GameResourceBot has a nickname. It likes to be called "GRB", so we call it that most of the time.
- This guide is intended to be used as a quick reference only, usually by someone who's done this setup before.
- This guide is a simple list of the steps required to set up GameResourceBot, and nothing more.
- The long version of this guide gives complete explanations for every step in the process.
- If you are setting up this app for the first time, we strongly recommend using the long version of this guide.
BEFORE YOU BEGIN, please understand what this setup requires.
- This setup process requires approximately one hour of your time, give or take 15 minutes.
- Setting up and running GRB requires that you have accounts on these websites:
- GitHub
- Heroku
- Discord, in the developer area
- In addition to the accounts listed above, you must have the Manage Server permission on your Discord server.
- Tab #1 - Log in to GitHub.
- Tab #2 - Log in to Heroku.
- Tab #3 - Log in to the developer area for Discord.
- Create a channel for GRB on your Discord server.
- Create the app.
- Required: APP NAME
- Recommended text:
Developed by Discord user BlackCraze#4294
- Recommended text:
- Optional: APP ICON
- Create a bot user. Invite the bot:[ClientID]&scope=bot&permissions=66186303
2. GitHub (Tab #1) - Fork the code to a new repository on your account.
3. Heroku (Tab #2) - Deploy the GRB app.
- Variables marked §§ can be changed on Discord later.
- CHANNEL - Enter the name of your GRB's channel on your Discord server, WITHOUT THE #
- §§ DELETE_PICTURE_MESSAGE - default setting: "off"
- GRB_DISCORD_TOKEN - Paste your token (from Tab #3) into the box provided.
- de - Deutsch (German)
- en - English
- pt - Português (Portuguese)
- More languages coming soon!
- §§ OCR_RESULT - default setting: "on"
- Ignore: everything else.
- Connect to GitHub. Deploy.
- Enable Automatic Deploys.
- "Resources" tab - Turn the switch on.
5. Heroku - Verify your account.
See "Updating GameResourceBot". OR go directly to the set of instructions for your computer's operating system.
- MS Windows