- Added support for the Pixhawk+APM stack instead of the APM+old APM stack
- Renamed teleop_xbox to teleop_joy and refactored it for the new stack
- Organized content into two packages: bluerov and bluerov_apps
- Moved documentation to ROS wiki
- Added udev rules for the xbox controller and f310 controller
- Last planned release for APM support
- Fixed CMD_DO_SET_SERVO is not a member compile error to due to unexpected update from dependency packages
- Updated URL for the APM software
- Updated document ahead of public announcement
- Added dynamic reconfigure to simple_pilot node to control biases
- Added buoyancy_control offset in simple_pilot node to account positive or negative buoyancy.
- Removed mavros arming command from teleop_xbox node since APMrover wasn't listening to it anyway
- Added hazard enable/disable behavior between teleop_xbox and simple_pilot nodes
- Migrated teleop_xbox node from [mecanumbot-ros-pkg](https://github.com/joshvillbrandt/mecanumbot-ros-pkg)
- Added dynamic reconfigure to teleop_xbox
- Added simple_pilot node which sends thruster commands over MAVLink
- Added ROS installation documentation for the ROV computer and the workstation computer
- Added documentation
- Added launch files
- Added RQT configuration file