From c40156b0af0cd628cd81eadcb3f1defe71623761 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: CampusX <>
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2021 18:46:00 +0530
Subject: [PATCH] Add files via upload
--- | 60 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
notebook86c26b4f17.ipynb | 1 +
2 files changed, 61 insertions(+)
create mode 100644
create mode 100644 notebook86c26b4f17.ipynb
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4ecae4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+import pickle
+import streamlit as st
+import requests
+def fetch_poster(movie_id):
+ url = "{}?api_key=8265bd1679663a7ea12ac168da84d2e8&language=en-US".format(movie_id)
+ data = requests.get(url)
+ data = data.json()
+ poster_path = data['poster_path']
+ full_path = "" + poster_path
+ return full_path
+def recommend(movie):
+ index = movies[movies['title'] == movie].index[0]
+ distances = sorted(list(enumerate(similarity[index])), reverse=True, key=lambda x: x[1])
+ recommended_movie_names = []
+ recommended_movie_posters = []
+ for i in distances[1:6]:
+ # fetch the movie poster
+ movie_id = movies.iloc[i[0]].movie_id
+ recommended_movie_posters.append(fetch_poster(movie_id))
+ recommended_movie_names.append(movies.iloc[i[0]].title)
+ return recommended_movie_names,recommended_movie_posters
+st.header('Movie Recommender System')
+movies = pickle.load(open('model/movie_list.pkl','rb'))
+similarity = pickle.load(open('model/similarity.pkl','rb'))
+movie_list = movies['title'].values
+selected_movie = st.selectbox(
+ "Type or select a movie from the dropdown",
+ movie_list
+if st.button('Show Recommendation'):
+ recommended_movie_names,recommended_movie_posters = recommend(selected_movie)
+ col1, col2, col3, col4, col5 = st.beta_columns(5)
+ with col1:
+ st.text(recommended_movie_names[0])
+ st.image(recommended_movie_posters[0])
+ with col2:
+ st.text(recommended_movie_names[1])
+ st.image(recommended_movie_posters[1])
+ with col3:
+ st.text(recommended_movie_names[2])
+ st.image(recommended_movie_posters[2])
+ with col4:
+ st.text(recommended_movie_names[3])
+ st.image(recommended_movie_posters[3])
+ with col5:
+ st.text(recommended_movie_names[4])
+ st.image(recommended_movie_posters[4])
diff --git a/notebook86c26b4f17.ipynb b/notebook86c26b4f17.ipynb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5573ee1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notebook86c26b4f17.ipynb
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"metadata":{"kernelspec":{"language":"python","display_name":"Python 3","name":"python3"},"language_info":{"name":"python","version":"3.7.10","mimetype":"text/x-python","codemirror_mode":{"name":"ipython","version":3},"pygments_lexer":"ipython3","nbconvert_exporter":"python","file_extension":".py"}},"nbformat_minor":4,"nbformat":4,"cells":[{"cell_type":"code","source":"# This Python 3 environment comes with many helpful analytics libraries installed\n# It is defined by the kaggle/python Docker image:\n# For example, here's several helpful packages to load\n\nimport numpy as np # linear algebra\nimport pandas as pd # data processing, CSV file I/O (e.g. pd.read_csv)\n\n# Input data files are available in the read-only \"../input/\" directory\n# For example, running this (by clicking run or pressing Shift+Enter) will list all files under the input directory\n\nimport os\nfor dirname, _, filenames in os.walk('/kaggle/input'):\n for filename in filenames:\n print(os.path.join(dirname, filename))\n\n# You can write up to 20GB to the current directory (/kaggle/working/) that gets preserved as output when you create a version using \"Save & Run All\" \n# You can also write temporary files to /kaggle/temp/, but they won't be saved outside of the current session","metadata":{"_uuid":"8f2839f25d086af736a60e9eeb907d3b93b6e0e5","_cell_guid":"b1076dfc-b9ad-4769-8c92-a6c4dae69d19","execution":{"iopub.status.busy":"2021-06-21T12:32:55.393741Z","iopub.execute_input":"2021-06-21T12:32:55.394360Z","iopub.status.idle":"2021-06-21T12:32:55.415999Z","shell.execute_reply.started":"2021-06-21T12:32:55.394257Z","shell.execute_reply":"2021-06-21T12:32:55.414664Z"},"trusted":true},"execution_count":1,"outputs":[{"name":"stdout","text":"/kaggle/input/tmdb-movie-metadata/tmdb_5000_movies.csv\n/kaggle/input/tmdb-movie-metadata/tmdb_5000_credits.csv\n","output_type":"stream"}]},{"cell_type":"code","source":"movies = pd.read_csv('/kaggle/input/tmdb-movie-metadata/tmdb_5000_movies.csv')\ncredits = pd.read_csv('/kaggle/input/tmdb-movie-metadata/tmdb_5000_credits.csv') ","metadata":{"execution":{"iopub.status.busy":"2021-06-21T12:36:31.347717Z","iopub.execute_input":"2021-06-21T12:36:31.348105Z","iopub.status.idle":"2021-06-21T12:36:32.003856Z","shell.execute_reply.started":"2021-06-21T12:36:31.348073Z","shell.execute_reply":"2021-06-21T12:36:32.002744Z"},"trusted":true},"execution_count":30,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"code","source":"movies.head(2)","metadata":{"execution":{"iopub.status.busy":"2021-06-21T12:36:33.757346Z","iopub.execute_input":"2021-06-21T12:36:33.757778Z","iopub.status.idle":"2021-06-21T12:36:33.781729Z","shell.execute_reply.started":"2021-06-21T12:36:33.757743Z","shell.execute_reply":"2021-06-21T12:36:33.780738Z"},"trusted":true},"execution_count":31,"outputs":[{"execution_count":31,"output_type":"execute_result","data":{"text/plain":" budget genres \\\n0 237000000 [{\"id\": 28, \"name\": \"Action\"}, {\"id\": 12, \"nam... \n1 300000000 [{\"id\": 12, \"name\": \"Adventure\"}, {\"id\": 14, \"... \n\n homepage id \\\n0 19995 \n1 285 \n\n keywords original_language \\\n0 [{\"id\": 1463, \"name\": \"culture clash\"}, {\"id\":... en \n1 [{\"id\": 270, \"name\": \"ocean\"}, {\"id\": 726, \"na... en \n\n original_title \\\n0 Avatar \n1 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End \n\n overview popularity \\\n0 In the 22nd century, a paraplegic Marine is di... 150.437577 \n1 Captain Barbossa, long believed to be dead, ha... 139.082615 \n\n production_companies \\\n0 [{\"name\": \"Ingenious Film Partners\", \"id\": 289... \n1 [{\"name\": \"Walt Disney Pictures\", \"id\": 2}, {\"... \n\n production_countries release_date revenue \\\n0 [{\"iso_3166_1\": \"US\", \"name\": \"United States o... 2009-12-10 2787965087 \n1 [{\"iso_3166_1\": \"US\", \"name\": \"United States o... 2007-05-19 961000000 \n\n runtime spoken_languages status \\\n0 162.0 [{\"iso_639_1\": \"en\", \"name\": \"English\"}, {\"iso... Released \n1 169.0 [{\"iso_639_1\": \"en\", \"name\": \"English\"}] Released \n\n tagline \\\n0 Enter the World of Pandora. \n1 At the end of the world, the adventure begins. \n\n title vote_average vote_count \n0 Avatar 7.2 11800 \n1 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End 6.9 4500 ","text/html":"
