diff --git a/lfp/FindSpindles.m b/lfp/FindSpindles.m
index 08c831d..8316ece 100644
--- a/lfp/FindSpindles.m
+++ b/lfp/FindSpindles.m
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-function spindles = FindSpindles(filtered,varargin)
+function spindles = FindSpindles(filtered, varargin)
%FindSpindles - Find thalamo-cortical spindles (9-17Hz oscillations).
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
% Defaults
minDistance = 0.5;
threshold = 2.5;
-minPeak = 5 ;
+minPeak = 5;
minDuration = 0.4;
maxDuration = 3.5;
@@ -44,59 +44,63 @@
window = 0.320;
% Check number of parameters
-if nargin < 1 | mod(length(varargin),2) ~= 0,
- error('Incorrect number of parameters (type ''help FindSpindles'' for details).');
+if nargin < 1 || mod(length(varargin), 2) ~= 0
+ error('Incorrect number of parameters (type ''help FindSpindles'' for details).');
% Check parameter sizes
-if ~isdmatrix(filtered,'@2'),
- error('Parameter ''filtered'' is not a Nx2 matrix (type ''help FindSpindles'' for details).');
+if ~isdmatrix(filtered, '@2')
+ error('Parameter ''filtered'' is not a Nx2 matrix (type ''help FindSpindles'' for details).');
% Parse parameter list
-for i = 1:2:length(varargin),
- if ~ischar(varargin{i}),
- error(['Parameter ' num2str(i+2) ' is not a property (type ''help FindSpindles'' for details).']);
- end
- switch(lower(varargin{i})),
- case 'threshold',
- threshold = varargin{i+1};
- if ~isdscalar(threshold,'>0'),
- error('Incorrect value for property ''threshold'' (type ''help FindSpindles'' for details).');
- end
- case 'peak',
- minPeak = varargin{i+1};
- if ~isdscalar(minPeak,'>0'),
- error('Incorrect value for property ''peak'' (type ''help FindSpindles'' for details).');
- end
- case 'durations',
- durations = varargin{i+1};
- if ~isdvector(durations,'#2','>0'),
- error('Incorrect value for property ''durations'' (type ''help FindSpindles'' for details).');
- end
- minDuration = durations(1)/1000;
- maxDuration = durations(2)/1000;
- otherwise,
- error(['Unknown property ''' num2str(varargin{i}) ''' (type ''help FindSpindles'' for details).']);
- end
+for i = 1:2:length(varargin)
+ if ~ischar(varargin{i})
+ error(['Parameter ', num2str(i+2), ' is not a property (type ''help FindSpindles'' for details).']);
+ end
+ switch (lower(varargin{i}))
+ case 'threshold'
+ threshold = varargin{i+1};
+ if ~isdscalar(threshold, '>0')
+ error('Incorrect value for property ''threshold'' (type ''help FindSpindles'' for details).');
+ end
+ case 'peak'
+ minPeak = varargin{i+1};
+ if ~isdscalar(minPeak, '>0')
+ error('Incorrect value for property ''peak'' (type ''help FindSpindles'' for details).');
+ end
+ case 'durations'
+ durations = varargin{i+1};
+ if ~isdvector(durations, '#2', '>0')
+ error('Incorrect value for property ''durations'' (type ''help FindSpindles'' for details).');
+ end
+ minDuration = durations(1) / 1000;
+ maxDuration = durations(2) / 1000;
+ otherwise
+ error(['Unknown property ''', num2str(varargin{i}), ''' (type ''help FindSpindles'' for details).']);
+ end
% Compute low-pass filtered squared envelope of z-scored signal
-time = filtered(:,1);
-frequency = 1/median(diff(time));
+time = filtered(:, 1);
+frequency = 1 / median(diff(time));
windowLength = round(frequency*window);
-window = ones(windowLength,1)/windowLength;
-envelope = abs(hilbert(zscore(filtered(:,2)))).^2;
-envelope = filtfilt(window,1,envelope);
+window = ones(windowLength, 1) / windowLength;
+envelope = abs(hilbert(zscore(filtered(:, 2)))).^2;
+envelope = filtfilt(window, 1, envelope);
% Find start/stop as indices of threshold crossings, and discard incomplete pairs
crossings = envelope > threshold;
crossings = diff(crossings);
