To install wallabag itself, you must run the following commands:
git clone
cd wallabag && make install
To start PHP's build-in server and test if everything did install correctly, you can do:
make run
And access wallabag at http://yourserverip:8000
To define parameters with environment variables, you have to set these
variables with SYMFONY__
prefix. For example,
. You can have a look at Symfony
We provide a package with all dependencies inside. The default
configuration uses SQLite for the database. If you want to change these
settings, please edit app/config/parameters.yml
We already created a user: login and password are wallabag
With this package, wallabag doesn't check for mandatory extensions used
in the application (theses checks are made during composer install
when you have a dedicated web server, see above).
Execute this command to download and extract the latest package:
wget && tar xvf latest-v2-package
You will find the md5 hash of the latest package on our website.
Now, read the following documentation to create your virtual host, then
access your wallabag. If you changed the database configuration to use
MySQL or PostgreSQL, you need to create a user via this command
php bin/console wallabag:install --env=prod
We provide you a Docker image to install wallabag easily. Have a look at our repository on Docker Hub for more information.
docker pull wallabag/wallabag
Cloudron provides an easy way to install webapps on your server with a focus on sysadmin automation and keeping apps updated. wallabag is packaged as a Cloudron app and available to install directly from the store.