\n \n \n | \n budget | \n genres | \n homepage | \n id | \n keywords | \n original_language | \n original_title | \n overview | \n popularity | \n production_companies | \n production_countries | \n release_date | \n revenue | \n runtime | \n spoken_languages | \n status | \n tagline | \n title | \n vote_average | \n vote_count | \n
\n \n \n \n 0 | \n 237000000 | \n [{\"id\": 28, \"name\": \"Action\"}, {\"id\": 12, \"nam... | \n | \n 19995 | \n [{\"id\": 1463, \"name\": \"culture clash\"}, {\"id\":... | \n en | \n Avatar | \n In the 22nd century, a paraplegic Marine is di... | \n 150.437577 | \n [{\"name\": \"Ingenious Film Partners\", \"id\": 289... | \n [{\"iso_3166_1\": \"US\", \"name\": \"United States o... | \n 2009-12-10 | \n 2787965087 | \n 162.0 | \n [{\"iso_639_1\": \"en\", \"name\": \"English\"}, {\"iso... | \n Released | \n Enter the World of Pandora. | \n Avatar | \n 7.2 | \n 11800 | \n
\n \n 1 | \n 300000000 | \n [{\"id\": 12, \"name\": \"Adventure\"}, {\"id\": 14, \"... | \n | \n 285 | \n [{\"id\": 270, \"name\": \"ocean\"}, {\"id\": 726, \"na... | \n en | \n Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End | \n Captain Barbossa, long believed to be dead, ha... | \n 139.082615 | \n [{\"name\": \"Walt Disney Pictures\", \"id\": 2}, {\"... | \n [{\"iso_3166_1\": \"US\", \"name\": \"United States o... | \n 2007-05-19 | \n 961000000 | \n 169.0 | \n [{\"iso_639_1\": \"en\", \"name\": \"English\"}] | \n Released | \n At the end of the world, the adventure begins. | \n Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End | \n 6.9 | \n 4500 | \n
\n \n
"},"metadata":{}}]},{"cell_type":"code","source":"movies.shape","metadata":{"execution":{"iopub.status.busy":"2021-06-21T12:33:06.307921Z","iopub.execute_input":"2021-06-21T12:33:06.308311Z","iopub.status.idle":"2021-06-21T12:33:06.316052Z","shell.execute_reply.started":"2021-06-21T12:33:06.308279Z","shell.execute_reply":"2021-06-21T12:33:06.314903Z"},"trusted":true},"execution_count":4,"outputs":[{"execution_count":4,"output_type":"execute_result","data":{"text/plain":"(4803, 20)"},"metadata":{}}]},{"cell_type":"code","source":"credits.head()","metadata":{"execution":{"iopub.status.busy":"2021-06-21T12:33:08.787389Z","iopub.execute_input":"2021-06-21T12:33:08.787791Z","iopub.status.idle":"2021-06-21T12:33:08.800864Z","shell.execute_reply.started":"2021-06-21T12:33:08.787758Z","shell.execute_reply":"2021-06-21T12:33:08.799834Z"},"trusted":true},"execution_count":5,"outputs":[{"execution_count":5,"output_type":"execute_result","data":{"text/plain":" movie_id title \\\n0 19995 Avatar \n1 285 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End \n2 206647 Spectre \n3 49026 The Dark Knight Rises \n4 49529 John Carter \n\n cast \\\n0 [{\"cast_id\": 242, \"character\": \"Jake Sully\", \"... \n1 [{\"cast_id\": 4, \"character\": \"Captain Jack Spa... \n2 [{\"cast_id\": 1, \"character\": \"James Bond\", \"cr... \n3 [{\"cast_id\": 2, \"character\": \"Bruce Wayne / Ba... \n4 [{\"cast_id\": 5, \"character\": \"John Carter\", \"c... \n\n crew \n0 [{\"credit_id\": \"52fe48009251416c750aca23\", \"de... \n1 [{\"credit_id\": \"52fe4232c3a36847f800b579\", \"de... \n2 [{\"credit_id\": \"54805967c3a36829b5002c41\", \"de... \n3 [{\"credit_id\": \"52fe4781c3a36847f81398c3\", \"de... \n4 [{\"credit_id\": \"52fe479ac3a36847f813eaa3\", \"de... ","text/html":"\n\n
\n \n \n | \n movie_id | \n title | \n cast | \n crew | \n
\n \n \n \n 0 | \n 19995 | \n Avatar | \n [{\"cast_id\": 242, \"character\": \"Jake Sully\", \"... | \n [{\"credit_id\": \"52fe48009251416c750aca23\", \"de... | \n
\n \n 1 | \n 285 | \n Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End | \n [{\"cast_id\": 4, \"character\": \"Captain Jack Spa... | \n [{\"credit_id\": \"52fe4232c3a36847f800b579\", \"de... | \n
\n \n 2 | \n 206647 | \n Spectre | \n [{\"cast_id\": 1, \"character\": \"James Bond\", \"cr... | \n [{\"credit_id\": \"54805967c3a36829b5002c41\", \"de... | \n
\n \n 3 | \n 49026 | \n The Dark Knight Rises | \n [{\"cast_id\": 2, \"character\": \"Bruce Wayne / Ba... | \n [{\"credit_id\": \"52fe4781c3a36847f81398c3\", \"de... | \n
\n \n 4 | \n 49529 | \n John Carter | \n [{\"cast_id\": 5, \"character\": \"John Carter\", \"c... | \n [{\"credit_id\": \"52fe479ac3a36847f813eaa3\", \"de... | \n
\n \n
"},"metadata":{}}]},{"cell_type":"code","source":"movies = movies.merge(credits,on='title')","metadata":{"execution":{"iopub.status.busy":"2021-06-21T12:36:38.686521Z","iopub.execute_input":"2021-06-21T12:36:38.687005Z","iopub.status.idle":"2021-06-21T12:36:38.713343Z","shell.execute_reply.started":"2021-06-21T12:36:38.686963Z","shell.execute_reply":"2021-06-21T12:36:38.711939Z"},"trusted":true},"execution_count":32,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"code","source":"movies.head()\n# budget\n# homepage\n# id\n# original_language\n# original_title\n# popularity\n# production_comapny\n# production_countries\n# release-date(not sure)","metadata":{"execution":{"iopub.status.busy":"2021-06-19T12:48:23.470187Z","iopub.execute_input":"2021-06-19T12:48:23.470754Z","iopub.status.idle":"2021-06-19T12:48:23.5041Z","shell.execute_reply.started":"2021-06-19T12:48:23.470724Z","shell.execute_reply":"2021-06-19T12:48:23.503327Z"},"trusted":true},"execution_count":null,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"code","source":"movies = movies[['movie_id','title','overview','genres','keywords','cast','crew']]","metadata":{"execution":{"iopub.status.busy":"2021-06-21T12:36:41.393326Z","iopub.execute_input":"2021-06-21T12:36:41.393733Z","iopub.status.idle":"2021-06-21T12:36:41.406883Z","shell.execute_reply.started":"2021-06-21T12:36:41.393699Z","shell.execute_reply":"2021-06-21T12:36:41.405822Z"},"trusted":true},"execution_count":33,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"code","source":"movies.head()","metadata":{"execution":{"iopub.status.busy":"2021-06-21T12:33:39.516481Z","iopub.execute_input":"2021-06-21T12:33:39.517061Z","iopub.status.idle":"2021-06-21T12:33:39.532499Z","shell.execute_reply.started":"2021-06-21T12:33:39.517012Z","shell.execute_reply":"2021-06-21T12:33:39.531584Z"},"trusted":true},"execution_count":8,"outputs":[{"execution_count":8,"output_type":"execute_result","data":{"text/plain":" movie_id title \\\n0 19995 Avatar \n1 285 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End \n2 206647 Spectre \n3 49026 The Dark Knight Rises \n4 49529 John Carter \n\n overview \\\n0 In the 22nd century, a paraplegic Marine is di... \n1 Captain Barbossa, long believed to be dead, ha... \n2 A cryptic message from Bond’s past sends him o... \n3 Following the death of District Attorney Harve... \n4 John Carter is a war-weary, former military ca... \n\n genres \\\n0 [{\"id\": 28, \"name\": \"Action\"}, {\"id\": 12, \"nam... \n1 [{\"id\": 12, \"name\": \"Adventure\"}, {\"id\": 14, \"... \n2 [{\"id\": 28, \"name\": \"Action\"}, {\"id\": 12, \"nam... \n3 [{\"id\": 28, \"name\": \"Action\"}, {\"id\": 80, \"nam... \n4 [{\"id\": 28, \"name\": \"Action\"}, {\"id\": 12, \"nam... \n\n keywords \\\n0 [{\"id\": 1463, \"name\": \"culture clash\"}, {\"id\":... \n1 [{\"id\": 270, \"name\": \"ocean\"}, {\"id\": 726, \"na... \n2 [{\"id\": 470, \"name\": \"spy\"}, {\"id\": 818, \"name... \n3 [{\"id\": 849, \"name\": \"dc comics\"}, {\"id\": 853,... \n4 [{\"id\": 818, \"name\": \"based on novel\"}, {\"id\":... \n\n cast \\\n0 [{\"cast_id\": 242, \"character\": \"Jake Sully\", \"... \n1 [{\"cast_id\": 4, \"character\": \"Captain Jack Spa... \n2 [{\"cast_id\": 1, \"character\": \"James Bond\", \"cr... \n3 [{\"cast_id\": 2, \"character\": \"Bruce Wayne / Ba... \n4 [{\"cast_id\": 5, \"character\": \"John Carter\", \"c... \n\n crew \n0 [{\"credit_id\": \"52fe48009251416c750aca23\", \"de... \n1 [{\"credit_id\": \"52fe4232c3a36847f800b579\", \"de... \n2 [{\"credit_id\": \"54805967c3a36829b5002c41\", \"de... \n3 [{\"credit_id\": \"52fe4781c3a36847f81398c3\", \"de... \n4 [{\"credit_id\": \"52fe479ac3a36847f813eaa3\", \"de... ","text/html":"\n\n
\n \n \n | \n movie_id | \n title | \n overview | \n genres | \n keywords | \n cast | \n crew | \n
\n \n \n \n 0 | \n 19995 | \n Avatar | \n In the 22nd century, a paraplegic Marine is di... | \n [{\"id\": 28, \"name\": \"Action\"}, {\"id\": 12, \"nam... | \n [{\"id\": 1463, \"name\": \"culture clash\"}, {\"id\":... | \n [{\"cast_id\": 242, \"character\": \"Jake Sully\", \"... | \n [{\"credit_id\": \"52fe48009251416c750aca23\", \"de... | \n
\n \n 1 | \n 285 | \n Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End | \n Captain Barbossa, long believed to be dead, ha... | \n [{\"id\": 12, \"name\": \"Adventure\"}, {\"id\": 14, \"... | \n [{\"id\": 270, \"name\": \"ocean\"}, {\"id\": 726, \"na... | \n [{\"cast_id\": 4, \"character\": \"Captain Jack Spa... | \n [{\"credit_id\": \"52fe4232c3a36847f800b579\", \"de... | \n
\n \n 2 | \n 206647 | \n Spectre | \n A cryptic message from Bond’s past sends him o... | \n [{\"id\": 28, \"name\": \"Action\"}, {\"id\": 12, \"nam... | \n [{\"id\": 470, \"name\": \"spy\"}, {\"id\": 818, \"name... | \n [{\"cast_id\": 1, \"character\": \"James Bond\", \"cr... | \n [{\"credit_id\": \"54805967c3a36829b5002c41\", \"de... | \n
\n \n 3 | \n 49026 | \n The Dark Knight Rises | \n Following the death of District Attorney Harve... | \n [{\"id\": 28, \"name\": \"Action\"}, {\"id\": 80, \"nam... | \n [{\"id\": 849, \"name\": \"dc comics\"}, {\"id\": 853,... | \n [{\"cast_id\": 2, \"character\": \"Bruce Wayne / Ba... | \n [{\"credit_id\": \"52fe4781c3a36847f81398c3\", \"de... | \n
\n \n 4 | \n 49529 | \n John Carter | \n John Carter is a war-weary, former military ca... | \n [{\"id\": 28, \"name\": \"Action\"}, {\"id\": 12, \"nam... | \n [{\"id\": 818, \"name\": \"based on novel\"}, {\"id\":... | \n [{\"cast_id\": 5, \"character\": \"John Carter\", \"c... | \n [{\"credit_id\": \"52fe479ac3a36847f813eaa3\", \"de... | \n
\n \n
"},"metadata":{}}]},{"cell_type":"code","source":"import ast","metadata":{"execution":{"iopub.status.busy":"2021-06-21T12:34:19.382331Z","iopub.execute_input":"2021-06-21T12:34:19.382856Z","iopub.status.idle":"2021-06-21T12:34:19.387416Z","shell.execute_reply.started":"2021-06-21T12:34:19.382822Z","shell.execute_reply":"2021-06-21T12:34:19.386451Z"},"trusted":true},"execution_count":12,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"code","source":"def convert(text):\n L = []\n for i in ast.literal_eval(text):\n L.append(i['name']) \n return L ","metadata":{"execution":{"iopub.status.busy":"2021-06-21T12:36:47.539904Z","iopub.execute_input":"2021-06-21T12:36:47.540453Z","iopub.status.idle":"2021-06-21T12:36:47.545014Z","shell.execute_reply.started":"2021-06-21T12:36:47.540418Z","shell.execute_reply":"2021-06-21T12:36:47.544243Z"},"trusted":true},"execution_count":34,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"code","source":"movies.dropna(inplace=True)","metadata":{"execution":{"iopub.status.busy":"2021-06-21T12:36:50.059006Z","iopub.execute_input":"2021-06-21T12:36:50.059538Z","iopub.status.idle":"2021-06-21T12:36:50.073095Z","shell.execute_reply.started":"2021-06-21T12:36:50.059504Z","shell.execute_reply":"2021-06-21T12:36:50.071577Z"},"trusted":true},"execution_count":35,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"code","source":"movies['genres'] = movies['genres'].apply(convert)\nmovies.head()","metadata":{"execution":{"iopub.status.busy":"2021-06-21T12:36:52.343645Z","iopub.execute_input":"2021-06-21T12:36:52.344121Z","iopub.status.idle":"2021-06-21T12:36:52.523910Z","shell.execute_reply.started":"2021-06-21T12:36:52.344082Z","shell.execute_reply":"2021-06-21T12:36:52.522805Z"},"trusted":true},"execution_count":36,"outputs":[{"execution_count":36,"output_type":"execute_result","data":{"text/plain":" movie_id