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A CoreMIDI Driver for the Access Virus TI/TI2.


This driver enables the MIDI interfaces of an Access Virus TI/TI2.

While the audio section of the synthesizer is class-compliant, the MIDI interface needs some additional non-standard steps during the device configuration.

This driver does not support any of the "Total Integration" features of the synthesizer, however it can be used to restore a minimal setup if the official Access drivers cannot be installed.


The minimal requirement is macOS 10.8 (Mountain Lion), and it is tested to work on the current macOS version, 12.1 (Monterey).

Unfortunately, since this driver requires exclusive access to the Virus, it is not possible to run it alongside the official Access drivers.



Installing the driver from source requires Xcode that can be downloaded at it's Mac App Store page.

Download the source by either cloning this repository, or downloading it as a zip file.

Alternative 1 - Using the Terminal

Navigate to the directory where you downloaded the sources

willy@Thala Sources$ cd SimpleVirusUSBMidiDriver/
willy@Thala SimpleVirusUSBMidiDriver master$ 

Build the product

willy@Thala SimpleVirusUSBMidiDriver master$ xcodebuild 

    [ ... lots of compilation output ... ]


willy@Thala SimpleVirusUSBMidiDriver master$

Then, copy the driver in the system location, using superuser permissions

willy@Thala SimpleVirusUSBMidiDriver master$ sudo cp -r build/Release/SimpleVirusUSBMidi.plugin /Library/Audio/MIDI\ Drivers/SimpleVirusUSBMidi.plugin
willy@Thala SimpleVirusUSBMidiDriver master$ 

Alternative 2 - Using the GUI

Open the project by double clicking the SimpleVirusUSBMidi.xcodeproj project file.

Build the project by clicking the "play" button. After completion, you can find the file in the Products folder.

You can drag and drop the product from the Xcode window to the /Library/Audio/MIDI Drivers/ folder.

Figure 1 - Xcode compilation output

Xcode Screenshot


The driver reuses Apple's Sample USB MIDI Driver reference implementation.

Additional thanks to Yves Salathe, who fixed Apple's project infrastructure in GenericUSBMIDI, and Ferland Francois, for the work on casiousbmididriver.