This is a work in progress to embed a root tool to deploy wrapper actions in order to trim the excess of inputs yet be flexible.
No video for now. Sorry. 😞
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Not defined for now.
Not defined for now.
Create .github/workflow/deploy.yaml
with the following to build on push.
name: Basic deploy
branches: [ main ]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- id: deploy
uses: bitovi/github-actions-deploy-commons@main # <--- Check version to use, main for now.
aws_access_key_id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
aws_secret_access_key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}
aws_default_region: us-east-1
env_ghs: ${{ secrets.DOT_ENV }}
additional_tags: '{\"key\":\"value\",\"key2\":\"value2\"}'
- GitHub Deployment repo inputs
- GitHub Action repo inputs
- Action default inputs
- AWS Specific
- Secrets and Environment Variables
- EC2
- Certificates
- Load Balancer
- Amazon Aurora Inputs
- Docker
- Redis
The following inputs can be used as step.with
Name | Type | Description |
gh_deployment_input_terraform |
String | Folder to store Terraform files to be included during Terraform execution. |
gh_deployment_input_ansible |
String | Folder where a whole Ansible structure is expected. If missing bitops.config.yaml a default will be generated. |
gh_deployment_input_ansible_playbook |
String | Main playbook to be looked for. Defaults to playbook.yml . |
gh_deployment_input_ansible_extra_vars_file |
String | Relative path to Ansible extra-vars file. |
gh_deployment_action_input_ansible_extra_vars_file |
String | Relative path to Ansible extra-vars file from deployment to be set up into the action Ansible code. |
gh_deployment_input_helm_charts |
String | Relative path to the folder from project containing Helm charts to be installed. Could be uncompressed or compressed (.tgz) files. |
Name | Type | Description |
gh_action_repo |
String | URL of calling repo. |
gh_action_input_terraform |
String | Folder to store Terraform files to be included during Terraform execution. |
gh_action_input_ansible |
String | Folder where a whole Ansible structure is expected. If missing bitops.config.yaml a default will be generated. |
gh_action_input_ansible_playbook |
String | Main playbook to be looked for. Defaults to playbook.yml . |
gh_action_input_helm_charts |
String | Relative path to the folder from action containing Helm charts to be installed. Could be uncompressed or compressed (.tgz) files. |
Name | Type | Description |
checkout |
Boolean | Set to false if the code is already checked out. (Default is true ). |
bitops_code_only |
Boolean | If true , will run only the generation phase of BitOps, where the Terraform and Ansible code is built. |
bitops_code_store |
Boolean | Store BitOps generated code as a GitHub artifact. |
bitops_extra_env_vars |
String | Variables to be passed to BitOps as Docker extra vars. Format should be -e KEY1=VALUE1 -e KEY2=VALUE2 . |
bitops_extra_env_vars_file |
String | .env file to pass to BitOps Docker run. Usefull for long variables. |
tf_stack_destroy |
Boolean | Set to true to destroy the stack - Will delete the elb logs bucket after the destroy action runs. |
tf_state_file_name |
String | Change this to be anything you want to. Carefull to be consistent here. A missing file could trigger recreation, or stepping over destruction of non-defined objects. Defaults to tf-state-aws , tf-state-ecr or tf-state-eks. |
tf_state_file_name_append |
String | Appends a string to the tf-state-file. Setting this to unique will generate tf-state-aws-unique . (Can co-exist with tf_state_file_name ) |
tf_state_bucket |
String | AWS S3 bucket name to use for Terraform state. See note |
tf_state_bucket_destroy |
Boolean | Force purge and deletion of S3 bucket defined. Any file contained there will be destroyed. tf_stack_destroy must also be true . Default is false . |
tf_state_bucket_provider |
String | Bucket provider for Terraform State storage. [Disabled ATM, AWS as a default.] |
tf_targets |
List | A list of targets to create before the full stack creation. |
ansible_skip |
Boolean | Skip Ansible execution after Terraform excecution. Default is false . |
ansible_ssh_to_private_ip |
Boolean | Make Ansible connect to the private IP of the instance. Only usefull if using a hosted runner in the same network.' Default is false . |
ansible_start_docker_timeout |
String | Ammount of time in seconds it takes Ansible to mark as failed the startup of docker. Defaults to 300 . |
Name | Type | Description |
aws_access_key_id |
String | AWS access key ID |
aws_secret_access_key |
String | AWS secret access key |
aws_session_token |
String | AWS session token |
aws_default_region |
String | AWS default region. Defaults to us-east-1 |
aws_resource_identifier |
String | Set to override the AWS resource identifier for the deployment. Defaults to ${GITHUB_ORG_NAME}-${GITHUB_REPO_NAME}-${GITHUB_BRANCH_NAME} . Use with destroy to destroy specific resources. |
aws_additional_tags |
