Site-wide documentation creates a direct line of communication with your developer community. Administrators can use site-wide documentation to communicate best practices, configure pages, or as a reference via custom navigation. Published documentation is accessible from the Developer Portal's Documentation page:
{% hint style="info" %} Site-wide documentation is separate from API documentation, which can be added to an API by an API publisher. {% endhint %}
Developer Portal documentation page
The following sections discuss how to:
To create documentation:
Select Settings from the left sidebar of the Management Console
Select Documentation from the inner left sidebar
Documentation settings page
Select the + icon on the bottom right to display the options below.
Create new documentation options
Folder: Generate a folder to organize your documentation. Optionally generate translations of the folder by selecting Translate Folder.
Sample documentation folder
Markdown Template: Create templates reusable for site-wide and API Markdown documentation.
Markdown: Use the Markdown syntax for the documentation page.
AsciiDoc: Use the Asciidoc syntax for the documentation page.
OpenAPI (Swagger): Use the OpenAPI syntax for the documentation page.
AsyncAPI: Use the AsyncAPI syntax for the documentation page.
Each documentation type provides similar configuration options and a compatible text editor.
Create a documentation page
Name: Provide a title for your documentation page.
Set as homepage: Use the documentation page as the homepage of the Developer Portal. If multiple documentation pages are set as the homepage, the page most recently set will be selected.
Custom homepage example
Publish this page: Make the page available in the Developer Portal.
Make private: Make the page private to you and the users you explicitly allow using access control.
APIM provides three methods for generating documentation content:
- Fill the content inline (supports templating with API properties)
- Import from file
- External source (Gitlab, Bitbucket, etc.)
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Fill content inline" %} This method uses the text editor to generate content based on your selected documentation type. In addition, APIM supports templating with API properties.
Templating with API properties
Use the following syntax to access the API data in your API documentation: ${} or ${api.metadata['foo-bar']}
The sample script below creates a documentation template based on the Apache FreeMarker template engine:
{% code overflow="wrap" fullWidth="false" %}
<#if api.picture??>
<img src="${api.picture}" style="float: right;max-width: 60px;"/>
# Welcome to the API ${}(${api.version})!
The API is <span style="text-transform: lowercase;color: <#if api.state=='STARTED'>green<#else>red</#if>">${api.state}</span>.
This API has been created on ${api.createdAt?datetime} and updated on ${api.updatedAt?datetime}.
<#if api.deployedAt??>
This API has been deployed on ${api.deployedAt?datetime}.
This API has not yet been deployed.
<#if api.visibility=='PUBLIC'>
This API is publicly exposed.
This API is not publicly exposed.
<#if api.tags?has_content>
Sharding tags: ${api.tags?join(", ")}
## Description
<#if api.proxy??>
## How to access
The API can be accessed through${api.proxy.contextPath}:
## Rating
You can rate and put a comment for this API <a href='/#!/apis/${}/ratings'>here</a>.
## Contact
<#if api.metadata['email-support']??>
The support contact is <a href="mailto:${api.metadata['email-support']}">${api.metadata['email-support']}</a>.
The API owner is <#if><a href="mailto:${}">${api.primaryOwner.displayName}</a><#else>${api.primaryOwner.displayName}</#if>.
{% endcode %}
The above sample script creates the following in the Developer Portal:
Result of templating engine example
API properties reference
The following reference table shows all available API properties. Access these properties in the Freemarker template with ${api.<Field name>}
as in the above sample script.
