{% hint style="info" %} Only v2 APIs support the API Quality feature {% endhint %}
The general settings for a Gravitee v2 API are grouped into 3 sections: general information, Quality, and Danger Zone.
v2 API general settings
{% tabs %} {% tab title="General information" %}
- Name, Version, Description: Editable basic information
- Labels: Enter a label
- Choose one or more Categories from the drop-down menu
- Upload an API picture and/or API background
- Owner, Created, Last connection: Informative only
- Emulate v4 engine: Toggle ON or OFF to use or not use the reactive execution engine
- Export your API definition and/or Import an API definition to update your API
- Duplicate or Promote your API {% endtab %}
{% tab title="Quality" %} The metrics in this section describe how well your API conforms to rules set for the API Quality feature. {% endtab %}
{% tab title="Danger Zone" %} Mission-critical (and potentially dangerous) actions:
- Start the API: Deploy the API to all Gateways, or the Gateways specified using Sharding tags
- Publish the API: Publish the API to the Developer Portal
- Make Public: Make the API public so that everybody can see it
- Deprecate this API: Unpublish it from the Developer Portal
- Delete: Delete the API {% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
To access the general settings of a v2 API:
- Log in to your APIM Console
- Select APIs from the left nav
- Select your API
- From the inner left nav, select Info under the General section
- Modify editable settings as desired
- Click Save