JSON | Add additional tags to the terraform default tags, any tags put here will be added to all provisioned resources. |
Name | Type | Description - Check note about environment variables. |
env_aws_secret |
String | Secret name to pull environment variables from AWS Secret Manager. Accepts comma separated list of secrets. |
env_repo |
String | .env file containing environment variables to be used with the app. Name defaults to repo_env . |
env_ghs |
String | .env file to be used with the app. This is the name of the Github secret. |
env_ghv |
String | .env file to be used with the app. This is the name of the Github variables. |
Name | Type | Description |
aws_ec2_instance_create |
Boolean | Set to true if you wish to create an EC2 instance. (Default is false ). |
aws_ec2_ami_filter |
String | AWS AMI Filter string. Will be used to lookup for lates image based on the string. Defaults to ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-jammy-22.04-amd64-server-* .' |
aws_ec2_ami_owner |
String | 'Owner of AWS AMI image. This ensures the provider is the one we are looking for. Defaults to 099720109477 , Canonical (Ubuntu).' |
aws_ec2_ami_id |
String | AWS AMI ID. Will default to the latest Ubuntu 22.04 server image (HVM). Accepts ami-### values. |
aws_ec2_ami_update |
Boolean | Set this to true if you want to recreate the EC2 instance if there is a newer version of the AMI. Defaults to false . |
aws_ec2_instance_type |
String | The AWS IAM instance type to use. Default is t2.small . See this list for reference. |
aws_ec2_instance_root_vol_size |
Integer | Define the volume size (in GiB) for the root volume on the AWS Instance. Defaults to 8 . |
aws_ec2_instance_root_vol_preserve |
Boolean | Set this to true to avoid deletion of root volume on termination. Defaults to false . |
aws_ec2_security_group_name |
String | The name of the EC2 security group. Defaults to SG for ${aws_resource_identifier} - EC2 . |
aws_ec2_iam_instance_profile |
String | The AWS IAM instance profile to use for the EC2 instance. Will create one if none provided with the name${GITHUB_ORG_NAME}-${GITHUB_REPO_NAME}-${GITHUB_BRANCH_NAME} . |
aws_ec2_create_keypair_sm |
Boolean | Generates and manages a secret manager entry that contains the public and private keys created for the ec2 instance. |
aws_ec2_instance_public_ip |
Boolean | Add a public IP to the instance or not. (Not an Elastic IP). |
aws_ec2_port_list |
String | Comma separated list of ports to be enabled in the EC2 instance security group. (NOT THE ELB) In a xx,yy format. |
aws_ec2_user_data_file |
String | Relative path in the repo for a user provided script to be executed with Terraform EC2 Instance creation. See this note |
aws_ec2_user_data_replace_on_change |
Boolean | If aws_ec2_user_data_file file changes, instance will stop and start. Hence public IP will change. This will destroy and recreate the instance. Defaults to true . |
aws_ec2_additional_tags |
JSON | Add additional tags to the terraform default tags, any tags put here will be added to ec2 provisioned resources. |
Name | Type | Description |
aws_vpc_create |
Boolean | Define if a VPC should be created |
aws_vpc_name |
String | Define a name for the VPC. Defaults to VPC for ${aws_resource_identifier} . |
aws_vpc_cidr_block |
String | Define Base CIDR block which is divided into subnet CIDR blocks. Defaults to . |
aws_vpc_public_subnets |
String | Comma separated list of public subnets. Defaults to |
aws_vpc_private_subnets |
String | Comma separated list of private subnets. If no input, no private subnet will be created. Defaults to <none> . |
aws_vpc_availability_zones |
String | Comma separated list of availability zones. Defaults to aws_default_region+<random> value. If a list is defined, the first zone will be the one used for the EC2 instance. |
aws_vpc_id |
String | AWS VPC ID. Accepts vpc-### values. |
aws_vpc_subnet_id |
String | AWS VPC Subnet ID. If none provided, will pick one. (Ideal when there's only one) |
aws_vpc_additional_tags |
JSON | Add additional tags to the terraform default tags, any tags put here will be added to vpc provisioned resources. |
Name | Type | Description |
aws_r53_enable |
Boolean | Set this to true if you wish to manage certificates through AWS Certificate Manager with Terraform. See note. Default is false . |
aws_r53_domain_name |
String | Define the root domain name for the application. e.g.'. |
aws_r53_sub_domain_name |
String | Define the sub-domain part of the URL. Defaults to ${GITHUB_ORG_NAME}-${GITHUB_REPO_NAME}-${GITHUB_BRANCH_NAME} . |
aws_r53_root_domain_deploy |
Boolean | Deploy application to root domain. Will create root and www records. Default is false . |
aws_r53_enable_cert |
Boolean | Set this to true if you wish to manage certificates through AWS Certificate Manager with Terraform. See note. Default is false . |
aws_r53_cert_arn |
String | Define the certificate ARN to use for the application. See note. |
aws_r53_create_root_cert |
Boolean | Generates and manage the root cert for the application. See note. Default is false . |
aws_r53_create_sub_cert |