Field name | Field type | Example |
id | String | 70e72a24-59ac-4bad-a72a-2459acbbad39 |
name | String | My first API |
description | String | My first API |
version | String | 1 |
metadata | Map | {"email-support": "[email protected]"} |
createdAt | Date | 12 juil. 2018 14:44:00 |
updatedAt | Date | 12 juil. 2018 14:46:00 |
deployedAt | Date | 12 juil. 2018 14:49:00 |
picture | String | … |
state | String | STARTED/STOPPED |
visibility | String | PUBLIC/PRIVATE |
tags | Array | ["internal", "sales"] |
proxy.contextPath | String | /stores |
primaryOwner.displayName | String | Firstname Lastname | | String | [email protected] |
{% tab title="Import from file" %} This method allows you to generate content by importing a file that matches the documentation type. {% endtab %}
{% tab title="External source" %} This method allows you to import your documentation from external sources. APIM includes five types of fetchers:
- GitHub: Fetch your documentation from a GitHub repository
- GitLab: Fetch your documentation from a GitLab repository
- Git: Fetch your documentation from any Git repository
- WWW: Fetch your documentation from the web
- Bitbucket: Fetch your documentation from a Bitbucket repository
Documentation fetcher configuration
The documentation is fetched and stored locally in APIM in the following three scenarios:
Once, after you finish configuring your fetcher
Any time you select Fetch All on the Documentation page
Update all documentation from external sources
At regular intervals when auto-fetch is configured {% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
If you have existing documentation for your API in a GitHub or GitLab repository, you can:
- Configure the GitHub or GitLab fetcher to import the complete documentation structure on a one-off or regular basis
- Import the documentation into APIM in a structure different from that of the source repository by:
- Creating a Gravitee descriptor file (
) at the repository root that describes both the source and destination structures - Configuring a fetcher in APIM to read the JSON file and import the documentation according to the structure defined in the file
- Creating a Gravitee descriptor file (
{% tabs %}
{% tab title="Gravitee descriptor file" %}
{% hint style="warning" %}
The Gravitee descriptor file must be named .gravitee.json
and must be placed at the root of the repository.
{% endhint %}
The following .gravitee.json
describes a documentation set that includes:
- A homepage in Markdown format in a folder called
, to be placed at the root of the APIM documentation structure - A JSON file containing a Swagger specification at the root of the repository, to be placed in a folder called
in the APIM documentation structure
{% code title=".gravitee.json" %}
"version": 1,
"documentation": {
"pages": [
"src": "/newdoc/",
"dest": "/",
"name": "Homepage",
"homepage": true
"src": "/test-import-swagger.json",
"dest": "/technical",
"name": "Swagger"
{% endcode %} {% endtab %}
{% tab title="Configure a fetcher" %} Follow the steps below to configure a fetcher to import multiple files:
From the Documentation page, select Import multiple files
Import multiple documentation files
To publish the pages on import, select Publish all imported pages
Option to publish all imported files
Select the GitHub or GitLab fetcher
Specify the details of the external source, such as the URL of the external API, the name of the repository, and the branch. The fields vary slightly depending on the fetcher.
Configure a fetcher
In the Filepath field, enter the path to your JSON documentation specification file
Enter a Username to authenticate the request
Enter a Personal Access Token, which must be generated in your GitHub or GitLab user profile
To update the pages at regular intervals, select Auto Fetch and specify the
update frequency
{% hint style="info" %}
A cron
expression is a string consisting of six fields (representing seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, and weekdays) that describe the schedule. For example:
- Fetch every second:
* * */1 * * *
- At 00:00 on Saturday :
0 0 0 * * SAT
If the APIM administrator configured a maximum fetch frequency, the value configured by the APIM administrator will override the frequency you specify. {% endhint %}
Select IMPORT for APIM to add the files to your documentation set
Import technical folder documentation with fetcher
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
Select a page to configure the following via the header tabs:
- Page: Manage the content of the documentation page by via the inline editor or by importing files
- Translations: Add translations of your page
- Configuration: Toggle options to publish your page and use it as the homepage
- External Source: Configure a fetcher for the page
- Access Control: Fine-grained access control over your page
- Attached Resources: Add additional files to your documentation page.
- This requires the administrator to configure Allow Upload Images and Max size upload file (bytes) in general settings.
Page management options
Page, Translations and Access Control are described in greater detail below.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Page" %} If incorrect templating is applied to the Markdown page of an API, errors are generated to alert the user that the page will not be formatted as intended when published to the Developer Portal.
Example of incorrect templating
{% endtab %}{% tab title="Translations" %} You can add translations for your pages via the Translations tab:
- Select Add a translation
- Enter your 2-character language code (FR for French, CZ for Czech, IT for Italian, etc.)
- Enter the translated title
- (Optional) You can edit the content to add translated content by toggling on the switch
- Click Save Translation at the bottom of the page
Translate a page
{% endtab %}{% tab title="Access control" %} From the Access Control tab:
- You can mark a page as Private if you want to deny access to anonymous users.
- If a page is Private, you can configure access lists to either require or exclude certain roles and groups by toggling the Excluded option.
Documentation access control
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}