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234 lines (167 loc) · 10.2 KB

File metadata and controls

234 lines (167 loc) · 10.2 KB

Known Issues

TCP socket connect operation issues

The tcpsock:connect method may indicate success despite connection failures such as with Connection Refused errors.

However, later attempts to manipulate the cosocket object will fail and return the actual error status message generated by the failed connect operation.

This issue is due to limitations in the Nginx event model and only appears to affect Mac OS X.

Lua Coroutine Yielding/Resuming

  • Because Lua's dofile and require builtins are currently implemented as C functions in LuaJIT 2.0/2.1, if the Lua file being loaded by dofile or require invokes ngx.location.capture*, ngx.exec, ngx.exit, or other API functions requiring yielding in the top-level scope of the Lua file, then the Lua error "attempt to yield across C-call boundary" will be raised. To avoid this, put these calls requiring yielding into your own Lua functions in the Lua file instead of the top-level scope of the file.

Lua Variable Scope

Care must be taken when importing modules, and this form should be used:

 local xxx = require('xxx')

instead of the old deprecated form:


Here is the reason: by design, the global environment has exactly the same lifetime as the Nginx request handler associated with it. Each request handler has its own set of Lua global variables and that is the idea of request isolation. The Lua module is actually loaded by the first Nginx request handler and is cached by the require() built-in in the package.loaded table for later reference, and the module() builtin used by some Lua modules has the side effect of setting a global variable to the loaded module table. But this global variable will be cleared at the end of the request handler, and every subsequent request handler all has its own (clean) global environment. So one will get Lua exception for accessing the nil value.

The use of Lua global variables is a generally inadvisable in the ngx_lua context as:

  1. the misuse of Lua globals has detrimental side effects on concurrent requests when such variables should instead be local in scope,
  2. Lua global variables require Lua table look-ups in the global environment which is computationally expensive, and
  3. some Lua global variable references may include typing errors which make such difficult to debug.

It is therefore highly recommended to always declare such within an appropriate local scope instead.

 -- Avoid
 foo = 123
 -- Recommended
 local foo = 123

 -- Avoid
 function foo() return 123 end
 -- Recommended
 local function foo() return 123 end

To find all instances of Lua global variables in your Lua code, run the lua-releng tool across all .lua source files:

$ lua-releng
Checking use of Lua global variables in file lib/foo/bar.lua ...
        1       [1489]  SETGLOBAL       7 -1    ; contains
        55      [1506]  GETGLOBAL       7 -3    ; setvar
        3       [1545]  GETGLOBAL       3 -4    ; varexpand

The output says that the line 1489 of file lib/foo/bar.lua writes to a global variable named contains, the line 1506 reads from the global variable setvar, and line 1545 reads the global varexpand.

This tool will guarantee that local variables in the Lua module functions are all declared with the local keyword, otherwise a runtime exception will be thrown. It prevents undesirable race conditions while accessing such variables. See Data Sharing within an Nginx Worker for the reasons behind this.

Locations Configured by Subrequest Directives of Other Modules

The ngx.location.capture and ngx.location.capture_multi directives cannot capture locations that include the add_before_body, add_after_body, auth_request, echo_location, echo_location_async, echo_subrequest, or echo_subrequest_async directives.

 location /foo {
     content_by_lua_block {
         res = ngx.location.capture("/bar")
 location /bar {
     echo_location /blah;
 location /blah {
     echo "Success!";
$ curl -i

will not work as expected.

Cosockets Not Available Everywhere

Due to internal limitations in the Nginx core, the cosocket API is disabled in the following contexts: set_by_lua*, log_by_lua*, header_filter_by_lua*, and body_filter_by_lua.

The cosockets are currently also disabled in the init_by_lua* and init_worker_by_lua* directive contexts but we may add support for these contexts in the future because there is no limitation in the Nginx core (or the limitation might be worked around).

There exists a workaround, however, when the original context does not need to wait for the cosocket results. That is, creating a zero-delay timer via the API and do the cosocket results in the timer handler, which runs asynchronously as to the original context creating the timer.

Special Escaping Sequences

NOTE Following the v0.9.17 release, this pitfall can be avoided by using the *_by_lua_block {} configuration directives.