Boolean | Generates and manage the sub-domain certificate for the application. See note. Default is false . |
aws_r53_additional_tags |
JSON | Add additional tags to the terraform default tags, any tags put here will be added to R53 provisioned resources. |
Name | Type | Description |
aws_elb_create |
Boolean | Toggles the creation of a load balancer and map ports to the EC2 instance. |
aws_elb_security_group_name |
String | The name of the ELB security group. Defaults to SG for ${aws_resource_identifier} - ELB . |
aws_elb_app_port |
String | Port in the EC2 instance to be redirected to. Default is 3000 |
aws_elb_app_protocol |
String | Protocol to enable. Could be HTTP, HTTPS, TCP or SSL. Defaults to TCP. |
aws_elb_listen_port |
String | Load balancer listening port. Default is 80 if NO FQDN provided, 443 if FQDN provided. |
aws_elb_listen_protocol |
String | Protocol to enable. Could be HTTP, HTTPS, TCP or SSL. Defaults to TCP if NO FQDN provided, SSL if FQDN provided. |
aws_elb_healthcheck |
String | Load balancer health check string. Default is TCP:22 . |
aws_elb_additional_tags |
JSON | Add additional tags to the terraform default tags, any tags put here will be added to elb provisioned resources. |
Name | Type | Description |
aws_efs_create |
Boolean | Toggle to indicate whether to create an EFS and mount it to the ec2 as a part of the provisioning. Note: The stack will manage the EFS and will be destroyed along with the stack. |
aws_efs_create_ha |
Boolean | Toggle to indicate whether the EFS resource should be highly available (target mounts in all available zones within a region). |
aws_efs_fs_id |
String | ID of existing EFS. |
aws_efs_vpc_id |
String | ID of the VPC for the EFS mount target. If aws_efs_create_ha is set to true, will create one mount target per subnet available in the VPC. If not, will create one in an automated selected region. |
aws_efs_subnet_ids |
String | ID (or ID's) of the subnet for the EFS mount target. (Comma separated string.) |
aws_efs_security_group_name |
String | The name of the EFS security group. Defaults to SG for ${aws_resource_identifier} - EFS . |
aws_efs_create_replica |
Boolean | Toggle whether a read-only replica should be created for the EFS primary file system |
aws_efs_replication_destination |
String | AWS Region to target for replication. |
aws_efs_enable_backup_policy |
Boolean | Toggle whether the EFS should have a backup policy. |
aws_efs_transition_to_inactive |
String | Indicates how long it takes to transition files to the IA storage class. |
aws_efs_mount_target |
String | Directory path in efs to mount directory to. Default is / . |
aws_efs_ec2_mount_point |
String | The aws_efs_ec2_mount_point input represents the folder path within the EC2 instance to the data directory. Default is /user/ubuntu/<application_repo>/data . Additionally, this value is loaded into the docker-compose .env file as HOST_DIR . |
aws_efs_additional_tags |
JSON | Add additional tags to the terraform default tags, any tags put here will be added to efs provisioned resources. |
Name | Type | Description |
aws_rds_db_enable |
Boolean | Set to true to enable an RDS DB. |
aws_rds_db_proxy |
Boolean | Set to true to add a RDS DB Proxy. |
aws_rds_db_identifier |
String | Database identifier that will appear in the AWS Console. Defaults to aws_resource_identifier if none set. |
aws_rds_db_name |
String | The name of the database to create when the DB instance is created. If this parameter is not specified, no database is created in the DB instance. |
aws_rds_db_user |
String | Username for the db. Defaults to dbuser . |
aws_rds_db_engine |
String | Which Database engine to use. Defaults to postgres . |
aws_rds_db_engine_version |
String | Which Database engine version to use. |
aws_rds_db_ca_cert_identifier |
String | Certificate to use with the database. Defaults to rds-ca-ecc384-g1 . |
aws_rds_db_security_group_name |
String | The name of the database security group. Defaults to SG for ${aws_resource_identifier} - RDS . |
aws_rds_db_allowed_security_groups |
String | Comma separated list of security groups to add to the DB SG. |
aws_rds_db_ingress_allow_all |
Boolean | Allow incoming traffic from Defaults to true . |
aws_rds_db_publicly_accessible |
Boolean | Allow the database to be publicly accessible. Defaults to false . |
aws_rds_db_port |
String | Port where the DB listens to. |
aws_rds_db_subnets |
String | Specify which subnets to use as a list of strings. Example: i-1234,i-5678,i-9101 . |
aws_rds_db_allocated_storage |
String | Storage size. Defaults to 10 . |
aws_rds_db_max_allocated_storage |
String | Max storage size. Defaults to 0 to disable auto-scaling. |
aws_rds_db_instance_class |
String | DB instance server type. Defaults to db.t3.micro . |
aws_rds_db_final_snapshot |
String | If wanted, add a snapshot name. Leave emtpy if not. |
aws_rds_db_restore_snapshot_identifier |
String | Name of the snapshot to create the databse from. |
aws_rds_db_cloudwatch_logs_exports |
