You can change your name, your email address and enable
Two factor authentication
If the wallabag instance has more than one enabled user, you can delete your account here. Take care, we delete all your data.
Two-factor authentication (also known as 2FA) is a technology patented in 1984 that provides identification of users by means of the combination of two different components.
Warning: enabling 2FA from the configuration interface is only
possible if it has been authorized before in app/config/parameters.yml
by setting the twofactor_auth parameter to true (do not forget to run
php bin/console cache:clear -e=prod
after modification).
If you enable 2FA, each time you want to login to wallabag, you'll receive a code by email. You have to put this code on the following form.
If you don't want to receive a code each time you want to login, you can
check the I'm on a trusted computer
checkbox: wallabag will remember
you for 15 days.