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Code 16K

Terry Burton edited this page May 22, 2015 · 20 revisions

Code 16K

The Code 16K barcode symbology is 2D stacked-linear barcode that can encode full 256 character extended-ASCII with the use of the FNC4 shift character.

Also known as: USS-16K

Standards: ANSI/AIM BC7 - USS Code 16K, BS EN 12323.

Data and Options

  • The input can consist of any 256-bit extended ASCII data.
  • FNC4 function characters will be inserted automatically to allow the encoding of extended ASCII characters.
  • When the parse option is specified, any instances of ^NNN in the data field are replaced with their equivalent ASCII value, useful for specifying unprintable characters.
  • When the parsefnc option is specified, non-data function characters can be specified by ^FNC1 through ^FNC3.
  • The mode option specifies the mode for the symbol. It is usual to leave this unspecified in which case the most appropriate mode that results in the shortest symbol is automatically selected based in the input data.
    • mode=0 - Starting code set A
    • mode=1 - Starting code set B
    • mode=2 - Starting code set C
    • mode=3 - Starting code set B with implied FNC1
    • mode=4 - Starting code set C with implied FNC1
    • mode=5 - Starting code set C with implied Shift B
    • mode=6 - Starting code set C with implied Double Shift B
  • The pos option specifies this symbol to be part of multi-part structured data. For example pos=25 specifies this to be the second symbol in a group of five symbols.
  • The rows option specifies the number of rows in the symbol, between two and sixteen.
  • If rows is unspecified the encoder will default to the smallest number of rows that can hold the given data.
  • The raw option denotes that the data field is providing the input as a pre-encoded codewords in ^NNN format, suitable for direct low-level encoding.
  • The rowheight option specifies the height of the bars in each row in points. The default is 10.
  • The sepheight option specifies the height of the separator bars enclosing the rows in points. The default is 1.


0 0 moveto (Abcd-1234567890-wxyZ) ()
/code16k / findresource exec

0 0 moveto (Code 16K) (rows=10)
/code16k / findresource exec

0 0 moveto
(Short bars, fat seperators)
(rows=8 rowheight=5 sepheight=2)
/code16k / findresource exec

Symbologies Reference

Point of Sale

GS1 DataBar

Supply Chain

Two-dimensional Symbols

One-dimensional Symbols

Postal Symbols

Pharmaceutical Symbols

Less-used Symbols

GS1 Composite Symbols

Raw Symbols

Partial Symbols

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