String | Set of log types to enable for exporting to CloudWatch logs. Defaults to postgresql . MySQL and MariaDB: audit, error, general, slowquery . PostgreSQL: postgresql, upgrade . MSSQL: agent , error . Oracle: alert, audit, listener, trace . |
aws_rds_db_additional_tags |
JSON | Add additional tags to the terraform default tags, any tags put here will be added to RDS provisioned resources. |
Name | Type | Description |
aws_aurora_enable |
Boolean | Set to true to enable an Aurora database. (Postgres or MySQL). |
aws_aurora_proxy |
Boolean | Set to true to add an Aurora DB Proxy |
aws_aurora_engine |
String | Which Database engine to use. Default is aurora-postgresql . |
aws_aurora_engine_version |
String | Specify database version. More information Postgres or MySQL. Default is 11.17 . (Postgres) |
aws_aurora_database_group_family |
String | Specify aws database group family. Default is aurora-postgresql11 . See this. |
aws_aurora_instance_class |
String | Define the size of the instances in the DB cluster. Default is db.t3.medium . |
aws_aurora_security_group_name |
String | The name of the database security group. Defaults to SG for ${aws_resource_identifier} - Aurora . |
aws_aurora_subnets |
String | Specify which subnets to use as a list of strings. Example: i-1234,i-5678,i-9101 . |
aws_aurora_cluster_name |
String | Specify a cluster name. Will be created if it does not exist. Defaults to aws_resource_identifier . |
aws_aurora_database_name |
String | Specify a database name. Will be created if it does not exist. Defaults to aws_resource_identifier . |
aws_aurora_database_port |
String | Specify a listening port for the database. Default is 5432 . |
aws_aurora_restore_snapshot |
String | Restore a snapshot to the DB. Should be set only once. Changes in this value will destroy and recreate the database completely. |
aws_aurora_snapshot_name |
String | Specify a database name. Will be created if it does not exist. Won't overwrite. |
aws_aurora_snapshot_overwrite |
Boolean | Set to true to overwrite the snapshot. |
aws_aurora_database_protection |
Boolean | Protects the database from deletion. Default is false . |
aws_aurora_database_final_snapshot |
Boolean | Creates a snapshot before deletion. If a string is passed, it will be used as the snapsthot name. Defaults to false . |
aws_aurora_additional_tags |
JSON | Add additional tags to the terraform default tags, any tags put here will be added to aurora provisioned resources. |
Name | Type | Description |
aws_db_proxy_enable |
Boolean | Set to true to enable a database proxy. |
aws_db_proxy_name |
String | Name of the database proxy. Defaults to aws_resource_identifier |
aws_db_proxy_database_id |
String | Specify the ID of the databse to use. |
aws_db_proxy_cluster |
Boolean | Set to true if you are creating this for an RDS Cluster. Defaults to false . |
aws_db_proxy_secret_name |
String | AWS Secrets manager containing database details and credentials. |
aws_db_proxy_client_password_auth_type |
String | Overrides auth type. Using MYSQL_NATIVE_PASSWORD , POSTGRES_SCRAM_SHA_256 , and SQL_SERVER_AUTHENTICATION depending on the database family. |
aws_db_proxy_tls |
Boolean | Make TLS a requirement for connections. Defaults to true . |
aws_db_proxy_security_group_name |
String | Name for the proxy security group. Defaults to aws_resource_identifier . |
aws_db_proxy_database_security_group_allow |
Boolean | If true, will add an incoming rule from every security group associated with the DB. |
aws_db_proxy_allowed_security_group |
String | Comma separated list fo allowed security groups to add. |
aws_db_proxy_allow_all_incoming |
Boolean | Allow all incoming traffic to the DB Proxy. Mind that the proxy is only available from the internal network except manually exposed. Defaults to ƒalse . |
aws_db_proxy_cloudwatch_enable |
Boolean | Toggle Cloudwatch logs. Will be stored in /aws/rds/proxy/ . |
aws_db_proxy_cloudwatch_retention_days |
String | Number of days to retain cloudwatch logs. Defaults to 14 . |
aws_db_proxy_additional_tags |
JSON | Add additional tags to the ter added to aurora provisioned resources. |
Name | Type | Description |
docker_install |
Boolean | Set to true to enable docker installation through Ansible. docker-compose up will be excecuted after. |
docker_remove_orphans |
Boolean | Set to true to turn the --remove-orphans flag. Defaults to false . |
docker_full_cleanup |
Boolean | Set to true to run docker-compose down and docker system prune --all --force --volumes after. Runs before docker_install . WARNING: docker volumes will be destroyed. |
docker_repo_app_directory |
String | Relative path for the directory of the app. (i.e. where the docker-compose.yaml file is located). This is the directory that is copied into the EC2 instance. Default is / , the root of the repository. Add a .gha-ignore file with a list of files to be exluded. (Using glob patterns). |
docker_repo_app_directory_cleanup |
Boolean | Will generate a timestamped compressed file (in the home directory of the instance) and delete the app repo directory. Runs before docker_install and after docker_full_cleanup . |
docker_efs_mount_target |