title \\\n0 19995 Avatar \n1 285 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End \n2 206647 Spectre \n3 49026 The Dark Knight Rises \n4 49529 John Carter \n\n overview \\\n0 In the 22nd century, a paraplegic Marine is di... \n1 Captain Barbossa, long believed to be dead, ha... \n2 A cryptic message from Bond’s past sends him o... \n3 Following the death of District Attorney Harve... \n4 John Carter is a war-weary, former military ca... \n\n genres \\\n0 [Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Science Fiction] \n1 [Adventure, Fantasy, Action] \n2 [Action, Adventure, Crime] \n3 [Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller] \n4 [Action, Adventure, Science Fiction] \n\n keywords \\\n0 [{\"id\": 1463, \"name\": \"culture clash\"}, {\"id\":... \n1 [{\"id\": 270, \"name\": \"ocean\"}, {\"id\": 726, \"na... \n2 [{\"id\": 470, \"name\": \"spy\"}, {\"id\": 818, \"name... \n3 [{\"id\": 849, \"name\": \"dc comics\"}, {\"id\": 853,... \n4 [{\"id\": 818, \"name\": \"based on novel\"}, {\"id\":... \n\n cast \\\n0 [{\"cast_id\": 242, \"character\": \"Jake Sully\", \"... \n1 [{\"cast_id\": 4, \"character\": \"Captain Jack Spa... \n2 [{\"cast_id\": 1, \"character\": \"James Bond\", \"cr... \n3 [{\"cast_id\": 2, \"character\": \"Bruce Wayne / Ba... \n4 [{\"cast_id\": 5, \"character\": \"John Carter\", \"c... \n\n crew \n0 [{\"credit_id\": \"52fe48009251416c750aca23\", \"de... \n1 [{\"credit_id\": \"52fe4232c3a36847f800b579\", \"de... \n2 [{\"credit_id\": \"54805967c3a36829b5002c41\", \"de... \n3 [{\"credit_id\": \"52fe4781c3a36847f81398c3\", \"de... \n4 [{\"credit_id\": \"52fe479ac3a36847f813eaa3\", \"de... ","text/html":"\n\n
\n \n \n | \n movie_id | \n title | \n overview | \n genres | \n keywords | \n cast | \n crew | \n
\n \n \n \n 0 | \n 19995 | \n Avatar | \n In the 22nd century, a paraplegic Marine is di... | \n [Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Science Fiction] | \n [{\"id\": 1463, \"name\": \"culture clash\"}, {\"id\":... | \n [{\"cast_id\": 242, \"character\": \"Jake Sully\", \"... | \n [{\"credit_id\": \"52fe48009251416c750aca23\", \"de... | \n
\n \n 1 | \n 285 | \n Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End | \n Captain Barbossa, long believed to be dead, ha... | \n [Adventure, Fantasy, Action] | \n [{\"id\": 270, \"name\": \"ocean\"}, {\"id\": 726, \"na... | \n [{\"cast_id\": 4, \"character\": \"Captain Jack Spa... | \n [{\"credit_id\": \"52fe4232c3a36847f800b579\", \"de... | \n
\n \n 2 | \n 206647 | \n Spectre | \n A cryptic message from Bond’s past sends him o... | \n [Action, Adventure, Crime] | \n [{\"id\": 470, \"name\": \"spy\"}, {\"id\": 818, \"name... | \n [{\"cast_id\": 1, \"character\": \"James Bond\", \"cr... | \n [{\"credit_id\": \"54805967c3a36829b5002c41\", \"de... | \n
\n \n 3 | \n 49026 | \n The Dark Knight Rises | \n Following the death of District Attorney Harve... | \n [Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller] | \n [{\"id\": 849, \"name\": \"dc comics\"}, {\"id\": 853,... | \n [{\"cast_id\": 2, \"character\": \"Bruce Wayne / Ba... | \n [{\"credit_id\": \"52fe4781c3a36847f81398c3\", \"de... | \n
\n \n 4 | \n 49529 | \n John Carter | \n John Carter is a war-weary, former military ca... | \n [Action, Adventure, Science Fiction] | \n [{\"id\": 818, \"name\": \"based on novel\"}, {\"id\":... | \n [{\"cast_id\": 5, \"character\": \"John Carter\", \"c... | \n [{\"credit_id\": \"52fe479ac3a36847f813eaa3\", \"de... | \n
\n \n
"},"metadata":{}}]},{"cell_type":"code","source":"movies['keywords'] = movies['keywords'].apply(convert)\nmovies.head()","metadata":{"execution":{"iopub.status.busy":"2021-06-21T12:36:55.304070Z","iopub.execute_input":"2021-06-21T12:36:55.304439Z","iopub.status.idle":"2021-06-21T12:36:55.738525Z","shell.execute_reply.started":"2021-06-21T12:36:55.304408Z","shell.execute_reply":"2021-06-21T12:36:55.737123Z"},"trusted":true},"execution_count":37,"outputs":[{"execution_count":37,"output_type":"execute_result","data":{"text/plain":" movie_id title \\\n0 19995 Avatar \n1 285 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End \n2 206647 Spectre \n3 49026 The Dark Knight Rises \n4 49529 John Carter \n\n overview \\\n0 In the 22nd century, a paraplegic Marine is di... \n1 Captain Barbossa, long believed to be dead, ha... \n2 A cryptic message from Bond’s past sends him o... \n3 Following the death of District Attorney Harve... \n4 John Carter is a war-weary, former military ca... \n\n genres \\\n0 [Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Science Fiction] \n1 [Adventure, Fantasy, Action] \n2 [Action, Adventure, Crime] \n3 [Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller] \n4 [Action, Adventure, Science Fiction] \n\n keywords \\\n0 [culture clash, future, space war, space colon... \n1 [ocean, drug abuse, exotic island, east india ... \n2 [spy, based on novel, secret agent, sequel, mi... \n3 [dc comics, crime fighter, terrorist, secret i... \n4 [based on novel, mars, medallion, space travel... \n\n cast \\\n0 [{\"cast_id\": 242, \"character\": \"Jake Sully\", \"... \n1 [{\"cast_id\": 4, \"character\": \"Captain Jack Spa... \n2 [{\"cast_id\": 1, \"character\": \"James Bond\", \"cr... \n3 [{\"cast_id\": 2, \"character\": \"Bruce Wayne / Ba... \n4 [{\"cast_id\": 5, \"character\": \"John Carter\", \"c... \n\n crew \n0 [{\"credit_id\": \"52fe48009251416c750aca23\", \"de... \n1 [{\"credit_id\": \"52fe4232c3a36847f800b579\", \"de... \n2 [{\"credit_id\": \"54805967c3a36829b5002c41\", \"de... \n3 [{\"credit_id\": \"52fe4781c3a36847f81398c3\", \"de... \n4 [{\"credit_id\": \"52fe479ac3a36847f813eaa3\", \"de... ","text/html":"\n\n
\n \n \n | \n movie_id | \n title | \n overview | \n genres | \n keywords | \n cast | \n crew | \n
