YOU ARE THE CREW OF THE INTERSTELLAR SCOUT SHIP RAPTOR. Your mission is to explore uncharted regions of space, deal with aliens both friendly and deadly, and defend the Consortium worlds against space dangers. CAPTAIN DARCY has been overcome by the strange psychic entity known as Something Else, leaving you to fend for yourselves while he recovers in a medical pod.
- Choose a style for your character: Alien, Android, Dangerous, Hot-Shot, Intrepid, Savvy, or Sexy.
- Choose a role for your character: Doctor, Envoy, Engineer, Explorer, Pilot, Scientist, or Soldier.
- Choose your number, from 2 to 5. A high number means you’re better at LASERS (technology; science; cold rationality; calm, precise action). A low number means you’re better at FEELINGS (intuition; diplomacy; seduction; wild, passionate action).
- Give your character a cool space adventure name. Like Sparks McGee or something.
You have: a Consortium uniform (with built-in vacc-suit for space walks), a super-sweet space-phone-camera- communicator-scanner thing (with universal translator), a variable-beam phase pistol (set to stun, usually).
Player goal: Get your character involved in crazy space adventures and try to make the best of them.
Character goal: Choose one or create your own: Become Captain, Meet Sexy Aliens, Shoot Bad Guys, Find New Worlds, Solve Weird Space Mysteries, Prove Yourself, or Keep Being Awesome (you have nothing to prove).
As a group, pick two strengths for the Raptor: Fast, Nimble, Well-Armed, Powerful Shields, Superior Sensors, Cloaking Device, Fightercraft.
Also, pick one problem: Fuel Hog (always needs energy crystals), Only One Medical Pod (and Captain Darcy is in it), Horrible Circuit Breakers (in battle, consoles tend to explode on the bridge), Grim Reputation (Captain Darcy did some bad stuff in the past).
When you do something risky, roll 1d6 to find out how it goes. Roll +1d if you’re prepared and +1d if you’re an expert. (The GM tells you how many dice to roll, based on your character and the situation.) Roll your dice and compare each die result to your number.
↓ If you’re using LASERS (science, reason), you want to roll under your number.
↑ If you’re using FEELINGS, (rapport, passion) you want to roll over your number.
0 If none of your dice succeed, it goes wrong. The GM says how things are getting worse somehow.
1 If one die succeeds, you barely manage it. The GM inflicts complication, harm or cost.
2 If two dice succeed, you do it well. Good job!
3 If three dice succeed, you get a critical success! The GM tells you some extra effect you get.
! If you roll your number exactly, you have LASER FEELINGS. You get a special insight into what's going on. Ask the GM a question and they'll answer you honestly. Somme good questions:
What are they really feeling? Who’s behind this? How could I get them to _____? What should I be on the lookout for? What’s the best way to _____? What’s really going on here?
You can change your action if you want to, then roll again.
HELPING: If you want to help someone else, who’s rolling, say how you try to help and make a roll. If you succeed, give them +1d.
Roll or choose on the tables below.
A threat... | |
1. Zorgon the Conqueror | 4. Space Pirates |
2. The Hive Armada | 5. Cyber Zombies |
3. Rogue Captain | 6. Alien Brain Worms |
Wants to... | |
1. Destroy / Corrupt | 4. Protect / Empower |
2. Steal / Capture | 5. Build / Synthesize |
3. Bond with | 6. Pacify / Occupy |
The... | |
1. Space Pirate King/Queen | 4. Quantum Tunnel |
2. Void Crystals | 5. Ancient Space Ruin |
3. Star Dreadnought | 6. Alien Artifact |
Which will... | |
1. Destroy a solar system | 4. Start a war / invasion |
2. Reverse Time | 5. Rip a hole in reality |
3. Enslave a planet | 6. Fix everything |
Play to find out how they defeat the threat. Introduce the threat by showing evidence of its recent badness. Before a threat does something to the characters, show signs that it’s about to happen, then ask them what they do. “Zorgon charges the mega- cannons on his ship. What do you do?” “Daneela pours you a glass of Arcturan whiskey and slips her arm around your waist. What do you do?”
Call for a roll when the situation is uncertain. Don’t pre-plan outcomes—let the chips fall where they may. Use failures to push the action forward. The situation always changes after a roll, for good or ill.
Ask questions and build on the answers. “Have any of you encountered a Void Cultist before? Where? What happened?”
[email protected]
This game is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license.
Angela, Aubrey, Ron, Vincent, Ben, Graham, Ryan, Jason, Brendan, Gene, Leonard, Bill, Wil.