Here are some recipes for commonly needed administrative actions.
Swaps which have been offered but not confirmed need to be expired
after a while to give the person offering another chance to find
someone else. To configure this, make sure SWAP_EXPIRY_HOURS
is set
correctly (e.g. starting at 24 and then decreasing as election day
heroku config:set --app swapmyvote SWAP_EXPIRY_HOURS=24
The Heroku scheduler add-on will take care of the rest automatically, since it runs this hourly:
rake swaps:cancel_old
However you can check the status via:
rake swaps:show_old
This happens automatically within the code. Swap candidates created
minutes ago will be replaced
with new candidates.
# If you run this in future, don't go back before this date. ('Thu, 30 Apr 2015 21:05:51 +0000')
# d1 = DateTime.parse("2015-04-26 11:44:09.974550")
# d1 = DateTime.parse("Thu, 30 Apr 2015 21:05:51 +0000")
d1 = DateTime.parse("Sat, 02 May 2015 11:22:22 +0000")
d2 = - 3.days
users = User.where(["created_at < ? AND created_at > ?", d2, d1]).where.not({constituency_id: nil}).where.not({preferred_party_id: nil}).where.not({willing_party_id: nil})
# Only pick the users that are in demand (more people want to vote for their willing party than preferred)
users = users.reject {|u| !u.is_in_demand?}
# Get rid of those that have swapped
users = users.reject { |u| u.swap }
# Reject blank emails
users = users.reject { |u| }
# Check that in demand users look sane {|u| [,]}.group_by{|i| i}.map{|k,v| [k, v.count] }
# Send emails
users.each {|u| UserMailer.not_swapped_follow_up(u).deliver_now }
ActiveRecord::Base.logger = nil; Swap.where(confirmed: true).each{|s| print "#{},#{},#{},#{}\n#{},#{},#{},#{}\n"}; nil
ActiveRecord::Base.logger = nil; print {|u| [,].join("\t")}.join("\n")
ActiveRecord::Base.logger = nil; print {|u| !u.swapped?}.map {|u| [,].join("\t")}.join("\n")
heroku run --app swapmyvote CONFIG=value bash
heroku run --app swapmyvote CONFIG=value rails runner 'COMMAND'
psql $(heroku config:get -a swapmyvotedev DATABASE_URL)
This will also work, but is slower:
heroku run --app swapmyvotedev rails db -p
# Set app mode to one of AppModeConcern::VALID_MODES
heroku config:set -a swapmyvotedev SWAPMYVOTE_MODE=open
This can be useful in staging if there is an issue with SMS sending. Make sure you don't do this in production!!!
One shot:
heroku run --app swapmyvotedev rails runner \
'MobilePhone.where(verified: nil).map { |p| p.verified = true;! }'
Or interactively:
heroku run --app swapmyvotedev rails c
unverified = MobilePhone.where(verified: nil) { |p| p.verified = true;! }
Firstly, configure the type and date of the next election:
heroku config:set --app swapmyvote ELECTION_TYPE=general
heroku config:set --app swapmyvote ELECTION_DATE=2024-07-04
Also reset swap expiry as mentioned above:
heroku config:set --app swapmyvote SWAP_EXPIRY_HOURS=24
Then reset the database as follows.
N.B. in the below, db:schema:load
is currently required rather than
heroku pg:reset -a swapmyvote && \
heroku run -a swapmyvote bundle exec rake db:schema:load && \
heroku run -a swapmyvote bundle exec rake db:seed
See db/maintenance/anonymise-users.sql
which can be run using the above psql
trick, or via rails db -p