\n \n \n \n 0 | \n 19995 | \n Avatar | \n In the 22nd century, a paraplegic Marine is di... | \n [Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Science Fiction] | \n [culture clash, future, space war, space colon... | \n [{\"cast_id\": 242, \"character\": \"Jake Sully\", \"... | \n [{\"credit_id\": \"52fe48009251416c750aca23\", \"de... | \n
\n \n 1 | \n 285 | \n Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End | \n Captain Barbossa, long believed to be dead, ha... | \n [Adventure, Fantasy, Action] | \n [ocean, drug abuse, exotic island, east india ... | \n [{\"cast_id\": 4, \"character\": \"Captain Jack Spa... | \n [{\"credit_id\": \"52fe4232c3a36847f800b579\", \"de... | \n
\n \n 2 | \n 206647 | \n Spectre | \n A cryptic message from Bond’s past sends him o... | \n [Action, Adventure, Crime] | \n [spy, based on novel, secret agent, sequel, mi... | \n [{\"cast_id\": 1, \"character\": \"James Bond\", \"cr... | \n [{\"credit_id\": \"54805967c3a36829b5002c41\", \"de... | \n
\n \n 3 | \n 49026 | \n The Dark Knight Rises | \n Following the death of District Attorney Harve... | \n [Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller] | \n [dc comics, crime fighter, terrorist, secret i... | \n [{\"cast_id\": 2, \"character\": \"Bruce Wayne / Ba... | \n [{\"credit_id\": \"52fe4781c3a36847f81398c3\", \"de... | \n
\n \n 4 | \n 49529 | \n John Carter | \n John Carter is a war-weary, former military ca... | \n [Action, Adventure, Science Fiction] | \n [based on novel, mars, medallion, space travel... | \n [{\"cast_id\": 5, \"character\": \"John Carter\", \"c... | \n [{\"credit_id\": \"52fe479ac3a36847f813eaa3\", \"de... | \n
\n \n
"},"metadata":{}}]},{"cell_type":"code","source":"import ast\nast.literal_eval('[{\"id\": 28, \"name\": \"Action\"}, {\"id\": 12, \"name\": \"Adventure\"}, {\"id\": 14, \"name\": \"Fantasy\"}, {\"id\": 878, \"name\": \"Science Fiction\"}]')","metadata":{"execution":{"iopub.status.busy":"2021-06-19T13:07:21.572154Z","iopub.execute_input":"2021-06-19T13:07:21.572473Z","iopub.status.idle":"2021-06-19T13:07:21.578686Z","shell.execute_reply.started":"2021-06-19T13:07:21.572446Z","shell.execute_reply":"2021-06-19T13:07:21.577661Z"},"trusted":true},"execution_count":null,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"code","source":"def convert3(text):\n L = []\n counter = 0\n for i in ast.literal_eval(text):\n if counter < 3:\n L.append(i['name'])\n counter+=1\n return L ","metadata":{"execution":{"iopub.status.busy":"2021-06-21T12:36:59.510859Z","iopub.execute_input":"2021-06-21T12:36:59.511226Z","iopub.status.idle":"2021-06-21T12:36:59.517043Z","shell.execute_reply.started":"2021-06-21T12:36:59.511192Z","shell.execute_reply":"2021-06-21T12:36:59.515878Z"},"trusted":true},"execution_count":38,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"code","source":"movies['cast'] = movies['cast'].apply(convert)\nmovies.head()","metadata":{"execution":{"iopub.status.busy":"2021-06-21T12:37:00.828661Z","iopub.execute_input":"2021-06-21T12:37:00.829409Z","iopub.status.idle":"2021-06-21T12:37:04.117090Z","shell.execute_reply.started":"2021-06-21T12:37:00.829355Z","shell.execute_reply":"2021-06-21T12:37:04.115822Z"},"trusted":true},"execution_count":39,"outputs":[{"execution_count":39,"output_type":"execute_result","data":{"text/plain":" movie_id title \\\n0 19995 Avatar \n1 285 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End \n2 206647 Spectre \n3 49026 The Dark Knight Rises \n4 49529 John Carter \n\n overview \\\n0 In the 22nd century, a paraplegic Marine is di... \n1 Captain Barbossa, long believed to be dead, ha... \n2 A cryptic message from Bond’s past sends him o... \n3 Following the death of District Attorney Harve... \n4 John Carter is a war-weary, former military ca... \n\n genres \\\n0 [Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Science Fiction] \n1 [Adventure, Fantasy, Action] \n2 [Action, Adventure, Crime] \n3 [Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller] \n4 [Action, Adventure, Science Fiction] \n\n keywords \\\n0 [culture clash, future, space war, space colon... \n1 [ocean, drug abuse, exotic island, east india ... \n2 [spy, based on novel, secret agent, sequel, mi... \n3 [dc comics, crime fighter, terrorist, secret i... \n4 [based on novel, mars, medallion, space travel... \n\n cast \\\n0 [Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Sigourney Weave... \n1 [Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightley, ... \n2 [Daniel Craig, Christoph Waltz, Léa Seydoux, R... \n3 [Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman, A... \n4 [Taylor Kitsch, Lynn Collins, Samantha Morton,... \n\n crew \n0 [{\"credit_id\": \"52fe48009251416c750aca23\", \"de... \n1 [{\"credit_id\": \"52fe4232c3a36847f800b579\", \"de... \n2 [{\"credit_id\": \"54805967c3a36829b5002c41\", \"de... \n3 [{\"credit_id\": \"52fe4781c3a36847f81398c3\", \"de... \n4 [{\"credit_id\": \"52fe479ac3a36847f813eaa3\", \"de... ","text/html":"\n\n
\n \n \n | \n movie_id | \n title | \n overview | \n genres | \n keywords | \n cast | \n crew | \n
\n \n \n \n 0 | \n 19995 | \n Avatar | \n In the 22nd century, a paraplegic Marine is di... | \n [Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Science Fiction] | \n [culture clash, future, space war, space colon... | \n [Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Sigourney Weave... | \n [{\"credit_id\": \"52fe48009251416c750aca23\", \"de... | \n
\n \n 1 | \n 285 | \n Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End | \n Captain Barbossa, long believed to be dead, ha... | \n [Adventure, Fantasy, Action] | \n [ocean, drug abuse, exotic island, east india ... | \n [Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightley, ... | \n [{\"credit_id\": \"52fe4232c3a36847f800b579\", \"de... | \n
\n \n 2 | \n 206647 | \n Spectre | \n A cryptic message from Bond’s past sends him o... | \n [Action, Adventure, Crime] | \n [spy, based on novel, secret agent, sequel, mi... | \n [Daniel Craig, Christoph Waltz, Léa Seydoux, R... | \n [{\"credit_id\": \"54805967c3a36829b5002c41\", \"de... | \n
