0.18.0 (2022-08-08)
Implemented enhancements:
- updated RHEL regex to accommodate colon #216 (prolixalias)
Fixed bugs:
- Fact generation on RHEL incorrectly indicating no PKGS for update #212
Merged pull requests:
- adjust upper limit #214 (prolixalias)
v0.17.0 (2021-07-12)
Fixed bugs:
- create version 0.17 #207
- os_patching_fact_generation.ps1 created without required permissions #206
- s/udpate/update #208 (noahbliss)
- ensure that key exists while parsing json #203 (maxadamo)
v0.16.0 (2021-05-21)
Implemented enhancements:
- Hiera support #204
- Delta RPM doesn't exist on RHEL8, need to move to
#200 - scheduled task to run os_patching_fact_generation.ps1 is hardcoded to every 12 hours #174
- Adding os_patching class result in failed runs on all Windows nodes on first run #172
- Feature/204 hiera support #205 (albatrossflavour)
- Feature/200 deltarpm #201 (albatrossflavour)
- Feature/module hiera #199 (albatrossflavour)
- Feature/174 windows update param #197 (albatrossflavour)
- fix facter no longer working on puppet 7 #191 (maxadamo)
- Working on #180 : Adding rescue to allow code to continue after NoMet… #181 (sharumpe)
- Change yum check-update to include valid entries instead of exclude invalid #175 (freiheit)
- Do not hardcode the path of AIO commands #168 (smortex)
- Improve os_patching::patch_after_healthcheck plan #167 (kreeuwijk)
- Update README.md #162 (LDaneliukas)
Fixed bugs:
- undefined method `match' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) #202
- Locked Log file on Windows #186
- puppetlabs-translate deprecated #189 (binford2k)
- expand filter inline and remove $FILTER variables #188 (michael-letsengage)
- Fixing failing development tests #179 (Tamerz)
- fix(patch_server) change regex after yum history #171 (bmx0r)
- Inconsistence between facter and manifest #164 (elfranne)
0.15.0 (2021-05-11)
Implemented enhancements:
- long usernames in
yum history
cause 'yum did not appear to run' #192 - facter -p no longer supported with Puppet 7 #190
- --nodes is deprecated #165
- v0.15.0 release #196 (albatrossflavour)
Fixed bugs:
- NoMethodError in os_patching_fact_generation.sh #180
Closed issues:
- "Security:" filter ineffective #187
0.14.0 (2021-05-09)
Implemented enhancements:
- Enable a pre-patching command to be specified #159
- #149 allow Debian to run
apt-get autoremove
at reboot #151 (albatrossflavour) - Toggle to allow warnings to block patching #143 #150 (albatrossflavour)
- Updates to facter and bug fixes #148 (albatrossflavour)
- Force usage of the 'C' locale #142 (smortex)
Fixed bugs:
- #148 ensure versionlock file is there before we read it #154 (albatrossflavour)
- Prevent error message to stderr on RedHat #153 (smortex)
- Bugfix: Add missing dependency #144 (theosotr)
- The declared ISO format does not exist, had one extra
#141 (rnelson0)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Litmus updates and pre-v0.14.0 work #195 (albatrossflavour)
- Master release - bug fixes and travis #183 (albatrossflavour)
- Fix issues with empty pre_patching_command entries #161 (albatrossflavour)
- Merge to production #160 (albatrossflavour)
- clear out 'Obsoleting' entries #158 (kreeuwijk)
0.12.0 (2019-08-21)
Implemented enhancements:
- add flag to run "apt-get autoremove" after patching on ubuntu servers #149
- Add a list of required KBs to the os_patching fact on windows #145
- Create the wiki and populate some how to guides #128
- Timeouts on os_patching_fact_generation.sh? #94
Fixed bugs:
- Travis tests taking too long #138
- Version 0.11.1 of module cannot be installed on Windows (via Agent) #136
- Unable to run task os_patching::patch_server Windows 2012r2 with puppet enterprise agent 6.4.2 #133
- #138 - fix travis issues #139 (albatrossflavour)
Merged pull requests:
- V0.12.0 release #152 (albatrossflavour)
- V0.11.2 release #140 (albatrossflavour)
- #136 add html to the pdkignore #137 (albatrossflavour)
- Issue/133 eventlog puppet agent 6.4.2 #134 (nathangiuliani)
- Updated ReadMe #131 (nathangiuliani)
- #129 restrictions on stdlib are too tight #130 (albatrossflavour)
0.11.1 (2019-05-07)
Implemented enhancements:
- Update the README to show the windows paths too #127
Fixed bugs:
- puppetlabs/stdlib version 5.2.0 #129
Merged pull requests:
- V0.11.1 release to master #132 (albatrossflavour)
0.11.0 (2019-05-03)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add litmus tests to run the tasks and validate the results #124
- Enable windows support for the manifests and facter #120
Merged pull requests:
- v0.11.0 release #126 (albatrossflavour)
- #124 promote new tests to development #125 (albatrossflavour)
- Release to production in preparation for V0.11.0 release #123 (albatrossflavour)
- Community information added #122 (albatrossflavour)
- Enable windows support #121 (albatrossflavour)
0.10.0 (2019-04-26)
Implemented enhancements:
- Create example bolt plan for patching #117
Merged pull requests:
- Release to production #119 (albatrossflavour)
- Add example plan #118 (albatrossflavour)
- Resync development #116 (albatrossflavour)
- Switch over to litmus tests #114 (albatrossflavour)
- Feature/sles #113 (JakeTRogers)
0.9.0 (2019-04-26)
Merged pull requests:
- Merge Litmus and Suse to production #115 (albatrossflavour)
0.8.0 (2019-01-24)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Changelog update #111 (albatrossflavour)
- Merge to master #110 (albatrossflavour)
- Fact upload and stdlib fixes #109 (albatrossflavour)
- Feature/pdqtest #108 (albatrossflavour)
- Bugfix for filter code #105 (albatrossflavour)
- Bugfix/filter #104 (albatrossflavour)
- Merge pull request #102 from albatrossflavour/development #103 (albatrossflavour)
0.7.0 (2018-12-09)
Fixed bugs:
- 3777 updates!? (update check should only count stdout) #99
- AIX - Error resolving os_patching (restrict away from AIX?) #93
- json encoding issue #92
Merged pull requests:
- V0.7.0 release #102 (albatrossflavour)
- metadata updates prior to 0.7.0 release #101 (albatrossflavour)
- Additional filtering based on bug #99 #100 (albatrossflavour)
- Add confine to facter #98 (albatrossflavour)
- filter out yum check-update security messages #97 (albatrossflavour)
- Merge pull request #87 from albatrossflavour/development #88 (albatrossflavour)
0.6.4 (2018-10-03)
Merged pull requests:
- Push to master (0.6.4) #87 (albatrossflavour)
- Merge pull request #85 from albatrossflavour/development #86 (albatrossflavour)
0.6.3 (2018-10-03)
Merged pull requests:
- V0.6.3 release #85 (albatrossflavour)
- Debian fact improvements #84 (albatrossflavour)
- Merge pull request #82 from albatrossflavour/development #83 (albatrossflavour)
0.6.2 (2018-10-03)
Merged pull requests:
- V0.6.2 release #82 (albatrossflavour)
- Enable security patching in debian again #81 (albatrossflavour)
- Merge pull request #79 from albatrossflavour/development #80 (albatrossflavour)
0.6.1 (2018-10-02)
Merged pull requests:
- Fix a couple of strings issues #79 (albatrossflavour)
- Merge pull request #77 from albatrossflavour/development #78 (albatrossflavour)
0.6.0 (2018-10-02)
Implemented enhancements:
- [enhancement] consider validating incoming ISO-8601 timestamps for validity #69
- [bug] invalid times parsed from blackouts file silently ignored #67
- [task] move data to /var/cache #60
- [enhancement][sponsored] fixup puppetstrings output and include REFERENCE.md #59
- [testing][sponsored] need mock version of
puppet fact upload
#58 - [testing][sponsored] acceptance tests #57
- [feature][sponsored] package cleanup before #55
