- Rename reductions* to selecting-reductions*
- Add reductions pipeline
- Add round-robin!
- Add wide pipeline async
- Add delay pipe
- Add dataflow
- BREAKING CHANGE: remove clojure name from all namespaces
- add waiting conventions
- Rename all core function
- Fix bugs in batch
- Reductions api similar to transduce
- Add circleci integration
- produce/consume api rewrite.
- Out of order pipeline implementation.
- future-like api around produce/consume functions.
- produce-bound-blocking
- reductions: publishes reductions of inputs to output channel.
- mux macro: multiplex input channel into maps.
- documentation improvements
- Kafka example
- Control function wrappers
- Bump for release
- Usage in README
- merge! and fan!
- Blocking implementations separate from threads creation.
- tests
- Update docstrings.
- Break bindings from go-loop to let inside go-loop.
- split blocking implementations from thread creation to allow threading model choice.
- initial produce, consume and split implementation