This package is bundled as both a commonjs and es6-compatible NPM bundle. The factor that enables this dual packaging is the "exports" key in the package.json file:
: When this package is in a commonjs environment (e.g. default nodejs) the ./index.js file will be the thing that is 'require'd.import
: When this package is in an es6 environment (e.g. bundler, modern nodejs, modern browser) the ./index.mjs will be the thing 'import'ed.
: When the http-client protocol is used, node-fetch supplies 'fetch' for a nodejs clientnode-web-streams
: Although node-fetch is mostly isomorphic, its internal stream is not the same as a web stream reader; we need it to have the same API.spdy
: This gives us http2.0 connection multiplexing with a 'natural http module interface'. (http1.1 provides a max of 6 open conns)
For code that is intended to run in all environments (e.g. browser, node) and potentially pass through a bundler step, the following guidelines are helpful:
- Use single-value module.exports in files, and named exports in wrappers.
- If using globals, it's also important to use module.exports; for example:
function braid_fetch(...) { ... }
if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
module.exports = braid_fetch
For a complete list of reasons for the madness, and to learn more about the method we've used to build this package, see
Because we require
certain libraries that are meant to be used in a nodejs environment only, we also need to provide a hint to bundlers that are targeting a browser environment NOT to load those libraries. This is what the browser
field in package.json
is for:
"browser": {
"node-web-streams": false,
"node-fetch": false,
"abort-controller": false
If we don't hint that these libraries should not be loaded in the browser, bundled code that depends on braidjs libraries will fail in the browser.
See also