String | Directory path within docker env to mount directory to. Default is /data |
docker_cloudwatch_enable |
Boolean | Toggle cloudwatch creation for Docker. Create a file named docker-daemon.json in your repo root dir if you need to customize it. Defaults to false . Check docker docs. |
docker_cloudwatch_lg_name |
String | Log group name. Will default to ${aws_resource_identifier}-docker-logs if none. |
docker_cloudwatch_skip_destroy |
Boolean | Toggle deletion or not when destroying the stack. Defaults to false . |
docker_cloudwatch_retention_days |
String | Number of days to retain logs. 0 to never expire. Defaults to 14 . See note. |
Name | Type | Description |
aws_redis_enable |
Boolean | Enables the creation of a Redis instance. |
aws_redis_user |
String | Redis username. Defaults to redisuser . |
aws_redis_user_access_string |
String | String expression for user access. Defaults to on ~* +@all . |
aws_redis_user_group_name |
String | User group name. Defaults to aws_resource_identifier-redis . |
aws_redis_security_group_name |
String | Redis security group name. Defaults to SG for aws_resource_identifier - Redis . |
aws_redis_ingress_allow_all |
Boolean | Allow access from Defaults to true . |
aws_redis_allowed_security_groups |
String | Comma separated list of security groups to be added to the Redis SG. |
aws_redis_subnets |
String | Define a list of specific subnets where Redis will live. Defaults to all of the VPC ones. If nome defined, default VPC. |
aws_redis_port |
String | Redis port. Defaults to 6379 . |
aws_redis_at_rest_encryption |
Boolean | Encryption at rest. Defaults to true . |
aws_redis_in_transit_encryption |
Boolean | In-transit encryption. Defaults to true . |
aws_redis_replication_group_id |
String | Name of the Redis replication group. Defaults to aws_resource_identifier-redis . |
aws_redis_node_type |
String | Node type of the Redis instance. Defaults to cache.t2.small . |
aws_redis_num_cache_clusters |
String | Amount of Redis nodes. Defaults to 1 . |
aws_redis_parameter_group_name |
String | Redis parameters groups name. If cluster wanted, set it to something that includes .cluster.on. Defaults to default.redis7 . |
aws_redis_num_node_groups |
String | Number of node groups. Defaults to 0 . |
aws_redis_replicas_per_node_group |
String | Number of replicas per node group. Defaults to 0 . |
aws_redis_multi_az_enabled |
Boolean | Enables multi-availability-zone redis. Defaults to false . |
aws_redis_automatic_failover |
Boolean | Allows overriding the automatic configuration of this value, only needed when playing with resources in a non-conventional way. |
aws_redis_apply_immediately |
Boolean | Specifies whether any modifications are applied immediately, or during the next maintenance window. Defaults to false . |
aws_redis_auto_minor_upgrade |
Boolean | Specifies whether minor version engine upgrades will be applied automatically to the underlying Cache Cluster instances during the maintenance window. Defaults to true . |
aws_redis_maintenance_window |
String | Specifies the weekly time range for when maintenance on the cache cluster is performed. Example:sun:05:00-sun:06:00 . Defaults to null . |
aws_redis_snapshot_window |
String | Daily time range (in UTC) when to start taking a daily snapshot. Minimum is a 60 minute period. Example: 05:00-09:00 . Defaults to null . |
aws_redis_final_snapshot |
String | Change name to define a final snapshot. |
aws_redis_snapshot_restore_name |
String | Set name to restore a snapshot to the cluster. The default behaviour is to restore it each time this action runs. |
aws_redis_cloudwatch_enabled |
String | Enable or disables Cloudwatch logging. |
aws_redis_cloudwatch_lg_name |
String | Cloudwatch log group name. Defaults to /aws/redis/aws_resource_identifier Will append log_type to it eg. /your/name/slow-log . |
aws_redis_cloudwatch_log_format |
String | Define log format between json (default) and text. |
aws_redis_cloudwatch_log_type |
String | Log type. Older Redis engines need slow-log . Newer support engine-log (default). You could add both by setting slow-log,engine-log . |
aws_redis_cloudwatch_retention_days |
String | Number of days to retain cloudwatch logs. Defaults to 14 . |
aws_redis_single_line_url_secret |
Boolean | Creates an AWS secret containing the connection string containing protocol://user@pass:endpoint:port |
aws_redis_additional_tags |
String | Additional tags to be added to every Redis related resource. |
Name | Type | Description |
aws_ecs_enable |
Boolean | Toggle ECS Creation. Defaults to false . |
aws_ecs_service_name |
String | Elastic Container Service name. |
aws_ecs_cluster_name |
String | Elastic Container Service cluster name. |
aws_ecs_service_launch_type |
String | Configuration type. Could be EC2 , FARGATE or EXTERNAL . Defaults to FARGATE . |
aws_ecs_task_type |
String | Configuration type. Could be EC2 , FARGATE or empty. Will default to aws_ecs_service_launch_type if none defined. (Blank if EXTERNAL ). |
aws_ecs_task_name |
