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Use React rules when building UI to produce maintainable components

React Rules

blefnk/rules 1.0.0


  • For developing React components within Next.js
  • Emphasizes clear, safe JSX and modern React 19 practices


  • In Next.js 15 and React 19, client components must start with "use client" at the top.
  • Server components require no directive. Server action files and any functions that call server actions should start with "use server".
  • Never use import * as React from "react", do explicit imports instead.
  • Use {condition ? <Element /> : null} for conditional JSX rendering; avoid &&.
  • Destructure props/state for clarity.
  • Keep boolean props accurate (e.g., <Button disabled />).
  • Set displayName on complex components or contexts.
  • Clean up side effects in useEffect (e.g., timers, listeners).
  • To handle refs in React 19 pass ref as a standard prop. forwardRef and string refs like ref="myRef" are deprecated.
  • No direct DOM manipulation (e.g., findDOMNode) or dangerouslySetInnerHTML.
  • Avoid using array index as a key; prefer stable IDs.
  • Use rel="noreferrer noopener" with target="_blank".
  • Use useCallback/React.memo/useMemo only if performance gains are measured.
  • Keep naming consistent (e.g., [count, setCount]) while destructuring useState.
  • Custom hooks must call at least one React hook. Use lazy initialization in useState for expensive computations.
  • Default props for arrays or objects, define them as constants outside the component to avoid creating new references on every render.
  • Avoid calling a useState setter in useEffect without a functional update or guard.
  • Avoid default Props in Function Components using inline referential values. Use ES6 defaults or optional props with constants declared outside the component.
  • Avoid defining Components inside another component’s render. Extract them.
  • Avoid unstable Default Props: Do not use inline array/object literals as defaults; define them outside.
  • For useCallback(fn, deps) provide stable dependencies (props, state) to control updates. Declare hook at the component’s top level (not in loops/conditions).
import { useCallback } from "react";

function ProductPage({ productId }) { const handleSubmit = useCallback(() => { post("/product/" + productId + "/buy"); }, [productId]);

return <ShippingForm onSubmit={handleSubmit} />;


// Missing dependencies => new function on every render const handleClick = useCallback(() => { // ... });