- Implemented: details page for pre-order catalog (#85zt0m4qc) by @adityasharma7 in hotwax#137
Full Changelog: https://github.com/hotwax/preorder/compare/v1.7.0...v1.8.0
- Fixed: labels for product store setting (#85zt92y55) by @k2maan in hotwax#134
- Updated favicon by @Nidbhagwat in hotwax#135
- @Nidbhagwat made their first contribution in hotwax#135
Full Changelog: https://github.com/hotwax/preorder/compare/v1.6.0...v1.7.0
- Improved: order and product query to allow searching using good identifications by @adityasharma7 in hotwax#131
- Improved: added more customer specific fields for order and product specific for product query by @adityasharma7 in hotwax#132
Full Changelog: https://github.com/hotwax/preorder/compare/v1.5.0...v1.6.0
- Improved: added spinner while performing bulk actions by @adityasharma7 in hotwax#123
- Implemented: computation jobs section on catalog page (#85zt0m698) by @k2maan in hotwax#122
- Implemented: product features section in the catalog product details page (#85zt0m4qc) by @k2maan in hotwax#124
Full Changelog: https://github.com/hotwax/preorder/compare/v1.4.0...v1.5.0
- Implemented: find screen for pre-order catalog (#85zryakpq) by @k2maan in hotwax#119
Full Changelog: https://github.com/hotwax/preorder/compare/v1.3.0...v1.4.0
- Fixed: filtering on product details for product variants (#85zrvxuxk) by @k2maan in hotwax#111
- Fixed: query string to search only query fields by @adityasharma7 in hotwax#112
- Implemented: Quantities should disappear once released (#295hmq6) by @k2maan in hotwax#109 and by @adityasharma7 in hotwax#113
- Improved: App should be accessed only by users with having role with product store (#115) by @adityasharma7 in hotwax#116
Full Changelog: https://github.com/hotwax/preorder/compare/v1.2.0...v1.3.0
- Added hotwax-theme-apps package(#85zrj08rb) by @disha1202 in hotwax#100
- Added support for setting timezone and migrate from moment to luxon (#25k8h53) by @k2maan in hotwax#103
- Implemented: Migrated from moment timezone to luxon(#25k8h53) by @shashwatbangar in hotwax#98
- Implemented: Code to show app version & build information on Settings page(#85zrhn8w8) by @k2maan in hotwax#104 and @shashwatbangar in hotwax#99
- Implemented: support for using api and client methods from OMS api package (#85zrm1ktj) by @k2maan in hotwax#106
- Implemented logic to auto fill input field on the click of a badge(#2hfv0u) by @disha1202 in hotwax#31
- @adityasharma7 made their first contribution in hotwax#107
Full Changelog: https://github.com/hotwax/preorder/compare/v1.1.0...v1.2.0
- Sort features (color, size etc) using apparel sorter (#2kbv95j) by @k2maan in hotwax#78
- Upgraded ionic to 6.1.15(#2uaz29u) by @disha1202 in hotwax#79
- Added icons for eCom Store and user profile on settings page by @tusharparakh in hotwax#81
- Added support to alias specific instance URL with environment configuration(#30dkjp1) by @disha1202 in hotwax#90
- Upgraded to ionic 6.2(#2w9wz26) by @disha1202 in hotwax#88
- Implemented: Support to fetch brands from backend on settings page#2r69y7g by @shashwatbangar in hotwax#74
- Implemented: Updated UI of settings page(#32j3r6t) by @shashwatbangar in hotwax#93
- Fixed eCommerce options are not visible on settings page (#85zrhj216) by @k2maan in hotwax#96
- Fixed build issue due to eslint version mismatch in dependencies (#85zrhpak3) by @k2maan in hotwax#97
- @k2maan made their first contribution in hotwax#78
- @tusharparakh made their first contribution in hotwax#81
Full Changelog: https://github.com/hotwax/preorder/compare/v1.0.2...v1.1.0
- Updated: pull request build check(#20k1511) by @disha1202 in hotwax#76
- Displayed the product attributes dynamically #1xc2ecd by @disha1202 in hotwax#33
- Upgraded preorder from ionic 5 to ionic 6(#1yky3t5) by @disha1202 in hotwax#45
Full Changelog: https://github.com/hotwax/preorder/compare/v1.0.1...v1.0.2