String | Elastic Container Service task name. If task is defined with a JSON file, should be the same as the container name. |
aws_ecs_task_execution_role |
String | Elastic Container Service task execution role name from IAM. Defaults to ecsTaskExecutionRole . |
aws_ecs_task_json_definition_file |
String | Name of the json file containing task definition. Overrides every other input. |
aws_ecs_task_network_mode |
String | Network type to use in task definition. One of none , bridge , awsvpc , and host . |
aws_ecs_task_cpu |
String | Task CPU Amount. |
aws_ecs_task_mem |
String | Task Mem Amount. |
aws_ecs_container_cpu |
String | Container CPU Amount. |
aws_ecs_container_mem |
String | Container Mem Amount. |
aws_ecs_node_count |
String | Node count for ECS Cluster. |
aws_ecs_app_image |
String | Name of the container image to be used. |
aws_ecs_security_group_name |
String | ECS Secruity group name. |
aws_ecs_assign_public_ip |
Boolean | Assign public IP to node. |
aws_ecs_container_port |
String | Comma separated list of container ports. One for each. |
aws_ecs_lb_port |
String | Comma serparated list of ports exposed by the load balancer. One for each. |
aws_ecs_lb_redirect_enable |
String | Toggle redirect from HTTP and/or HTTPS to the main port. |
aws_ecs_lb_container_path |
String | Comma separated list of paths for subsequent deployed containers. Need aws_ecs_lb_redirect_enable to be true. eg. api. (For If you have multiple, set them to api,monitor,prom,, (This example is for 6 containers) |
aws_ecs_autoscaling_enable |
Boolean | Toggle ecs autoscaling policy. |
aws_ecs_autoscaling_max_nodes |
String | Max ammount of nodes to scale up to. |
aws_ecs_autoscaling_min_nodes |
String | Min ammount of nodes to scale down to. |
aws_ecs_autoscaling_max_mem |
String | Define autoscaling max mem. |
aws_ecs_autoscaling_max_cpu |
String | Define autoscaling max cpu. |
aws_ecs_cloudwatch_enable |
Boolean | Toggle cloudwatch for ECS. Default false . |
aws_ecs_cloudwatch_lg_name |
String | Log group name. Will default to aws_identifier if none. |
aws_ecs_cloudwatch_skip_destroy |
Boolean | Toggle deletion or not when destroying the stack. |
aws_ecs_cloudwatch_retention_days |
String | Number of days to retain logs. 0 to never expire. Defaults to 14 . |
aws_ecs_additional_tags |
JSON | Add additional tags to the terraform default tags, any tags put here will be added to ECS provisioned resources. |
Name | Type | Description |
aws_ecr_repo_create |
Boolean | Determines whether a repository will be created.' |
aws_ecr_repo_type |
String | The type of repository to create. Either public or private . Defaults to private .' |
aws_ecr_repo_name |
String | The name of the repository. If none, will use the default resource-identifier.' |
aws_ecr_repo_mutable |
Boolean | The tag mutability setting for the repository. Set this to true if MUTABLE . Defaults to false, so IMMUTABLE ' |
aws_ecr_repo_encryption_type |
String | The encryption type for the repository. Must be one of: KMS or AES256 . Defaults to AES256 ' |
aws_ecr_repo_encryption_key_arn |
String | The ARN of the KMS key to use when encryption_type is KMS . If not specified, uses the default AWS managed key for ECR. |
aws_ecr_repo_force_destroy |
Boolean | If true , will delete the repository even if it contains images. Defaults to false ' |
aws_ecr_repo_image_scan |
Boolean | Indicates whether images are scanned after being pushed to the repository (true ) (default) or not scanned (false )' |
aws_ecr_registry_scan_rule |
String | One or multiple blocks specifying scanning rules to determine which repository filters are used and at what frequency. Defaults to [] . |
aws_ecr_registry_pull_through_cache_rules |
String | List of pull through cache rules to create. Use map(map(string)). ' |
aws_ecr_registry_scan_config |
String | Scanning type to set for the registry. Can be either ENHANCED or BASIC . Defaults to null.' |
aws_ecr_registry_replication_rules_input |
String | The replication rules for a replication configuration. A maximum of 10 are allowed. Defaults to [] .' |
aws_ecr_repo_policy_attach |
Boolean | Determines whether a repository policy will be attached to the repository. Defaults to true .' |
aws_ecr_repo_policy_create |
Boolean | Determines whether a repository policy will be created. Defaults to true .' |
aws_ecr_repo_policy_input |
String | The JSON policy to apply to the repository. If defined overrides the default policy' |
aws_ecr_repo_read_arn |
String | The ARNs of the IAM users/roles that have read access to the repository. (Comma separated list)' |
aws_ecr_repo_write_arn |
String | The ARNs of the IAM users/roles that have read/write access to the repository. (Comma separated list)' |
aws_ecr_repo_read_arn_lambda |
String | The ARNs of the Lambda service roles that have read access to the repository. (Comma separated list)' |
aws_ecr_lifecycle_policy_input |
String | The policy document. This is a JSON formatted string. See more details about Policy Parameters in the official AWS docs' |
aws_ecr_public_repo_catalog |
String | Catalog data configuration for the repository. Defaults to {} .' |
aws_ecr_registry_policy_input |
String | The policy document. This is a JSON formatted string' |
aws_ecr_additional_tags |
JSON | Add additional tags to the terraform default tags, any tags put here will be added to ECR provisioned resources. |
Name | Type | Description |
aws_eks_create |
Boolean | Define if an EKS cluster should be created |
aws_eks_region |
String | Define the region where EKS cluster should be created. Defaults to us-east-1 . |
aws_eks_security_group_name_master |
String | Define the security group name master. Defaults to SG for ${GITHUB_ORG_NAME}-${GITHUB_REPO_NAME}-${GITHUB_BRANCH_NAME} - ${aws_eks_environment} - EKS Master . |
aws_eks_security_group_name_worker |
String | Define the security group name worker. Defaults to SG for ${GITHUB_ORG_NAME}-${GITHUB_REPO_NAME}-${GITHUB_BRANCH_NAME} - ${aws_eks_environment} - EKS Worker . |
aws_eks_environment |
String | Specify the eks environment name. Defaults to env |
aws_eks_stackname |
String | Specify the eks stack name for your environment. Defaults to eks-stack . |
aws_eks_cidr_block |
String | Define Base CIDR block which is divided into subnet CIDR blocks. Defaults to . |
aws_eks_workstation_cidr |
String | Comma separated list of remote public CIDRs blocks to add it to Worker nodes security groups. |
aws_eks_availability_zones |
String | Comma separated list of availability zones. Defaults to us-east-1a,us-east-1b . |
aws_eks_private_subnets |
String | Comma separated list of private subnets. Defaults to, . |
aws_eks_public_subnets |
String | Comma separated list of public subnets. Defaults to, |
aws_eks_cluster_name |
String | Specify the k8s cluster name. Defaults to ${GITHUB_ORG_NAME}-${GITHUB_REPO_NAME}-${GITHUB_BRANCH_NAME}-cluster |
aws_eks_cluster_log_types |
String | Comma separated list of cluster log type. See this AWS doc. Defaults to none . |
aws_eks_cluster_version |
String | Specify the k8s cluster version. Defaults to 1.27 |
aws_eks_instance_type |
String | Define the EC2 instance type. See this list for reference. Defaults to t3a.medium . |
aws_eks_instance_ami_id |
String | AWS AMI ID. Will default to the latest Amazon EKS Node image for the cluster version. |
aws_eks_instance_user_data_file |
String | Relative path in the repo for a user provided script to be executed with the EC2 Instance creation. See note. |
aws_eks_ec2_key_pair |
String | Enter an existing ec2 key pair name for worker nodes. If none, will create one. |
aws_eks_store_keypair_sm |
Boolean | If true, will store the newly created keys in Secret Manager. |
aws_eks_desired_capacity |
String | Enter the desired capacity for the worker nodes. Defaults to 2 . |
aws_eks_max_size |
String | Enter the max_size for the worker nodes. Defaults to 4 . |
aws_eks_min_size |
String | Enter the min_size for the worker nodes. Defaults to 2 . |
aws_eks_additional_tags |
JSON | Add additional tags to the terraform default tags, any tags put here will be added to eks provisioned resources. |
input_helm_charts |
String | Relative path to the folder from project containing Helm charts to be installed. Could be uncompressed or compressed (.tgz) files. |
Most resources will contain the tag ${GITHUB_ORG_NAME}-${GITHUB_REPO_NAME}-${GITHUB_BRANCH_NAME}
, some of them, even the resource name after.
We limit this to a 60 characters string because some AWS resources have a length limit and short it if needed.
We use the kubernetes style for this. For example, kubernetes -> k(# of characters)s -> k8s. And so you might see some compressions are made.
For some specific resources, we have a 32 characters limit. If the identifier length exceeds this number after compression, we remove the middle part and replace it for a hash made up from the string itself.
There's the option to add any kind of defined tag's to each grouping module. Will be added to the commons tagging.
An example of how to set them: {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}
As it is defined right now, we expect a Debian based packet manager, so we require Debian based images that suports apt repos. This action is tested with Ubuntu 22 server image. (As the default.) We cannot ensure it will work on different specific distributions. If this is a requirement for you, feel free to open an issue and/or a pull request.
Buckets names can be made of up to 63 characters. If the length allows us to add -tf-state, we will do so. If not, a simple -tf will be added.
As a default, the application will be deployed and the ELB public URL will be displayed.
If aws_r53_domain_name
is defined, we will look up for a certificate with the name of that domain (eg.
). We expect that certificate to contain both
and *
Setting aws_r53_create_root_cert
to true
will create this certificate with both
and *
for you, and validate them. (DNS validation).
Setting aws_r53_create_sub_cert
to true
will create a certificate just for the subdomain, and validate it.
⚠️ Be very careful here! Created certificates are fully managed by Terraform. Therefor they will be destroyed upon stack destruction.