\n \n 3 | \n 49026 | \n The Dark Knight Rises | \n Following the death of District Attorney Harve... | \n [Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller] | \n [dc comics, crime fighter, terrorist, secret i... | \n [Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman, A... | \n [{\"credit_id\": \"52fe4781c3a36847f81398c3\", \"de... | \n
\n \n 4 | \n 49529 | \n John Carter | \n John Carter is a war-weary, former military ca... | \n [Action, Adventure, Science Fiction] | \n [based on novel, mars, medallion, space travel... | \n [Taylor Kitsch, Lynn Collins, Samantha Morton,... | \n [{\"credit_id\": \"52fe479ac3a36847f813eaa3\", \"de... | \n
\n \n
"},"metadata":{}}]},{"cell_type":"code","source":"movies['cast'] = movies['cast'].apply(lambda x:x[0:3])","metadata":{"execution":{"iopub.status.busy":"2021-06-21T12:37:07.352464Z","iopub.execute_input":"2021-06-21T12:37:07.352886Z","iopub.status.idle":"2021-06-21T12:37:07.367808Z","shell.execute_reply.started":"2021-06-21T12:37:07.352854Z","shell.execute_reply":"2021-06-21T12:37:07.366250Z"},"trusted":true},"execution_count":40,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"code","source":"def fetch_director(text):\n L = []\n for i in ast.literal_eval(text):\n if i['job'] == 'Director':\n L.append(i['name'])\n return L ","metadata":{"execution":{"iopub.status.busy":"2021-06-21T12:37:09.762909Z","iopub.execute_input":"2021-06-21T12:37:09.763317Z","iopub.status.idle":"2021-06-21T12:37:09.770917Z","shell.execute_reply.started":"2021-06-21T12:37:09.763278Z","shell.execute_reply":"2021-06-21T12:37:09.770002Z"},"trusted":true},"execution_count":41,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"code","source":"movies['crew'] = movies['crew'].apply(fetch_director)","metadata":{"execution":{"iopub.status.busy":"2021-06-21T12:37:12.189921Z","iopub.execute_input":"2021-06-21T12:37:12.190468Z","iopub.status.idle":"2021-06-21T12:37:15.825662Z","shell.execute_reply.started":"2021-06-21T12:37:12.190407Z","shell.execute_reply":"2021-06-21T12:37:15.824562Z"},"trusted":true},"execution_count":42,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"code","source":"#movies['overview'] = movies['overview'].apply(lambda x:x.split())\nmovies.sample(5)","metadata":{"execution":{"iopub.status.busy":"2021-06-21T12:34:54.994397Z","iopub.execute_input":"2021-06-21T12:34:54.994779Z","iopub.status.idle":"2021-06-21T12:34:55.019276Z","shell.execute_reply.started":"2021-06-21T12:34:54.994738Z","shell.execute_reply":"2021-06-21T12:34:55.017718Z"},"trusted":true},"execution_count":22,"outputs":[{"execution_count":22,"output_type":"execute_result","data":{"text/plain":" movie_id title \\\n1183 9889 Shallow Hal \n4215 15976 The Bubble \n1571 22947 Up in the Air \n205 58574 Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows \n352 10674 Mulan \n\n overview \\\n1183 A shallow man falls in love with a 300 pound w... \n4215 The movie follows a group of young friends in ... \n1571 George Clooney plays the dry cynical character... \n205 There is a new criminal mastermind at large (P... \n352 A tomboyish girl disguises herself as a young ... \n\n genres \\\n1183 [Comedy, Romance] \n4215 [Drama, Romance] \n1571 [Drama, Romance] \n205 [Adventure, Action, Crime, Mystery] \n352 [Animation, Family, Adventure] \n\n keywords \\\n1183 [overweight, beauty, hypnosis, overweight man,... \n4215 [gay] \n1571 [suitcase, business, omaha, on the road, downs... \n205 [detective inspector, steampunk, criminal mast... \n352 [homeland, musical, training, daughter, cricke... \n\n cast \\\n1183 [Gwyneth Paltrow, Jack Black, Jason Alexander] \n4215 [Ohad Knoller, Yousef Sweid, Daniella Wircer] \n1571 [George Clooney, Vera Farmiga, Anna Kendrick] \n205 [Robert Downey Jr., Jude Law, Jared Harris] \n352 [Eddie Murphy, Jackie Chan, Ming-Na Wen] \n\n crew \n1183 [Bobby Farrelly, Peter Farrelly] \n4215 [Eytan Fox] \n1571 [Jason Reitman] \n205 [Guy Ritchie] \n352 [Tony Bancroft, Barry Cook] ","text/html":"\n\n
\n \n \n | \n movie_id | \n title | \n overview | \n genres | \n keywords | \n cast | \n crew | \n
\n \n \n \n 1183 | \n 9889 | \n Shallow Hal | \n A shallow man falls in love with a 300 pound w... | \n [Comedy, Romance] | \n [overweight, beauty, hypnosis, overweight man,... | \n [Gwyneth Paltrow, Jack Black, Jason Alexander] | \n [Bobby Farrelly, Peter Farrelly] | \n
\n \n 4215 | \n 15976 | \n The Bubble | \n The movie follows a group of young friends in ... | \n [Drama, Romance] | \n [gay] | \n [Ohad Knoller, Yousef Sweid, Daniella Wircer] | \n [Eytan Fox] | \n
\n \n 1571 | \n 22947 | \n Up in the Air | \n George Clooney plays the dry cynical character... | \n [Drama, Romance] | \n [suitcase, business, omaha, on the road, downs... | \n [George Clooney, Vera Farmiga, Anna Kendrick] | \n [Jason Reitman] | \n
\n \n 205 | \n 58574 | \n Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows | \n There is a new criminal mastermind at large (P... | \n [Adventure, Action, Crime, Mystery] | \n [detective inspector, steampunk, criminal mast... | \n [Robert Downey Jr., Jude Law, Jared Harris] | \n [Guy Ritchie] | \n
\n \n 352 | \n 10674 | \n Mulan | \n A tomboyish girl disguises herself as a young ... | \n [Animation, Family, Adventure] | \n [homeland, musical, training, daughter, cricke... | \n [Eddie Murphy, Jackie Chan, Ming-Na Wen] | \n [Tony Bancroft, Barry Cook] | \n
\n \n
"},"metadata":{}}]},{"cell_type":"code","source":"def collapse(L):\n L1 = []\n for i in L:\n L1.append(i.replace(\" \",\"\"))\n return L1","metadata":{"execution":{"iopub.status.busy":"2021-06-21T12:37:20.072749Z","iopub.execute_input":"2021-06-21T12:37:20.073320Z","iopub.status.idle":"2021-06-21T12:37:20.079118Z","shell.execute_reply.started":"2021-06-21T12:37:20.073270Z","shell.execute_reply":"2021-06-21T12:37:20.077997Z"},"trusted":true},"execution_count":43,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"code","source":"movies['cast'] = movies['cast'].apply(collapse)\nmovies['crew'] = movies['crew'].apply(collapse)\nmovies['genres'] = movies['genres'].apply(collapse)\nmovies['keywords'] = movies['keywords'].apply(collapse)","metadata":{"execution":{"iopub.status.busy":"2021-06-21T12:37:21.282768Z","iopub.execute_input":"2021-06-21T12:37:21.283329Z","iopub.status.idle":"2021-06-21T12:37:21.486755Z","shell.execute_reply.started":"2021-06-21T12:37:21.283292Z","shell.execute_reply":"2021-06-21T12:37:21.485878Z"},"trusted":true},"execution_count":44,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"code","source":"movies.head()","metadata":{"execution":{"iopub.status.busy":"2021-06-21T12:35:23.278025Z","iopub.execute_input":"2021-06-21T12:35:23.278589Z","iopub.status.idle":"2021-06-21T12:35:23.311346Z","shell.execute_reply.started":"2021-06-21T12:35:23.278539Z","shell.execute_reply":"2021-06-21T12:35:23.309971Z"},"trusted":true},"execution_count":26,"outputs":[{"execution_count":26,"output_type":"execute_result","data":{"text/plain":" movie_id title \\\n0 19995 Avatar \n1 285 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End \n2 206647 Spectre \n3 49026 The Dark Knight Rises \n4 49529 John Carter \n\n overview \\\n0 In the 22nd century, a paraplegic Marine is di... \n1 Captain Barbossa, long believed to be dead, ha... \n2 A cryptic message from Bond’s past sends him o... \n3 Following the death of District Attorney Harve... \n4 John Carter is a war-weary, former military ca... \n\n genres \\\n0 [Action, Adventure, Fantasy, ScienceFiction] \n1 [Adventure, Fantasy, Action] \n2 [Action, Adventure, Crime] \n3 [Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller] \n4 [Action, Adventure, ScienceFiction] \n\n keywords \\\n0 [cultureclash, future, spacewar, spacecolony, ... \n1 [ocean, drugabuse, exoticisland, eastindiatrad... \n2 [spy, basedonnovel, secretagent, sequel, mi6, ... \n3 [dccomics, crimefighter, terrorist, secretiden... \n4 [basedonnovel, mars, medallion, spacetravel, p... \n\n cast crew \n0 [SamWorthington, ZoeSaldana, SigourneyWeaver] [JamesCameron] \n1 [JohnnyDepp, OrlandoBloom, KeiraKnightley] [GoreVerbinski] \n2 [DanielCraig, ChristophWaltz, LéaSeydoux] [SamMendes] \n3 [ChristianBale, MichaelCaine, GaryOldman] [ChristopherNolan] \n4 [TaylorKitsch, LynnCollins, SamanthaMorton] [AndrewStanton] ","text/html":"\n\n
\n \n \n | \n movie_id | \n title | \n overview | \n genres | \n keywords | \n cast | \n crew | \n
\n \n \n \n 0 | \n 19995 | \n Avatar | \n In the 22nd century, a paraplegic Marine is di... | \n [Action, Adventure, Fantasy, ScienceFiction] | \n [cultureclash, future, spacewar, spacecolony, ... | \n [SamWorthington, ZoeSaldana, SigourneyWeaver] | \n [JamesCameron] | \n
\n \n 1 | \n 285 | \n Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End | \n Captain Barbossa, long believed to be dead, ha... | \n [Adventure, Fantasy, Action] | \n [ocean, drugabuse, exoticisland, eastindiatrad... | \n [JohnnyDepp, OrlandoBloom, KeiraKnightley] | \n [GoreVerbinski] | \n
\n \n 2 | \n 206647 | \n Spectre | \n A cryptic message from Bond’s past sends him o... | \n [Action, Adventure, Crime] | \n [spy, basedonnovel, secretagent, sequel, mi6, ... | \n [DanielCraig, ChristophWaltz, LéaSeydoux] | \n [SamMendes] | \n
\n \n 3 | \n 49026 | \n The Dark Knight Rises | \n Following the death of District Attorney Harve... | \n [Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller] | \n [dccomics, crimefighter, terrorist, secretiden... | \n [ChristianBale, MichaelCaine, GaryOldman] | \n [ChristopherNolan] | \n
\n \n 4 | \n 49529 | \n John Carter | \n John Carter is a war-weary, former military ca... | \n [Action, Adventure, ScienceFiction] | \n [basedonnovel, mars, medallion, spacetravel, p... | \n [TaylorKitsch, LynnCollins, SamanthaMorton] | \n [AndrewStanton] | \n
\n \n
"},"metadata":{}}]},{"cell_type":"code","source":"movies['overview'] = movies['overview'].apply(lambda x:x.split())","metadata":{"execution":{"iopub.status.busy":"2021-06-21T12:37:31.936003Z","iopub.execute_input":"2021-06-21T12:37:31.936583Z","iopub.status.idle":"2021-06-21T12:37:31.975155Z","shell.execute_reply.started":"2021-06-21T12:37:31.936546Z","shell.execute_reply":"2021-06-21T12:37:31.973928Z"},"trusted":true},"execution_count":45,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"code","source":"movies['tags'] = movies['overview'] + movies['genres'] + movies['keywords'] + movies['cast'] + movies['crew']","metadata":{"execution":{"iopub.status.busy":"2021-06-21T12:37:34.465925Z","iopub.execute_input":"2021-06-21T12:37:34.466349Z","iopub.status.idle":"2021-06-21T12:37:34.572742Z","shell.execute_reply.started":"2021-06-21T12:37:34.466313Z","shell.execute_reply":"2021-06-21T12:37:34.571676Z"},"trusted":true},"execution_count":46,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"code","source":"new = movies.drop(columns=['overview','genres','keywords','cast','crew'])\n#new.head()","metadata":{"execution":{"iopub.status.busy":"2021-06-21T12:37:40.974644Z","iopub.execute_input":"2021-06-21T12:37:40.975174Z","iopub.status.idle":"2021-06-21T12:37:40.981843Z","shell.execute_reply.started":"2021-06-21T12:37:40.975140Z","shell.execute_reply":"2021-06-21T12:37:40.981059Z"},"trusted":true},"execution_count":47,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"code","source":"new['tags'] = new['tags'].apply(lambda x: \" \".join(x))\nnew.head()","metadata":{"execution":{"iopub.status.busy":"2021-06-21T12:38:00.130879Z","iopub.execute_input":"2021-06-21T12:38:00.131473Z","iopub.status.idle":"2021-06-21T12:38:00.160438Z","shell.execute_reply.started":"2021-06-21T12:38:00.131439Z","shell.execute_reply":"2021-06-21T12:38:00.159476Z"},"trusted":true},"execution_count":48,"outputs":[{"execution_count":48,"output_type":"execute_result","data":{"text/plain":" movie_id title \\\n0 19995 Avatar \n1 285 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End \n2 206647 Spectre \n3 49026 The Dark Knight Rises \n4 49529 John Carter \n\n tags \n0 In the 22nd century, a paraplegic Marine is di... \n1 Captain Barbossa, long believed to be dead, ha... \n2 A cryptic message from Bond’s past sends him o... \n3 Following the death of District Attorney Harve... \n4 John Carter is a war-weary, former military ca... ","text/html":"\n\n
