this utility was built to help mass-download files from the periodical section of the B.J.O.D.HD digital library.
Command-line argument | Purpose |
--src | The (code)name of the publication you wish to download |
--start (optional) | The start of the time period you wish to download from (YYYY/MM) |
--end | The end of the time period you wish to download from (YYYY/MM) |
--verbose | Prints which files are being downloaded |
--wait | Lets you wait for x seconds to avoid overloading the server |
if you only wish to download one month of issues, you can omit the --start argument altogether and set the --end argument to the date of the one that should be downloaded
./bd-per-downloader --src scanteia --start 1968/05 --end 1968/06 (will download every issue from may to june 1968)
./bd-per-downloader --src scanteiatin --end 1954/01 (will download every issue from january 1954)
./bd-per-downloader --src albina --start 0/0 --end 9999/9999 --verbose > log.txt (will download every single issue and save a log)
./bd-per-downloader --src femeia --start 0/0 --end 9999/9999 --wait 5 (will download every single issue, one every 5 seconds)
you can see all available sources at THE PERIODICALS AND SERIAL PUBLICATIONS collection of the "Ovid Densusianu" County Library Hunedoara-Deva
examples: scanteia
(Scînteia), scanteiatin
(Scînteia Tineretului), albina
(Albina), ...\
keep in mind that some codenames are different from the name of the publication. however, you can easily find the codename in the url:
the url for Agricultura Socialistă is - and the codename is "agriculturas"