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| -#How to Contribute |
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| -To get started contributing to clean-slate you only need two things: |
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| -1. A github account |
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| -2. Some free time |
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| -You can edit files either directly on github, or locally on your computer. The GitHub method is faster, |
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| - but if you're a seasoned git/GitHub user you may prefer the local method. See the instructions below |
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| - for your preferred method. |
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| -##Editing on GitHub |
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| -1. Sign in to your GitHub account (or [create one](https://github.com/join)) |
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| -2. Go to the [Code for DC Clean Slate](https://github.com/codefordc/clean-slate) repository. |
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| -3. [Fork the repository](https://guides.github.com/activities/forking/) |
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| -4. In order for GitHub pages to build on your repository, you need to commit one code change on any |
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| - file. Any change will work, so for now try just adding a space to the end of one of the markdown files |
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| - (files whose names end in `.MD`) |
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| -5. Now you're all set! To see your changes go to `<yourusername>.github.io/clean-slate` for example: if |
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| - your username is "Crazycodingwombat" then your version of the site will show up at |
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| - `crazycodingwombat.github.io/clean-slate`. |
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| -6. When you're happy with your changes and want to contribute them to the main project, just |
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| - [issue a pull request](https://guides.github.com/introduction/flow/) |
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| -##Editing Locally on Your Computer |
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| -1. Clone this repository on your machine. |
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| -2. Make your changes locally |
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| -3. Test your changes locally. -- `File://` protocol will break some parts of the site, so you are better off running a tiny local server to view the site. One way is to run `python -m SimpleHTTPServer` from the root directory of the project and then point your browser to [`localhost:8000`](http://localhost:8000) |
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| -4. When you are satisfied with the result, push your changes to your github repository and [issue a pull request](https://guides.github.com/introduction/flow/) |
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| - |
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| -You can learn more at [guides.github.com](guides.github.com) |
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