- Implemented code to display current OMS information on settings page(#1y2ract) by @disha1202 in hotwax#40
- Updated .env.example by @ymaheshwari1 in hotwax#41
- Fixed the position of input label on login page (#1ym3jwv) by @azkyakhan in hotwax#42
- updated markup(#1y2ract) by @disha1202 in hotwax#43
- Implemented static code of catalog page and created edit shipping popover and modal (#1w3c4w1) by @azkyakhan in hotwax#47
- Updated the UI of settings page(#1z54hy7) by @disha1202 in hotwax#48
- Removed fullscreen=true from ion-content of all pages(#21aqct8) by @azkyakhan in hotwax#51
- Displayed the attribute value as comma-separated(#1xc2cfg) by @disha1202 in hotwax#32
- Added slot icon-only to ion-icon in ion-button(#238uwuv) by @Nihu-Sharma in hotwax#52
- Added theme Color in index.html(#226cynn) by @Mayank909 in hotwax#53
- Added firebase deployment configuration(#20d6xcu) by @disha1202 in hotwax#49
- Improved code to add viewSize to all the list queries (#24pfzq8). by @meet-aniket in hotwax#55
- Improved: code to remove error while having spaces around fields on Login page (#20jwqu1). by @meet-aniket in hotwax#54
- Added time-outline icon for timezone(#25k73ff) by @Nihu-Sharma in hotwax#56
- Removed timezone mismatch alert on login(2893rqm) by @Nihu-Sharma in hotwax#58
- Improved: position of toast from top to bottom(#2a7ut0j) by @Mayank909 in hotwax#60
- Improved: code to hide option to set baseURL if value available in '.env' file (#29wgkkh). by @Mayank909 in hotwax#59
- Fixed: Instance URL should be case insensitive(#2ft61zw) by @rathoreprashant in hotwax#65
- Fixed: Warning: ion-icon not defined on settings page(#2h71py4) by @shashwatbangar in hotwax#70
- Improved label to "eCom Store" on Settings page (#23tw4yf) by @rathoreprashant in hotwax#72
- Implemented: support to store user preference for selected brands (#2f2h93z) by @rathoreprashant in hotwax#64
- Implemented: Code to check if user has permission to access the app(#2hr41aq) by @shashwatbangar in hotwax#68
- Update contribution guideline in Readme file(#2r0kmb3) by @azkyakhan in hotwax#73
- Improved: app version in package and lock file for new release(#2rbz0yh) by @ymaheshwari1 in hotwax#75
- @azkyakhan made their first contribution in hotwax#42
- @Nihu-Sharma made their first contribution in hotwax#52
- @Mayank909 made their first contribution in hotwax#53
- @rathoreprashant made their first contribution in hotwax#65
- @shashwatbangar made their first contribution in hotwax#70
Full Changelog: https://github.com/hotwax/preorder/compare/1.0.0...v1.0.1
- User should be able to login into the app
- On Orders page, all the orders & items are available to be release, release to warehouse, update estimate delivery date and cancel.
- On products page, user can release, release to warehouse and cancel items of variants.
- Implemented instance url flow by @bashu22tiwari in hotwax#27
- Improved: code to prepare loader on app mounted (#1x68xu9) by @Yashi002 in hotwax#29
- Implemented logic to show product variants on the basis of the selected attribute(#1xc2eqg) by @disha1202 in hotwax#34
- Improved code to get orderName if it is present and removed the code for order Identification (1xx2h84) by @bashu22tiwari in hotwax#37
- Handle empty check for color and size for orders page (#1xx6u1f) by @bashu22tiwari in hotwax#38
- Stop tracking .env with source by @rahulbhooteshwar in hotwax#7
- Improve payload preparation for search products(#1x69mn1) by @Yashi002 in hotwax#30
- @meet-aniket made their first contribution in hotwax#1
- @Utkarshkaraiya made their first contribution in hotwax#26
- @bashu22tiwari made their first contribution in hotwax#27
- @Yashi002 made their first contribution in hotwax#29
- @disha1202 made their first contribution in hotwax#34
- @rahulbhooteshwar made their first contribution in hotwax#7
Full Changelog: https://github.com/hotwax/preorder/commits/1.0.0