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@bigtest/interactor CircleCI

Synchronously interact with DOM elements using a convergence interface.

Convergent Interactions

This libarary uses convergences from @bigtest/convergence to ensure that elements exist in the DOM before being interacted with. As such, the Interactor class provided by this library supports the Convergence methods as well as interaction specific ones.

import { Interactor } from '@bigtest/interactor';

let logIn = new Interactor('#login-form')   // optional scope selector
  .fill('.email-input', '[email protected]') // fills in an email
  .blur('.email-input')                     // triggers blur validation
  .fill('.pass-input', '5up3rS3cr37')       // fills in a password
  .click('.submit-btn')                     // submits the form
  .when(() => !!user.loggedIn)              // ensures we've logged in

// runs the interactor and bails if it cannot complete in 1 second
  // .run() returns a promise
  .then(() => {...})  // user has been logged in
  .catch(() => {...}) // something went wrong along the way

// interactors are immutable and can be run multiple times
await => console.log('logged in')).timeout(500)

Available Interactions


  • .text
  • .value
  • .isVisible
  • .isHidden
  • .isPresent

The interaction getters return the state of the scoped element.


  • .click(selector)
  • .fill(selector, value)
  • .select(selector, option)
  • .focus(selector)
  • .blur(selector)
  • .trigger(selector, event, eventOptions)
  • .scroll(selector, { left, top })

The interaction methods can omit the selector and also interact directly with the scoped element.


  • .find(selector)
  • .findAll(selector)

You may use the .find method to converge on an element existing. That element is then passed on to the next convergence method in the stack.

new Interactor('#login-page')
  .when((h1) => h1.innerText === 'Log In')
  .do(() => console.log('looks good!'))

The .findAll method passes on an array of elements found at the time it was called. If it cannot find any elements matching selector, an empty array is passed along instead.

Custom Interactors

You can create custom interactors by extending the Interactor class:

class CustomInteractor extends Interactor {
  logIn(email, password) {
    return this
      .fill('.email-input', email)
      .fill('.pass-input', password)

await new CustomInteractor()
  .logIn('[email protected]', '5up3rS3cr37')

You can also create custom interactors by using the interactor class decorator along with interaction helpers:

/* tests/pages/login-page.js */

import {
} from '@bigtest/interaction';

export default @interactor class LoginPageInteractor {
  heading = text('h1.heading');
  errors = count('p.login-error')
  fillEmail = fillable('.email-input');
  blurEmail = blurrable('.email-input');
  fillPass = fillable('.pass-input');
  submit = clickable('.submit-btn');
  isLoggedIn = isVisible('.login-message.success')

  login(email, password) {
    return this

The *able interaction helpers provide methods that return new instances of the custom interactor. This instance can then be chained with other methods created with *able helpers.

The other property helpers return getters for lazily returning the desired results. If the element does not exist when the getter is accessed, it will immediately throw an error.

/* tests/login-test.js */

// @bigtest/mocha uses convergent assertions
import { describe, beforeEach, it } from '@bigtest/mocha';
import { expect } from 'chai';

import LoginPageInteractor from './pages/login-page'

// You can use a single interactor class for multiple scoped instances
let loginPage = new LoginPageInteractor('#login-page');

describe('Logging in', () => {
  // if this getter throws an error, @bigtest/mocha's convergent it
  // will keep running this assertion until it passes or the timeout
  // is exceeded
  it('has a "log in" heading', () => {
    expect(loginPage.heading).to.eq('Log In');

  describe('with an invalid email', () => {
    // no need to call .timeout() or .run() since
    // @bigtest/mocha will do that for us
    beforeEach(() => {
      return loginPage

    it('has errors', () => {

    it('does not log in', () => {

  describe('with an email and password', () => {
    beforeEach(() => {
      return loginPage.login('[email protected]', '5up3rS3cr37')

    it('has no errors', () => {

    it('logs in', () => {

Available Helpers


  • find(selector)
  • findAll(selector)
  • text(selector)
  • value(selector)
  • count(selector)
  • property(selector, prop)
  • attribute(selector, attr)
  • isVisible(selector)
  • isHidden(selector)
  • isPresent(selector)
  • isFocused(selector)
  • is(selector, match)
  • hasClass(selector)

All default interactor properties and methods may be overwritten freely, with the exception of Convergence methods when, always, do, timeout, run, then, append, and a reserved method, only, meant for nested interactors.


  • clickable(selector)
  • focusable(selector)
  • blurrable(selector)
  • triggerable(selector, event, eventOptions)
  • fillable(selector) => function(value)
  • selectable(selector) => function(option)
  • scrollable(selector) => function({ left, top })

Just like interactor methods, you may omit any selector to interact directly with the root element. This root element is also available as interactor.$root and is lazy just like other property getters.


  • scoped(selector, properties)
  • collection(selector, properties)

The scoped property returns an interactor scoped to the selector nested within the current scope. The second argument, properties, can either be an object or class defining property descriptors, or another interactor class entirely.

@interactor class FormInteractor {
  input = scoped('input', {
    placeholder: property('placeholder')

// fills the input's value and blur it
await new FormInteractor('form')
  .input.fill('some value')

// returns the placeholder of the form input, or throws
// an error when the element cannot be found
new Forminteractor('form').input.placeholder

// nested interactors can be severed from the parent
// chain using `.only()`
new FormInteractor('form').input.only()

The collection property is a method that returns the item at an index. This item is just like another scoped interactor that has it's own properties defined by the second argument.

@interactor class ListInteractor {
  items = collection('li', {
    title: text('p'),
    select: click('a')

// clicks the 2nd indexed item's anchor element
await new ListInteractor('ul')

// returns the text content of `ul li p`, or throws
// an error when the element cannot be found
let itemTitle = new Listinteractor('ul').items(2).title

// an array of all items may be returned by omitting the index
let allItems = new ListInteractor('ul').items();

Custom Properties

Methods and getters defined in an interactor class work as expected

@interactor class PageInteractor {
  selectRadio(value) {
    return this

await new PageInteractor().selectRadio('yes')

You can also create custom property helpers using the action and computed helpers.

import { interactor, action, computed } from '@bigtest/interaction'

let doubleClickable = (selector) => {
  return action(function() {
    return this

@interactor class PageInteractor {
  clicky = doubleClickable('.btn');
  title = computed(() => document.title);

new PageInteractor()
  .fill('input', 'name')
  .clicky() // calls the custom property

new PageInteractor().title // returns the document's title

Extending Custom Interactors

All interactors inherit a static extend decorator. This can be used in place of any @interactor to inherit from a custom interactor.

import {
} from '@bigtest/interactor';

@interactor class FieldInteractor {
  label = text('label');
  name = property('input', 'name');
  type = property('input', 'type');
  placeholder = property('input', 'placeholder');

@FieldInteractor.extend class PasswordInteractor {
  toggleVisibility = clickable('.toggle-visibility');
  isPasswordVisible = hasClass('.is-password-visibile');

Without Decorators or Class Properties

While decorators and class properties are still not part of the current JavaScript spec, you can use the static from method with a plain object. This method is also inherited by custom interactors.

const LoginInteractor = Interactor.from({
  // static properties can be defined with a `static` object
  static: {
    defaultScope: '.login-form'

  fillName: fillable('.name-input'),
  submit: clickable('.submit-btn'),

  // getters are copied over
  get errors() {
    return this.$$('.errors')
      .map($el => $el.innerText);

  // methods too
  fillName(name) {
    return this
      .fill('.name-input', name)