PCRE sequences such as \d, \s, or \w, require special attention because in string literals, the backslash character, \, is stripped out by both the Lua language parser and by the Nginx config file parser before processing if not within a *_by_lua_block {} directive. So the following snippet will not work as expected:

 # nginx.conf
 ? location /test {
 ?     content_by_lua '
 ?         local regex = "\d+"  -- THIS IS WRONG OUTSIDE OF A *_by_lua_block DIRECTIVE
 ?         local m ="hello, 1234", regex)
 ?         if m then ngx.say(m[0]) else ngx.say("not matched!") end
 ?     ';
 ? }
 # evaluates to "not matched!"

To avoid this, double escape the backslash:

 # nginx.conf
 location /test {
     content_by_lua '
         local regex = "\\\\d+"
         local m ="hello, 1234", regex)
         if m then ngx.say(m[0]) else ngx.say("not matched!") end
 # evaluates to "1234"

Here, \\\\d+ is stripped down to \\d+ by the Nginx config file parser and this is further stripped down to \d+ by the Lua language parser before running.

Alternatively, the regex pattern can be presented as a long-bracketed Lua string literal by encasing it in "long brackets", [[...]], in which case backslashes have to only be escaped once for the Nginx config file parser.

 # nginx.conf
 location /test {
     content_by_lua '
         local regex = [[\\d+]]
         local m ="hello, 1234", regex)
         if m then ngx.say(m[0]) else ngx.say("not matched!") end
 # evaluates to "1234"

Here, [[\\d+]] is stripped down to [[\d+]] by the Nginx config file parser and this is processed correctly.

Note that a longer from of the long bracket, [=[...]=], may be required if the regex pattern contains [...] sequences. The [=[...]=] form may be used as the default form if desired.

 # nginx.conf
 location /test {
     content_by_lua '
         local regex = [=[[0-9]+]=]
         local m ="hello, 1234", regex)
         if m then ngx.say(m[0]) else ngx.say("not matched!") end
 # evaluates to "1234"

An alternative approach to escaping PCRE sequences is to ensure that Lua code is placed in external script files and executed using the various *_by_lua_file directives. With this approach, the backslashes are only stripped by the Lua language parser and therefore only need to be escaped once each.

 -- test.lua
 local regex = "\\d+"
 local m ="hello, 1234", regex)
 if m then ngx.say(m[0]) else ngx.say("not matched!") end
 -- evaluates to "1234"

Within external script files, PCRE sequences presented as long-bracketed Lua string literals do not require modification.

 -- test.lua
 local regex = [[\d+]]
 local m ="hello, 1234", regex)
 if m then ngx.say(m[0]) else ngx.say("not matched!") end
 -- evaluates to "1234"

As noted earlier, PCRE sequences presented within *_by_lua_block {} directives (available following the v0.9.17 release) do not require modification.

 # nginx.conf
 location /test {
     content_by_lua_block {
         local regex = [[\d+]]
         local m ="hello, 1234", regex)
         if m then ngx.say(m[0]) else ngx.say("not matched!") end
 # evaluates to "1234"

Mixing with SSI Not Supported

Mixing SSI with ngx_lua in the same Nginx request is not supported at all. Just use ngx_lua exclusively. Everything you can do with SSI can be done atop ngx_lua anyway and it can be more efficient when using ngx_lua.

SPDY Mode Not Fully Supported

Certain Lua APIs provided by ngx_lua do not work in Nginx's SPDY mode yet: ngx.location.capture, ngx.location.capture_multi, and ngx.req.socket.

Missing data on short circuited requests

Nginx may terminate a request early with (at least):

  • 400 (Bad Request)
  • 405 (Not Allowed)
  • 408 (Request Timeout)
  • 413 (Request Entity Too Large)
  • 414 (Request URI Too Large)
  • 494 (Request Headers Too Large)
  • 499 (Client Closed Request)
  • 500 (Internal Server Error)
  • 501 (Not Implemented)

This means that phases that normally run are skipped, such as the rewrite or access phase. This also means that later phases that are run regardless, e.g. log_by_lua, will not have access to information that is normally set in those phases.