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Configure the Gravitee APIM Management API with environment variables, system properties, and the gravitee.yaml file

General Configuration


This guide will walk through how to configure your general Gravitee APIM Management API settings using the gravitee.yaml file. As detailed in the Configuring APIM Components, you can override these settings by using system properties or environment variables.

The gravitee.yaml file, found in GRAVITEE_HOME/config/, is the default way to configure APIM.

{% hint style="info" %} Format sensitive

YAML (yml) format is sensitive to indentation. Ensure you include the correct number of spaces and use spaces instead of tabs. {% endhint %}

With the gravitee.yaml file, you can configure the following:

Configure HTTP server

You configure the HTTP Server configuration in the following section of the gravitee.yml file:

  port: 8083
  idleTimeout: 30000
  acceptors: -1
  selectors: -1
    minThreads: 10
    maxThreads: 200
    idleTimeout: 60000
    queueSize: 6000
  jmx: false
  statistics: false
    enabled: true
    path: ${gravitee.home}/logs/gravitee_accesslog_yyyy_mm_dd.log

Enable HTTPS support

First, you need to provide a keystore. If you do not have one, you can generate it:

keytool -genkey \
  -alias test \
  -keyalg RSA \
  -keystore server-keystore.jks \
  -keysize 2048 \
  -validity 360 \
  -dname CN=localhost \
  -keypass secret \
  -storepass secret

You then need to enable secure mode in gravitee.yml:

  secured: true
      path: ${gravitee.home}/security/keystore.jks
      password: secret
      path: ${gravitee.home}/security/truststore.jks
      password: secret

{% hint style="info" %} Truststore and Keystore settings defined within the jetty section are only used to secure access to APIM API. These are not used by HTTP client calls for any other purpose (such as Fetch and DCR). {% endhint %}

Configure the Management and Portal APIs

You can configure APIM API to start only the Management or Portal API. You can also change the API endpoints from their default values of /management and /portal.

    # Configure the listening path for the API. Default to /
#    entrypoint: /
    # Configure Management API.
#    management:
#      enabled: true
#      entrypoint: ${http.api.entrypoint}management
#      cors: ...
    # Configure Portal API.
#    portal:
#      enabled: true
#      entrypoint: ${http.api.entrypoint}portal
#      cors: ...

CORS configuration

CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) is a mechanism that allows resources on a web page to be requested from another domain.

For more information on CORS, take a look at the CORS specification.

CORS can be applied at three different levels:

  1. API
  2. Environment
  3. Organization

where the more specific levels override the broader levels: API > Environment > Organization.

You can configure CORS at the organization level using gravitee.yml, environment variables or directly in APIM Console. Here's an example of configuring CORS using the gravitee.yml file:

{% code title="gravitee.yaml" %}

    # Configure the listening path for the API. Default to /
#    entrypoint: /
    # Configure Management API.
#    management:
#      enabled: true
#      entrypoint: ${http.api.entrypoint}management
#      cors:
    # Allows to configure the header Access-Control-Allow-Origin (default value: *)
    # '*' is a valid value but is considered as a security risk as it will be opened to cross origin requests from anywhere.
#       allow-origin:
    # Allows to define how long the result of the preflight request should be cached for (default value; 1728000 [20 days])
#       max-age: 864000
    # Which methods to allow (default value: OPTIONS, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
#      allow-methods: 'OPTIONS, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE'
    # Which headers to allow (default values: Cache-Control, Pragma, Origin, Authorization, Content-Type, X-Requested-With, If-Match, X-Xsrf-Token)
#      allow-headers: 'X-Requested-With'
  # Configure Portal API.
#    portal:
#      enabled: true
#      entrypoint: ${http.api.entrypoint}portal
#      cors:
    # Allows to configure the header Access-Control-Allow-Origin (default value: *)
    # '*' is a valid value but is considered as a security risk as it will be opened to cross origin requests from anywhere.
#       allow-origin:
    # Allows to define how long the result of the preflight request should be cached for (default value; 1728000 [20 days])
#       max-age: 864000
    # Which methods to allow (default value: OPTIONS, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
#      allow-methods: 'OPTIONS, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE'
    # Which headers to allow (default values: Cache-Control, Pragma, Origin, Authorization, Content-Type, X-Requested-With, If-Match, X-Xsrf-Token)
#      allow-headers: 'X-Requested-With'

