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Releases: cda-tum/mqt-qcec

Version 1.10.4: Bugfix Release

07 Jan 15:09
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What's Changed

  • 🍎 Revert to building separate instead of universal binaries and wheels by @burgholzer in #16
  • Bump DoozyX/clang-format-lint-action from 0.12 to 0.13 by @dependabot in #20
  • Bump pypa/cibuildwheel from 2.3.0 to 2.3.1 by @dependabot in #18
  • Bump codecov/codecov-action from 1 to 2.1.0 by @dependabot in #19
  • Bump extern/qfr from 06da5bc to 49f5923 by @dependabot in #17

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.10.3...v1.10.4

Version 1.10.3 Release

04 Dec 19:54
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This release adds the improvements from #12, #13, and #14:

  • ✨ adds the opt-in functionality for verifying dynamic circuits via translating such circuits to static ones.
  • ✨ add reorder operations pass to pre-processing
  • ✨ add functionality to compare the resulting DD to the identity with a given threshold
  • ✨ introduce new optimization that tries to cancel identical operations in the alternating strategy whenever possible
  • 🏗️ switch to PEP 517 pyproject.toml
  • 🐛 🍎: deploying under macOS now produces fat binaries (i.e., for x86_64 and arm64 architectures). This allows to effectively build universal2 wheels for Python 3.8 onwards and eventually makes the wheels work on M1-based Macs

Version 1.10.2 Bugfix Release

05 Nov 10:41
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This small bugfix release adds:

Version 1.10.1 Release

21 Oct 13:50
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This release adds a couple of minor new features and fixes. In particular:

  • ✨/🐛 ancillary registers and c3x/c4x gates are now supported in Qiskit QuantumCircuit objects
  • -march=native -mtune=native is actually enabled for source builds via pip
  • ⚡ now runs on as many threads as available
  • 🚀 added Python 3.10 wheels
  • 📝 updated documentation

Version 1.10.0 Release

31 Aug 11:08
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A lot of (mostly minor) updates have happened since the last QCEC release. This minor release brings QCEC up-to-date. For a detailed list of changes, see (#8).

With this release, we additionally provide Python wheels for Apple Silicon.

Version 1.9.1 Release

31 May 15:07
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This minor release enables the new sorted buckets feature of the DDPackage submodule which should increase performance across the board.

Version 1.9.0 Release

07 May 11:06
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This release adapts the QCEC library to work with the new JKQ DD Package version released recently.
Performance of all decision diagram-based routines is expected to improve (especially those based on simulation).

✨ dynamic DD package size
✨ separate VectorDD and MatrixDD classes
⚡ improved garbage collection
⚡ improved memory allocation
⚡ improved hashing
🔥 removed line
🔥 validInstance removed as such errors are now captured at the QFR level

Version 1.8.1 Release

27 Apr 13:34
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This release acts as a tag for the last version of the JKQ QCEC repository that uses the old JKQ DD Package.
Future releases will use JKQ DD Package version 2.0 and higher.

Version 1.8.0 Release

10 Mar 16:29
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Major refactoring for future developments

  • Python bindings now expose more of the underlying library (Configuration, Results, etc.):
from jkq.qcec import *

config = Configuration()
<...>  # set configuration options
results = verify(circ1, circ2, config)
  • In analogy to the research, the following methods (config.method) can now be configured:
    • reference
    • G_I_Gp (default)
    • simulation
  • The following strategies (config.strategy) are available for the G \rightarrow \mathbb{I} \leftarrow G' method:
    • naive
    • proportional (default)
    • lookahead
    • compilationflow
  • The following types of stimuli (config.stimuli_type) are available for the simulation-based method:
    • classical (default)
    • localquantum
    • globalquantum
  • verify() now returns a Results instance instead of internally storing the result
  • Printing of JSON (results.json()) or CSV information (results.csv()) is laid off to the results object of the equivalence check
  • Runtime information is split into preprocessing and verification time
  • Single-qubit gate fusion and SWAP reconstruction are enabled per default
  • Statistics are included in the results per default

Version 1.7.3 Release

16 Feb 16:37
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This minor release fixes a major issue with the deployed Python wheels that could cause (binary) incompatibilities with certain machines.

It also adds many under-the-hood changes/improvements to the underlying CMake project structure:

  • CMake minimum version raised to 3.13
  • C++ standard raised to C++17
  • Submodules are no longer handled in CMake
  • Library installation options have been removed