Thank you for using our code for your browser agent.
You will be prompted for this as the page loads, which takes awhile, so thanks for your patience. (If you wait too long, a random word will be used as the name. See instructions later for deleting that agent.)
Your agent has an agent page, allowing you to make connections.
This page has a link, "links" to its link page (beside the heading "Connections").
Your agent has a link page, giving you direct links to your connected accounts.
This page has a link at the bottom, "agent" to return you to the agent page.
Use information provided to you out-of-band to configure your inbound router. This is done on the agent page. Afterwards, you can do everything else on the links page.
Other websites also have agents, which you can operate (on their behalf!). You will do so as we progress through a sample story.
Visit the Faber College website.
You will not be recognized because you don't have a connection with Faber College. So, visit their agent page, and provide them with an inbound router.
- Copy an invitation from their agent.
- Paste it into your agent's links page
- Refresh (button at top right corner) their agent.
- Refresh your agent links page.
- Visit their page from your agent links page.
- You are recognized and logged in!
Visit the ACME Corp. website.
You will not be recognized because you don't have a connection with ACME Corp. So, visit their agent page, and provide them with an inbound router.
- Copy an invitation from their agent.
- Paste it into your agent's links page
- Refresh (button at top right corner) their agent.
- Refresh your agent links page.
- Visit their page from your agent links page.
- You are recognized and logged in!
Visit the Trust Bank website.
You will not be recognized because you don't have a connection with Trust Bank. So, visit their agent page, and provide them with an inbound router.
- Copy an invitation from their agent.
- Paste it into your agent's links page
- Refresh (button at top right corner) their agent.
- Refresh your agent links page.
- Visit their page from your agent links page.
- You are recognized and logged in!
Visit the Pico Labs Network website.
You will not be recognized because you don't have a connection with Pico Labs. So, visit their agent page, and provide them with an inbound router.
- Copy an invitation from their agent.
- Paste it into your agent's links page
- Refresh (button at top right corner) their agent.
- Refresh your agent links page.
- Visit their page from your agent links page.
- You are recognized and logged in!
- Go to More Tools / Developer Tools.
- Click on Applications
- Open the Storage / IndexedDB section and delete both of the "level-js-pico-engine..." entries