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File metadata and controls

143 lines (110 loc) · 5.76 KB


A skeleton code to simulate processing a pcap packet in an offline environment while having the same behaviour as the packet getting processing in an online environment.


This is a project where in the main function, thread(s) are spawned to fill some queue (simulating a container of some stub pcap file entry) and other threads to consume these queue content. Each pcap file entry stub includes a field representing the arrival time of this packet. This packet's arrival time information is used to update some internal time in the project instead of relying on the system time. This is done to simulate an online processing in an offline environment.

This project uses C++17 with g++-9.3.0 compiler and expects a boost version of 1.71.0 for the unit tests. This version value can be changed inside the test/CMakeLists file if other boost versions are compatible with the code.


The project is tested on an Ubuntu 20.04.

libboost-dev is installed using apt package manager (the version 1.71.0) by running the command:
sudo apt install libboost-all-dev


How to build:

cd build
cmake ..

To run the main application (in build folder):


To run the tests (in build folder):

BOOST_TEST_LOG_LEVEL=warning test/offline_pcap_packet_processor_test


There are 5 main folders in this projects which are:

  1. src : To put all of our source codes except for the tests (.cpp files)

  2. include : To put the include files (.h file created; The external includes such as boost etc. stays outside our
    project structure and in their installation directory.

NOTE: Inside the "include" directory, there is a directory
called "private". The files under this directory are for the
developers and the testers of this application only and should
not be distributed with anybody else since these expose internal members of some of our classes declared in non-private headers.

  1. test: Used to put our test related files (source codes,
    CMakeLists.txt etc). The CMakeLists file in this folder is
    called by the main CMakeLists file where this README file

  2. build: This is where we should configure and build our
    application by running the cmake as "cmake .." to separate
    our build structure from the rest of our structure.

  3. html: The folder containing Doxygen html documentations where the entry html file is html/index.html. There exists a Doxyfile in the root folder of the project from which this html documentation can be created. 'doxywizard' tool can be used to have some GUI for the usage of this Doxyfile.


The detailed explanations are made in each file using C-style /Javadoc style, Doxygen compatible comments. But here is an overview:

NOTE: Files starting with "I" are the files containing an interface which cannot be instantiated by their own and expecting to be implemented by another concrete class. These are added so that we depend on abstractions and not on concrete instances. This can be useful to help us follow principles like "Open/Closed" and "Dependency Inversion" of SOLID in general.

Here are explanations for some of the files:

  • PacketProcessing (h/cpp) : These contain the free functions to be called from the main function to accept incoming packets and delegate the processing/consuming to corresponding functions/methods in the code.

  • ExternalTime (h/cpp) : This is to store pcap packet arrival time's in a shared Singleton object where we can query current time (according to the latest pcap data) anywhere at any time in a thread-safe manner.

  • PcapPacket.h : Used to simulate a pcap packet. it is kind of a stub structure expecting to be replaced by a real pcap packet which could be some Ethernet frame for example.

  • PcapPacketQueue : This is a custom queue-like structure to be able to store the received pcap files (right now, simulation of creating the packets to be received is provided by the writeToPcapPacketQueue function of PcapPacketQueueWriter file). This is a FIFO structure acting like a queue with pop and push methods.

  • (I)PeriodicJob (h/cpp): These files contain a(n) class/interface to represent our Periodic Job where run() function starts the job, stop() function stops this job and we can change the period of this job (the time between each processing) via changePeriod() function.

  • (I)PeriodicJobController (h/cpp): These files contain a(n) class/interface to represent our controller for our Periodic Jobs. To be able to control each thread separately and uniquely; a method called createIdForNewJob() is used to create an UUID. A PeriodicJobController instance variable called "g_ptr_periodic_class_controller_instance" exists to use controller functionalities from a single point of source. Using this instance, With this project (skeleton code), A job can be added or an arbitrary job can be removed. Also, a specific job can be removed or the period of an existing job can be changed given a job id.

  • PcapPacketQueueWriter : As mentioned in PcapPacketQueue, this file contains a function called writeToPcapPacketQueue which pushes some bogus pcap packet data into the PcapPacketQueue so that these packets can be consumed using PacketProcessing.cpp functions.

  • main.cpp : It is the driver of the application/project. It fires up a PcapPacketQueue writer thread first which continuously sends data (periodically indeed) to the PcapPacketQueue and then fires up some threads to consume these pcap data and trigger PeriodicJobController to create some PeriodicJob(s).