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File metadata and controls

138 lines (109 loc) · 5.38 KB

The distribution layout

The built version of a pathway — called a course — is created in a subdirectory called courses under the distribution subdir. The built version of a lesson — we’ll call it the distribution lesson — is similarly created in a subdir called lessons, also under the distribution suddir.

The distribution subdir

The courses and lessons are not direct subdirs of distribution, in order to accommodate different versions of pathways and lessons based on the natlang used. To effect this, the distribution has subdirs for each natlang (called en-us, es-mx, etc.), and it is in the courses and lessons subdirs of these that we find the natlang-specific courses and lessons. Thus, the two natlang versions of the pathway core are laid out as follows:

|—— en-us/
|   `—— courses/
|       `—— core/
`—— es-mx/
    `—— courses/
        `—— core/

Note that we use the same name core for the two natlang versions in the distribution. We can do this because they reside inside two different subtrees distribution/en-us distribution/es-mx and thus don’t risk a name clash.

As with pathways, so with lessons: To accommodate multiple natlangs, the lessons go into the lessons subdir of their natlang. E.g., for the lesson simple-data-types, we have:

|—— en-us/
|   `—— lessons/
|       `—— simple-data-types/
`—— es-mx/
    `—— lessons/
        `—— simple-data-types/

In the following, we will assume the prevailing natural language is en-us, so we will restrict our attention to the distribution/en-us subtree. For other natlangs, the setup is exactly the same but in the appropriate natlang-based subtree.

Also, we will call distribution/en-us/courses/core the course root directory (of the English version of the core pathway). The dir distribution/en-us/lessons/simple-date-types is the distribution lesson root directory (of the English version of the simple-data-types lesson).

Proglang associated with a course

Typically — as seen in the above example — the built names of the pathway and the lesson are the same as their names in the source, but not always.

By default, the programming language associated with a course is pyret. This is marked in the course root directory as the 0-length file .cached/.proglang-pyret. (I.e., distribution/en-us/courses/core/.cached/.proglang-pyret.)

But we as have seen, a pathway may have a proglang.txt listing a different or multiple proglangs.

Thus, for the pathway core, two different courses are created in distribution/en-us/courses. We continue to use the unadorned pathway name, core, for the Pyret version. For other proglangs, the course dir’s name uses the proglang as a hyphenated suffix. Thus for the WeScheme version, the course is entitled core-wescheme. I.e., the two course root directories for core are


These two directories have their own proglang marker files, i.e., .cached/.proglang-pyret (as before) and .cached/.proglang-wescheme.

We often have pathways whose proglang.txt contains only a single proglang, but that proglang isn’t Pyret. E.g., the pathway shipwrecks whose proglang.txt contains only spreadsheets. In such a case, the built course is simply called shipwrecks rather than shipwrecks-spreadsheets, since there is no Pyret version to distinguish it from.

Proglang associated with a distribution lesson

As with pathways, lessons can be in different proglangs, also specified with proglang.txt. If no proglang.txt is present, the (single) proglang is assumed to be pyret. The distribution version of the non-Pyret lessons have the proglang as hyphenated suffix, e.g.,


Again, as with pathways, a proglang-marker file .cached/.proglang-wesceme is placed in the distribution lesson root to identify it as a lesson using wescheme.

Note that the pathway mentions in its lesson-order.txt the lesson names in unadorned form (no proglang suffix). On building, a pathway becomes a course, and the distribution lessons associated with it are the right versions corrected for proglang. Thus the pathway core has simple-data-types as a constituent lesson. Moving over to the built distribution, the course core (Pyret) includes the lesson simple-data-types (Pyret), and the course core-wescheme includes the lesson simple-data-types-wescheme.

The course narrative and other resources

The pathway narrative index.adoc in the pathway root eventually will get converted to index.shtml in the course root. The various .adoc files in the front-matter, back-matter and resources subdirs also will get converted to HTML files, with suffix .shtml at the top level and .html at lower depths, i.e., in any pages and solution-pages subdirs. However, these HTML conversions aren’t performed at this time.

The lesson plan and workbook pages

The lesson plan index.adoc in the lesson root eventually will get converted to index.shtml in the distribution lesson root.

The .adoc files in the pages/ and solution-pages/ subdirs along with any .adoc files they include will get converted to .html files alongside.

Pathway-independent files

The pathway-independent files in shared/langs/en-us/docroot are copied over to distribution/en-us.