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Setting Up GameResourceBot - short version

v1.2, by PellaAndroid

GameResourceBot has a nickname. It likes to be called "GRB", so we call it that most of the time.


  1. About This Guide
  2. Getting Ready
  3. The Setup Process

About This Guide

  • This guide is intended to be used as a quick reference only, usually by someone who's done this setup before.
  • This guide is a simple list of the steps required to set up GameResourceBot, and nothing more.
  • The long version of this guide gives complete explanations for every step in the process.
  • If you are setting up this app for the first time, we strongly recommend using the long version of this guide.

Getting Ready

BEFORE YOU BEGIN, please understand what this setup requires.

  • This setup process requires approximately one hour of your time, give or take 15 minutes.
  • Setting up and running GRB requires that you have accounts on these websites:
    • GitHub
    • Heroku
    • Discord, in the developer area
  • In addition to the accounts listed above, you must have the Manage Server permission on your Discord server.

The Setup Process

0. Start your web browser.

  1. Tab #1 - Log in to GitHub.
  2. Tab #2 - Log in to Heroku.
  3. Tab #3 - Log in to the developer area for Discord.
  4. Create a channel for GRB on your Discord server.

1. Discord (Tab #3) - Create a new app.

  1. Create the app.
    • Required: APP NAME
    • Optional: APP DESCRIPTION
      • Recommended text: Developed by Discord user BlackCraze#4294
    • Optional: APP ICON
  2. Create a bot user. Invite the bot:[ClientID]&scope=bot&permissions=66186303

3. Heroku (Tab #2) - Deploy the GRB app.

  1. Variables marked §§ can be changed on Discord later.
    • CHANNEL - Enter the name of your GRB's channel on your Discord server, WITHOUT THE #
    • §§ DELETE_PICTURE_MESSAGE - default setting: "off"
    • GRB_DISCORD_TOKEN - Paste your token (from Tab #3) into the box provided.
    • §§ LANGUAGE
      • de - Deutsch (German)
      • en - English
      • pt - Português (Portuguese)
      • More languages coming soon!
    • §§ OCR_RESULT - default setting: "on"
    • Ignore: everything else.
  2. Connect to GitHub. Deploy.

4. Heroku - Configure for automatic updates. Start GRB. Configure dynos.

  1. Enable Automatic Deploys.
  2. "Resources" tab - Turn the switch on.

6. GitHub - Configure computer for source code updates.

See "Updating GameResourceBot". OR go directly to the set of instructions for your computer's operating system.

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