Objectfs supports integration testing with S3, Azure and Swift storage (Test client initialisation).
To run integration tests follow steps below:
- Install
plugin and required SDK libraries. - Initialise php unit environment:
php admin/tool/phpunit/cli/init.php
- Set integration credentials in
for one of the supported storage:
- S3:
$CFG->phpunit_objectfs_s3_integration_test_credentials = array(
's3_key' => 'Your key',
's3_secret' => 'Your secret',
's3_bucket' => 'Your bucket',
's3_region' => 'Your region',
- Azure (deprecated API):
$CFG->phpunit_objectfs_azure_integration_test_credentials = array(
'azure_accountname' => 'Your account name',
'azure_container' => 'Your container',
'azure_sastoken' => 'Your sas token',
- Azure Blob Storage:
$CFG->phpunit_objectfs_azure_blob_storage_integration_test_credentials = [
'azure_accountname' => 'Your account name',
'azure_container' => 'Your container',
'azure_sastoken' => 'Your sas token',
- Swift:
$CFG->phpunit_objectfs_swift_integration_test_credentials = array(
'openstack_authurl' => 'Your auth URL',
'openstack_region' => 'Your region',
'openstack_container' => 'Your container',
'openstack_username' => 'Your username',
'openstack_password' => 'Your password',
'openstack_tenantname' => 'Your tenantname',
'openstack_projectid' => 'Your project ID',
- Run Objectfs tests:
vendor/bin/phpunit -c admin/tool/objectfs/
- To run tests for core subsystems or other plugins that make use of the filesystem against Objectfs, add the following to config.php:
$CFG->alternative_file_system_class = '\tool_objectfs\tests\test_file_system';