To change a certificate (root_cert, sub_cert, ARN or pre-existing root cert), you must first set the aws_r53_enable_cert
flag to false, run the action, then set the aws_r53_enable_cert
flag to true, add the desired settings and excecute the action again. (This will destroy the first certificate.)
This is necessary due to a limitation that prevents certificates from being changed while in use by certain resources.
Users looking to add non-ephemeral storage to their created EC2 instance have the following options; create a new efs as a part of the ec2 deployment stack, or mounting an existing EFS.
Option 1, you have access to the aws_efs_create
or aws_efs_create_ha
attribute which will create a EFS resource and mount it to the EC2 instance in the application directory at the path: "app_root/data".
⚠️ Be very careful here! The EFS is fully managed by Terraform. Therefor it will be destroyed upon stack destruction.
Option 2, you have access to the mount_efs
attributes. Requiring an existing EFS id and optionally a primary security group id the existing EFS will be attached to the ec2 security group to allow traffic.
An example EFS Zone mapping;
"a": {
"subnet_id": "subnet-foo123",
"security_groups: ["sg-foo123", "sg-bar456"]
If aws_rds_db_enable
and/or aws_aurora_enable
are set to true
, this action will deploy a RDS instance and/or Aurora cluster using Postgres as a default.
For RDS see this Terraform provider For Aurora see this Terraform provider and this other AWS doc to set up most of the variables.
The following environment variables are added to the .env
file in your app's docker-compose.yaml
To take advantage of these environment variables, be sure your docker-compose file is referencing the .env
file like this:
version: '3.9'
# ...
env_file: .env
# ...
The RDS available environment variables are:
Variable | Description |
Database enginge name |
Database engine version |
DB Username |
DB Password |
Main database name |
DB Port |
DB Host |
The Aurora available environment variables are:
Variable | Description |
Engine name - ( mysql/postgres ) |
Writer endpoint for the cluster |
The database port |
database root password |
The database master username |
Name for an automatically created database on cluster creation |
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of cluster |
The RDS Cluster Identifier |
The RDS Cluster Resource ID |
A read-only endpoint for the cluster, automatically load-balanced across replicas |
The running version of the cluster database |
The Route53 Hosted Zone ID of the endpoint |
In order to be flexible, the following variables will be used to store DB related info in AWS Secretes Manager
The AWS root certificate is downloaded and accessible via the rds-combined-ca-bundle.pem
file in root of your app repo/directory.
Example JavaScript to make a request to the Postgres cluster:
const { Client } = require('pg')
// set up client
const client = new Client({
host: process.env.DBA_HOST,
port: process.env.DBA_PORT,
user: process.env.DBA_USER,
password: process.env.DBA_PASSWORD,
database: process.env.DBA_NAME,
ssl: {
ca: fs.readFileSync('rds-combined-ca-bundle.pem').toString()
// connect and query
const result = await client.query('SELECT NOW()');
await client.end();
console.log(`Hello SQL timestamp: ${result.rows[0].now}`);
Specifically, the following resources will be created:
- AWS Security Group
- AWS Security Group Rule - Allows access to the cluster's db port:
- AWS Security Group Rule - Allows access to the cluster's db port:
- AWS RDS Aurora
- Includes a single database (set by the input:
. defaults toroot
- Includes a single database (set by the input:
Additional details about the cluster that's created:
- Automated backups (7 Days)
- Backup window 2-3 UTC (GMT)
- Encrypted Storage
- Monitoring enabled
- Sends logs to AWS Cloudwatch
For more details, see link-to-be-updated
Say you have a frontend and backend deployment. Backend will live and listen on
name: Basic deploy
branches: [ main ]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- id: deploy
uses: bitovi/github-actions-deploy-commons@main # <--- Check version to use, main for now.
aws_access_key_id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID_SANDBOX }}
aws_secret_access_key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY_SANDBOX }}
aws_default_region: us-east-1
tf_state_bucket: ecs-leo-testing
aws_ecs_enable: true
aws_ecs_task_name: frontend,backend
aws_ecs_task_network_mode: awsvpc
aws_ecs_task_cpu: 1024,2048
aws_ecs_task_mem: 2048,6144
aws_ecs_assign_public_ip: true
aws_ecs_container_port: 3000,3001
aws_ecs_lb_port: 3000,3001
aws_ecs_lb_redirect_enable: true
aws_ecs_lb_container_path: 'api'
aws_ecs_cloudwatch_enable: true
aws_r53_enable: true
aws_ecs_additional_tags: '{\"key\":\"value\",\"key2\":\"value2\"}'
BitOps allows you to define Infrastructure-as-Code for multiple tools in a central place. This action uses a BitOps Operations Repository to set up the necessary Terraform and Ansible to create infrastructure and deploy to it.
We would love for you to contribute to bitovi/github-actions-deploy-docker-to-ec2. Would you like to see additional features? Create an issue or a Pull Requests. We love discussing solutions!
The scripts and documentation in this project are released under the MIT License.