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Admin guide

Here are some recipes for commonly needed administrative actions.

Expiring old unconfirmed swaps

Swaps which have been offered but not confirmed need to be expired after a while to give the person offering another chance to find someone else. To configure this, make sure SWAP_EXPIRY_HOURS is set correctly (e.g. starting at 24 and then decreasing as election day approaches):

heroku config:set --app swapmyvote SWAP_EXPIRY_HOURS=24

The Heroku scheduler add-on will take care of the rest automatically, since it runs this hourly:

rake swaps:cancel_old

However you can check the status via:

rake swaps:show_old

Expiring potential swap candidates

This happens automatically within the code. Swap candidates created longer than POTENTIAL_SWAP_EXPIRY_MINS minutes ago will be replaced with new candidates.

In demand users

# If you run this in future, don't go back before this date. ('Thu, 30 Apr 2015 21:05:51 +0000')
# d1 = DateTime.parse("2015-04-26 11:44:09.974550")
# d1 = DateTime.parse("Thu, 30 Apr 2015 21:05:51 +0000")
d1 = DateTime.parse("Sat, 02 May 2015 11:22:22 +0000")
d2 = - 3.days
users = User.where(["created_at < ? AND created_at > ?", d2, d1]).where.not({constituency_id: nil}).where.not({preferred_party_id: nil}).where.not({willing_party_id: nil})
# Only pick the users that are in demand (more people want to vote for their willing party than preferred)
users = users.reject {|u| !u.is_in_demand?}
# Get rid of those that have swapped
users = users.reject { |u| u.swap }
# Reject blank emails
users = users.reject { |u| }

# Check that in demand users look sane {|u| [,]}.group_by{|i| i}.map{|k,v| [k, v.count] }

# Send emails
users.each {|u| UserMailer.not_swapped_follow_up(u).deliver_now }

CSV of swapped users

ActiveRecord::Base.logger = nil; Swap.where(confirmed: true).each{|s| print "#{},#{},#{},#{}\n#{},#{},#{},#{}\n"}; nil

CSV of users

ActiveRecord::Base.logger = nil; print {|u| [,].join("\t")}.join("\n")

CSV of unswapped users

ActiveRecord::Base.logger = nil; print {|u| !u.swapped?}.map {|u| [,].join("\t")}.join("\n")

Run command in Heroku environment

heroku run --app swapmyvote CONFIG=value bash
heroku run --app swapmyvote CONFIG=value rails runner 'COMMAND'

Poke around in a Heroku database

psql $(heroku config:get -a swapmyvotedev DATABASE_URL)

This will also work, but is slower:

heroku run --app swapmyvotedev rails db -p

Open or close swaps in Heroku environment

# Set app mode to one of AppModeConcern::VALID_MODES
heroku config:set -a swapmyvotedev SWAPMYVOTE_MODE=open

Manually verify all phone numbers in staging

This can be useful in staging if there is an issue with SMS sending. Make sure you don't do this in production!!!

One shot:

heroku run --app swapmyvotedev rails runner \
    'MobilePhone.where(verified: nil).map { |p| p.verified = true;! }'

Or interactively:

heroku run --app swapmyvotedev rails c
unverified = MobilePhone.where(verified: nil) { |p| p.verified = true;! }

Resetting Heroku for a new election cycle

Firstly, configure the type and date of the next election:

heroku config:set --app swapmyvote ELECTION_TYPE=general
heroku config:set --app swapmyvote ELECTION_DATE=2024-07-04

Also reset swap expiry as mentioned above:

heroku config:set --app swapmyvote SWAP_EXPIRY_HOURS=24

Then reset the database as follows.

N.B. in the below, db:schema:load is currently required rather than db:migrate!

heroku pg:reset -a swapmyvote && \
heroku run -a swapmyvote bundle exec rake db:schema:load && \
heroku run -a swapmyvote bundle exec rake db:seed

Anonymising the data after an election cycle

See db/maintenance/anonymise-users.sql which can be run using the above psql trick, or via rails db -p.