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Code 16K

Terry Burton edited this page Mar 31, 2023 · 20 revisions

Code 16K

The Code 16K barcode symbology is 2D stacked-linear barcode that can encode full 256 character extended-ASCII with the use of the FNC4 shift character.

Also known as: USS-16K

Standards: ANSI/AIM BC7 - USS Code 16K, BS EN 12323.

Data and Options

  • The data field can consist of any extended ASCII data. The default interpretation of data by readers is in accordance with ISO/IEC 8859-1.
  • FNC4 function characters will be inserted automatically to allow the encoding of extended ASCII characters.
  • When the parse option is specified, any instances of ^NNN in the data field are replaced with their equivalent ASCII value, useful for specifying unprintable characters.
  • When the parsefnc option is specified, non-data function characters can be specified by escape sequences:
    • ^FNC1: FNC1
    • ^FNC2: FNC2
    • ^FNC3: FNC3
  • The sam option specifies this symbol to be part of multi-part structured data. For example sam=25 specifies this to be the second symbol in a group of five symbols.
  • The rows option specifies the number of rows in the symbol, between two and sixteen.
  • If rows is unspecified the encoder will default to the smallest number of rows that can hold the given data.
  • The raw option denotes that the data field is providing the input as a pre-encoded codewords in ^NNN format, suitable for direct low-level encoding.
  • The rowheight option specifies the height of the bars in each row in points. The default is 10.
  • The sepheight option specifies the height of the separator bars enclosing the rows in points. The default is 1.


Data:    Abcd-1234567890-wxyZ
Encoder: code16k

Data:    Code 16K
Options: rows=10
Encoder: code16k

Data:    Short bars, fat seperators
Options: rows=8 rowheight=5 sepheight=2
Encoder: code16k

Symbologies Reference

Point of Sale

GS1 DataBar

Supply Chain

Two-dimensional Symbols

One-dimensional Symbols

Postal Symbols

Pharmaceutical Symbols

Less-used Symbols

GS1 Composite Symbols

Raw Symbols

Partial Symbols

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