{% endcode %}

Configure in APIM Console

{% hint style="info" %} If you change the CORS settings using the gravitee.yml or environment variables, then the CORS settings will be greyed out in the APIM console. {% endhint %}

You can also configure CORS at the organization level in the Organization > Settings section of the APIM Console:

Organization CORS settings

Or at the environment level in the Settings > Settings section of the APIM Console:

Environment CORS settings

Configure the Management repository

The Management repository is used to store global configurations such as APIs, applications, and API keys. The default configuration uses MongoDB (single server).

  type: mongodb
    dbname: ${ds.mongodb.dbname}
    host: ${}
    port: ${ds.mongodb.port}
#    username:
#    password:
#    connectionsPerHost: 0
#    connectTimeout: 500
#    maxWaitTime: 120000
#    socketTimeout: 500
#    socketKeepAlive: false
#    maxConnectionLifeTime: 0
#    maxConnectionIdleTime: 0
#    serverSelectionTimeout: 0
#    description:
#    heartbeatFrequency: 10000
#    minHeartbeatFrequency: 500
#    heartbeatConnectTimeout: 1000
#    heartbeatSocketTimeout: 20000
#    localThreshold: 15
#    minConnectionsPerHost: 0
#    threadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier: 5
#    cursorFinalizerEnabled: true
## SSL settings (Available in APIM 3.10.14+, 3.15.8+, 3.16.4+, 3.17.2+, 3.18+)
#    sslEnabled:
#    keystore:
#      path:
#      type:
#      password:
#      keyPassword:
#    truststore:
#      path:
#      type:
#      password:
## Deprecated SSL settings that will be removed in 3.19.0
#    sslEnabled:
#    keystore:
#    keystorePassword:
#    keyPassword:

# Management repository: single MongoDB using URI
# For more information about MongoDB configuration using URI, please have a look to:
# -
#  type: mongodb
#  mongodb:
#    uri: mongodb://[username:password@]host1[:port1][,host2[:port2],...[,hostN[:portN]]][/[database][?options]]

# Management repository: clustered MongoDB
#  type: mongodb
#  mongodb:
#    servers:
#      - host: mongo1
#        port: 27017
#      - host: mongo2
#        port: 27017
#    dbname: ${ds.mongodb.dbname}
#    connectTimeout: 500
#    socketTimeout: 250

Configure the Analytics repository

The Analytics repository stores all reporting, metrics, and health-checks for all APIM Gateway instances. The default configuration uses Elasticsearch.

  type: elasticsearch
      - http://localhost:9200
#    index: gravitee
#    security:
#       username:
#       password:

SMTP configuration

This section shows the SMTP configuration used for sending email.

You can configure SMTP using gravitee.yml, environment variables or directly in APIM Console. If SMTP is configured with gravitee.yml or environment variables, then that configuration will be used, even if settings exist in the database.

SMTP can be applied at two different levels:

  1. Environment
  2. Organization

where the more specific level overrides the broader level: Environment > Organization.

Here's an example of configuring SMTP using the gravitee.yml file:

  port: 465
  from: [email protected]
  subject: "[] %s"
  username: [email protected]
  password: password

Configure in APIM Console

{% hint style="info" %} If you change the SMTP settings using the gravitee.yml or environment variables, then the SMTP settings will be greyed out in the APIM console. {% endhint %}

You can also configure SMTP at the organization level in the Organization > Settings section of the APIM Console:

Organization SMTP settings

Or at the environment level in the Settings > Settings section of the APIM Console:

Environment SMTP settings

Configure the Gmail SMTP server

If required, you can configure the GMAIL SMTP server in gravitee.yml as follows:

  enabled: true
  port: 587
  from: [email protected]
  subject: "[] %s"
  username: [email protected]
  password: xxxxxxxx
    auth: true
    starttls.enable: true

If you are using 2-Factor Authentication (which is recommended), you need to generate an application password.

Default gravitee.yaml config file

The following is a reference of the default configuration of APIM Management API in your gravitee.yml file:

{% @github-files/github-code-block url="" %}