

git submodule update --init --recursive --remote
mvn clean package -DskipTests

Once done, build the CDAP instance by adding -Dadditional.artifacts.dir=</path/to/plugins/dir> when packaging CDAP.

CDAP Upgrade Tests

The upgrade test cases consist of a pre stage and a post stage. The pre stage is test code which is designed to set up the CDAP instance with applications and data. The post stage is then intended to run after upgrading the CDAP instance to assert that the upgrade was successful.

To run upgrade tests, execute the following steps:

1. Run the pre stage against an older version of CDAP.
2. Upgrade the CDAP instance to the newer version.
3. Run the post stage against an newer version of CDAP.

To run a particular stage, execute the following from the commandline:

mvn test -P upgrade-test-<stage> -DinstanceUri=<HostAndPort>

CDAP Long Running Tests

The long running test cases consist of 4 operations, setup, cleanup, verifyRuns and runOperations. More information on design of long running tests can be found [here](

All the long running tests/test-packages should be under <cdap-integration-tests>/long-running-test/test/java/co/cask/cdap/longrunning

To run all the tests under longrunning package:

mvn clean test -P long-running-test -DinstanceUri=<cdap-host>:<cdap-port> -Dinput.state=./long-running-test-in.state -Doutput.state=./long-running-test-out.state

Here, -Dinput.state is an input file from previous run which will be used in current run. -Doutput.state is an output file which will be used to persist state of current run.

To run selected single/multiple tests under longrunning package:

mvn clean test -P long-running-test -DinstanceUri=<cdap-host>:<cdap-port> -Dinput.state=./long-running-test-in.state -Doutput.state=./long-running-test-out.state -Dlong.test=IncrementTest,DataCleansingTest -Dlong.running.namespace=testNamespace

Here, -Dlong.test is used to specify multiple comma separated tests. -Dlong.running.namespace is used to specify namespace name for all long running tests. If not specified, 'Default' namespace will be used.

CDAP perf-tests

For running generic database plugin test: ` mvn clean test -P perf-tests -Dtest=DBBaseTest -Ddatabase.connectionString="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/demo" \ -Ddatabase.importQuery="SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE $CONDITIONS" \ -Ddatabase.driverName=mysql -Ddatabase.user=root -Ddatabase.password=mysql \ -Ddatabase.sinkTable=sink_table \ `

For running specific database plugin test: ` mvn clean test -P perf-tests -Dtest=DBSpecificTest"localhost" -Ddatabase.port=35021 \ -Ddatabase.database=EE -Ddatabase.importQuery="SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE $CONDITIONS" -Ddatabase.driverName=oracle \ -Ddatabase.user=ora -Ddatabase.password=cdap -Ddatabase.sinkTable=sink_table -Ddatabase.pluginName=Oracle `

Chaos Monkey in ITN

Tests that extend DisruptionTestBase can use getClusterDisruptor() to get an instance of ChaosMonkeyService. ContinuousCounterTest can be used as a reference for testing with chaos monkey.

To locally run tests with DisruptionTestBase:

mvn clean test -DinstanceUri=<HostAndPort><CooprClusterID>

Additional properties include:

ssh.username - ssh username, if it different from system user
ssh.passphrase - private key passphrase, if applicable
ssh.private.key - path to the private key, will check common key spots like ~/.ssh/id_rsa if not provided

To run a test using DisruptionTestBase against a non-Coopr cluster, refer to for steps in cluster information collector setup

To run a disruption test on bamboo, add the test to DisruptionTests in DisruptionTestSuite and manually launch a run from Integration Tests - Disruption

License and Trademarks

Copyright © 2015 Cask Data, Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Cask is a trademark of Cask Data, Inc. All rights reserved.