- [feature][sponsored] uninstall support #54
- stack trace when task run before setup complete #52
Fixed bugs:
- [bug] task fails to run on debian [assign geoff] #70
- [bug] script relies on /usr/local/bin/facter but it does not always exist #56
- Value type appears to be incorrect #48
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Pull to master #77 (albatrossflavour)
- Feature/data parser #76 (albatrossflavour)
- Feature/clean cache #75 (albatrossflavour)
- remove all reference to /opt/puppetlabs/facter/facts.d/os_patching.yaml #72 (GeoffWilliams)
- Add acceptance testing, esure=>absent, simplfify #71 (GeoffWilliams)
- Add reference.md #65 (albatrossflavour)
- Bugfix/strings #64 (albatrossflavour)
- Feature/move cache #63 (albatrossflavour)
- Bugfix/facter path #62 (albatrossflavour)
- Feature/rpm attribute fix #61 (albatrossflavour)
- Warn user when task is not setup yet #53 (GeoffWilliams)
- Merge pull request #50 from albatrossflavour/development #51 (albatrossflavour)
0.5.0 (2018-09-23)
Merged pull requests:
- Merge to master #50 (albatrossflavour)
- Change the way we handle reboot logic #49 (albatrossflavour)
- Resync to dev #47 (albatrossflavour)
0.4.1 (2018-09-16)
Merged pull requests:
- V0.4.1 #46 (albatrossflavour)
0.4.0 (2018-09-16)
Implemented enhancements:
does not show the kernel itself #29
Fixed bugs:
- Locked, Exiting - Need trap(s) if we have a lockfile (/usr/local/bin/os_patching_fact_generation.sh) #42
- When os_patching reports patches but there is not enough space to install them, it reports success #39
- When unreachable yumrepos are present, os_patching does not restart properly #36
- When no disk space is left, os_patching reports no patches to apply rather than an error #35
Merged pull requests:
- V0.4.0 release #45 (albatrossflavour)
- Add extra error checking for the patch execution #44 (albatrossflavour)
- Feature/facter error reporting #43 (albatrossflavour)
- regex ignores pkgs starting with uppercase or digits #41 (f3sty)
- Bugfix/needs restarting improvements #38 (albatrossflavour)
- Prod release #34 (albatrossflavour)
- Fix parsing of install/installed #33 (albatrossflavour)
- Fix issue with parsing of installed/install output from yum #30 (albatrossflavour)
- Sync back to dev #28 (albatrossflavour)
0.3.5 (2018-08-16)
Merged pull requests:
- Pre-release updates #27 (albatrossflavour)
- Release to master #26 (albatrossflavour)
- Merge timeout fixes #25 (albatrossflavour)
- Resync to development #24 (albatrossflavour)
0.3.4 (2018-08-10)
Merged pull requests:
- Pre release updates #23 (albatrossflavour)
- Missed a new variable #22 (albatrossflavour)
- Remove shell commands as much as possible #21 (albatrossflavour)
- Ooops #20 (albatrossflavour)
- Add cron job to refresh cache at reboot #19 (albatrossflavour)
- Ensure we honour reboot_override even if a reboot isn't required #18 (albatrossflavour)
- Secure the params a little more #17 (albatrossflavour)
- Updates to detect when reboots are required #16 (albatrossflavour)
0.3.3 (2018-08-09)
0.3.2 (2018-08-09)
0.3.1 (2018-08-09)
Merged pull requests:
- Resync to development #15 (albatrossflavour)
0.2.1 (2018-08-07)
Implemented enhancements:
- Major documentation update #14 (albatrossflavour)
Fixed bugs:
- rubocop #13 (albatrossflavour)
- Rubocop updates #12 (albatrossflavour)
Merged pull requests:
- Rubocop is on thin ice! #11 (albatrossflavour)
- rubocop updates #10 (albatrossflavour)
- Push to production #9 (albatrossflavour)
- Start/end times added and history file fixed #8 (albatrossflavour)
- Major update for all areas #7 (albatrossflavour)
0.1.19 (2018-07-09)
Merged pull requests:
- Feature/smarter tasks #6 (albatrossflavour)
0.1.17 (2018-06-01)
0.1.16 (2018-05-29)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator