WordPress Subscription Plugin for CakeMail Contact Lists
In order to configure the administrative console for the plugin, you will need:
- An editing program (Sublime 2, TextEdit or Notepad)
- The .zip folder for the Wordpress-Subscription-Plugin
- Your logo as a 90px x 90px png file named “logo.png”
- A CSS color code for the following items:
- background-color
- font colors for your clients’ user name
- font color for your clients’ company name
To override the default text values, color and logo of the plugin to reflect your brand:
Change the default text values using notepad or an editing program to change the values found in:
$name = 'Your Company Name';
$description = 'Your mission, vision or a funny anecdote';
$widgetTitle = 'Newsletter';
$widgetDescription = 'Sign up for my newsletter';
$widgetConfirmationMessage = 'Thanks for signing up! Check your emails for the confirmation email we just sent you.';
$widgetSubmitButton = 'Subscibe';
Change the file for your logo: Replace the following file
Change the style sheet using notepad or an editing program to change the Hex values only found in:
div.newsletter div.header {
background-color: #fcfcfc;
div.newsletter div.header div.username {
color: #333333;
div.newsletter div.header div.company {
color: #999999;