diff --git a/barsim.html b/barsim.html
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index 0000000..38ca552
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+++ b/barsim.html
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+ Bar scenario simulation
diff --git a/barsim.py b/barsim.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f2fe18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/barsim.py
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+# An Event-based Simulation by Carlos Forster (c) 2024
+# Model of a Bar
+import random
+import heapq
+copos_limpos=["c1", "c2", "c3", "c4", "c5"]
+garcom_disponivel=["g1", "g2"]
+def info(time, text):
+ print(f"{time:06.2f}: {text}")
+class Simulation:
+ clock = []
+ now = 0
+ animation=[]
+ def sched(self, time, tup):
+ heapq.heappush(self.clock, (self.now+time,tup))
+ def next_event(self):
+ newtime, tup = heapq.heappop(self.clock)
+ self.now = newtime
+ return tup
+ def remove_event(self, element):
+ self.clock.remove(element)
+ heapq.heapify(self.clock)
+ def go(self):
+ self.sched(0, ('start',) )
+ self.animation_frame()
+ while True:
+ if self.now>300: return # stops simulation at 300
+ again = 1
+ while again:
+ again=0
+ while aguarda_servir and copos_limpos and garcom_disponivel:
+ cliente = aguarda_servir.pop()
+ copo = copos_limpos.pop()
+ garcom = garcom_disponivel.pop()
+ self.sched(random.uniform(10, 12), ('servir',cliente,copo,garcom))
+ info(self.now,f"Garçom {garcom} atendeu {cliente.name}.")
+ self.animation_frame()
+ again =1
+ while copos_sujos and garcom_disponivel:
+ copo = copos_sujos.pop()
+ garcom = garcom_disponivel.pop()
+ self.sched(random.uniform(3, 4), ('lavar', copo, garcom))
+ self.animation_frame()
+ again =1
+ try:
+ ev = self.next_event()
+ except:
+ return # nothing to do, simulation finished
+ if ev[0] == 'cliente_chega':
+ cliente = Cliente()
+ if cliente.name[-1]=="9": continue # stop at 8
+ info(self.now,f"{cliente.name} chegou.")
+ aguarda_servir.append(cliente)
+ self.sched(random.expovariate(1.0/10),('cliente_chega',))
+ elif ev[0] == 'servir':
+ _, cliente, copo, garcom = ev
+ aguarda_beber.append(cliente)
+ copos_em_uso.append(copo)
+ garcom_disponivel.append(garcom)
+ info(self.now, f"{cliente.name} bebendo {copo}.")
+ self.sched(random.uniform(20, 22), ('beber', cliente, copo))
+ elif ev[0] == 'beber':
+ _, cliente, copo = ev
+ aguarda_beber.remove(cliente)
+ if random.random() > 0.3:
+ aguarda_servir.append(cliente)
+ else:
+ info(self.now,f"{cliente.name} se foi.")
+ pass #cliente vai embora
+ copos_em_uso.remove(copo)
+ copos_sujos.append(copo)
+ elif ev[0] == 'lavar':
+ _,copo, garcom = ev
+ garcom_disponivel.append(garcom)
+ copos_limpos.append(copo)
+ info(self.now, f"Copo {copo} lavado por {garcom}.")
+ elif ev[0] == 'start':
+ self.sched(0, ('cliente_chega',) )
+ else:
+ print(f"Unrecogized event {ev[0]}.")
+ return
+ self.animation_frame()
+ def animation_frame(self):
+ frame=[]
+ for cli in aguarda_servir: frame.append("cli"+cli.name[-1]+"w")
+ for cli in aguarda_beber: frame.append("cli"+cli.name[-1]+"b")
+ for c in copos_sujos: frame.append(c+"s")
+ for c in copos_limpos: frame.append(c+"l")
+ for c in copos_em_uso: frame.append(c+"u")
+ for g in garcom_disponivel: frame.append(g)
+ for _,ev in self.clock:
+ if ev[0]=='servir':
+ _, cliente, copo, garcom = ev
+ frame.append("cli"+cliente.name[-1]+"s")
+ frame.append(garcom+"s")
+ frame.append(copo+"u")
+ if ev[0]=='lavar':
+ _,copo, garcom = ev
+ frame.append(garcom+"l")
+ frame.append(copo+"s")
+ if ev[0]=='beber':
+ _, cliente, copo = ev
+ frame.append(copo+"u")
+ self.animation.append(frame)
+class Cliente:
+ cont = 0
+ def __init__(self):
+ Cliente.cont += 1
+ self.name =f"Cliente{Cliente.cont}"
+sim = Simulation()
+with open("bartemplate.html","r") as f:
+ template=f.read()
+with open("barsim.svg","r") as f:
+ svgtemplate=f.read()
+with open("barsim.html", "w") as f:
+ f.write(template
+ .replace("XXXXX",str(sim.animation))
+ .replace("YYYYY",svgtemplate)
+ )
diff --git a/barsim.svg b/barsim.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d1061f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/barsim.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,1020 @@
diff --git a/bartemplate.html b/bartemplate.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbc66dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bartemplate.html
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+ Bar scenario simulation