\n \n \n | \n movie_id | \n title | \n tags | \n
\n \n \n \n 0 | \n 19995 | \n Avatar | \n In the 22nd century, a paraplegic Marine is di... | \n
\n \n 1 | \n 285 | \n Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End | \n Captain Barbossa, long believed to be dead, ha... | \n
\n \n 2 | \n 206647 | \n Spectre | \n A cryptic message from Bond’s past sends him o... | \n
\n \n 3 | \n 49026 | \n The Dark Knight Rises | \n Following the death of District Attorney Harve... | \n
\n \n 4 | \n 49529 | \n John Carter | \n John Carter is a war-weary, former military ca... | \n
\n \n
"},"metadata":{}}]},{"cell_type":"code","source":"from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer\ncv = CountVectorizer(max_features=5000,stop_words='english')\n ","metadata":{"execution":{"iopub.status.busy":"2021-06-21T12:38:06.544599Z","iopub.execute_input":"2021-06-21T12:38:06.545110Z","iopub.status.idle":"2021-06-21T12:38:07.488307Z","shell.execute_reply.started":"2021-06-21T12:38:06.545079Z","shell.execute_reply":"2021-06-21T12:38:07.487238Z"},"trusted":true},"execution_count":49,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"code","source":"vector = cv.fit_transform(new['tags']).toarray()","metadata":{"execution":{"iopub.status.busy":"2021-06-21T12:38:10.163889Z","iopub.execute_input":"2021-06-21T12:38:10.164314Z","iopub.status.idle":"2021-06-21T12:38:10.821200Z","shell.execute_reply.started":"2021-06-21T12:38:10.164279Z","shell.execute_reply":"2021-06-21T12:38:10.820175Z"},"trusted":true},"execution_count":50,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"code","source":"vector.shape","metadata":{"execution":{"iopub.status.busy":"2021-06-19T14:00:41.894223Z","iopub.execute_input":"2021-06-19T14:00:41.894747Z","iopub.status.idle":"2021-06-19T14:00:41.900786Z","shell.execute_reply.started":"2021-06-19T14:00:41.894699Z","shell.execute_reply":"2021-06-19T14:00:41.899989Z"},"trusted":true},"execution_count":null,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"code","source":"from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity","metadata":{"execution":{"iopub.status.busy":"2021-06-21T12:38:13.339041Z","iopub.execute_input":"2021-06-21T12:38:13.339451Z","iopub.status.idle":"2021-06-21T12:38:13.390575Z","shell.execute_reply.started":"2021-06-21T12:38:13.339412Z","shell.execute_reply":"2021-06-21T12:38:13.389373Z"},"trusted":true},"execution_count":51,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"code","source":"similarity = cosine_similarity(vector)","metadata":{"execution":{"iopub.status.busy":"2021-06-21T12:38:15.769495Z","iopub.execute_input":"2021-06-21T12:38:15.770001Z","iopub.status.idle":"2021-06-21T12:38:18.170463Z","shell.execute_reply.started":"2021-06-21T12:38:15.769960Z","shell.execute_reply":"2021-06-21T12:38:18.169319Z"},"trusted":true},"execution_count":52,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"code","source":"similarity","metadata":{"execution":{"iopub.status.busy":"2021-06-19T14:06:45.472777Z","iopub.execute_input":"2021-06-19T14:06:45.473087Z","iopub.status.idle":"2021-06-19T14:06:45.479647Z","shell.execute_reply.started":"2021-06-19T14:06:45.473061Z","shell.execute_reply":"2021-06-19T14:06:45.478831Z"},"trusted":true},"execution_count":null,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"code","source":"new[new['title'] == 'The Lego Movie'].index[0]","metadata":{"execution":{"iopub.status.busy":"2021-06-19T14:08:46.7159Z","iopub.execute_input":"2021-06-19T14:08:46.716222Z","iopub.status.idle":"2021-06-19T14:08:46.7239Z","shell.execute_reply.started":"2021-06-19T14:08:46.716196Z","shell.execute_reply":"2021-06-19T14:08:46.722946Z"},"trusted":true},"execution_count":null,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"code","source":"def recommend(movie):\n index = new[new['title'] == movie].index[0]\n distances = sorted(list(enumerate(similarity[index])),reverse=True,key = lambda x: x[1])\n for i in distances[1:6]:\n print(new.iloc[i[0]].title)\n \n ","metadata":{"execution":{"iopub.status.busy":"2021-06-21T12:38:22.542487Z","iopub.execute_input":"2021-06-21T12:38:22.542900Z","iopub.status.idle":"2021-06-21T12:38:22.549786Z","shell.execute_reply.started":"2021-06-21T12:38:22.542867Z","shell.execute_reply":"2021-06-21T12:38:22.548271Z"},"trusted":true},"execution_count":53,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"code","source":"recommend('Gandhi')","metadata":{"execution":{"iopub.status.busy":"2021-06-21T12:38:24.914258Z","iopub.execute_input":"2021-06-21T12:38:24.914650Z","iopub.status.idle":"2021-06-21T12:38:24.930018Z","shell.execute_reply.started":"2021-06-21T12:38:24.914616Z","shell.execute_reply":"2021-06-21T12:38:24.928876Z"},"trusted":true},"execution_count":54,"outputs":[{"name":"stdout","text":"Gandhi, My Father\nThe Wind That Shakes the Barley\nA Passage to India\nGuiana 1838\nRamanujan\n","output_type":"stream"}]},{"cell_type":"code","source":"import pickle","metadata":{"execution":{"iopub.status.busy":"2021-06-21T12:39:59.606475Z","iopub.execute_input":"2021-06-21T12:39:59.606924Z","iopub.status.idle":"2021-06-21T12:39:59.612177Z","shell.execute_reply.started":"2021-06-21T12:39:59.606890Z","shell.execute_reply":"2021-06-21T12:39:59.610858Z"},"trusted":true},"execution_count":55,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"code","source":"pickle.dump(new,open('movie_list.pkl','wb'))\npickle.dump(similarity,open('similarity.pkl','wb'))","metadata":{"execution":{"iopub.status.busy":"2021-06-21T12:40:53.373186Z","iopub.execute_input":"2021-06-21T12:40:53.373581Z","iopub.status.idle":"2021-06-21T12:40:53.784869Z","shell.execute_reply.started":"2021-06-21T12:40:53.373547Z","shell.execute_reply":"2021-06-21T12:40:53.783635Z"},"trusted":true},"execution_count":56,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"code","source":"","metadata":{},"execution_count":null,"outputs":[]}]}
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