-start = find(crossings>0);
-stop = find(crossings<0);
-if time(stop(1)) < time(start(1)), stop(1) = []; end
-if time(start(end)) > time(stop(end)), start(end) = []; end
+start = find(crossings > 0);
+stop = find(crossings < 0);
+if time(stop(1)) < time(start(1))
+ stop(1) = [];
+if time(start(end)) > time(stop(end))
+ start(end) = [];
% Discard short events
tooShort = time(stop) - time(start) < minBoutDuration;
@@ -104,21 +108,24 @@
stop(tooShort) = [];
% Merge events when they are too close
-while true,
- tooClose = find(time(start(2:end)) - time(stop(1:end-1)) < minDistance);
- if isempty(tooClose), break; end
- start(tooClose+1) = [];
- stop(tooClose) = [];
+while true
+ tooClose = find(time(start(2:end))-time(stop(1:end-1)) < minDistance);
+ if isempty(tooClose)
+ break
+ end
+ start(tooClose+1) = [];
+ stop(tooClose) = [];
% Discard events when envelope peak is too small
% For each timestamp of the LFP, get the id of the spindle
-[~,id] = InIntervals(time,time([start stop]));
+[~, id] = InIntervals(time, time([start, stop]));
% Find peak amplitudes and indices
% (add 1 so that Accumulate does not complain when id=0, i.e. time points that do not belong to any candidate interval)
-[peak_z,peak_i] = Accumulate(id+1,envelope,'mode','max');
+[peak_z, peak_i] = Accumulate(id+1, envelope, 'mode', 'max');
% (now get rid of id=0, i.e. time points that do not belong to any candidate interval)
-peak_z(1) = []; peak_i(1) = [];
+peak_z(1) = [];
+peak_i(1) = [];
% Keep only spindles with large enough amplitude
tooSmall = peak_z < minPeak;
start(tooSmall) = [];
@@ -133,39 +140,45 @@
% Spindle start may be inaccurate due to leading delta wave, we need to correct for this
% 1) Update threshold to 1/3 peak (if this is higher than previous threshold)
-newThrehold = peak_z/3;
+newThrehold = peak_z / 3;
% 2) Select spindles that need correction
-indices = find(newThrehold>threshold);
+indices = find(newThrehold > threshold);
% 3) Find last threshold crossing before peak (vectorized code)
% Candidate intervals for the new spindle start = between the previous spindle end and current spindle peak
-if indices(1) > 1, candidateIntervals = [stop(indices-1) peak_t(indices)];
-else candidateIntervals = [0 peak_t(indices(1)); stop(indices(2:end)-1) peak_t(indices(2:end))]; end
+if indices(1) > 1
+ candidateIntervals = [stop(indices-1), peak_t(indices)];
+ candidateIntervals = [0, peak_t(indices(1)); stop(indices(2:end)-1), peak_t(indices(2:end))];
% For each timestamp, get the id of the interval in which it falls
-[in,id] = InIntervals(time,candidateIntervals);
+[in, id] = InIntervals(time, candidateIntervals);
belowThreshold = false(size(id));
belowThreshold(in) = envelope(in) < newThrehold(indices(id(in)));
dt = mode(diff(time));
-start(indices) = Accumulate(id(in&belowThreshold),time(in&belowThreshold),'mode','max')+dt;
+start(indices) = Accumulate(id(in & belowThreshold), time(in & belowThreshold), 'mode', 'max') + dt;
% Merge events when they are too close
-n = length(peak_z);
-while true,
- tooClose = find(start(2:end) - stop(1:end-1) < minDistance);
- if isempty(tooClose), break; end
- start(tooClose+1) = [];
- stop(tooClose) = [];
- [peak_z,i] = max([peak_z(tooClose) peak_z(tooClose+1)],[],2);
- peak_t = peak_t(tooClose+i-1);
+while true
+ tooClose = find(start(2:end)-stop(1:end-1) < minDistance);
+ if isempty(tooClose)
+ break
+ end
+ start(tooClose+1) = [];
+ stop(tooClose) = [];
+ [peak_z, i] = max([peak_z(tooClose), peak_z(tooClose+1)], [], 2);
+ peak_t = peak_t(tooClose+i-1);
% Discard events that are too long or too short
-duration = stop-start;
-bad = abs(duration)maxDuration;
+duration = stop - start;
+bad = abs(duration) < minDuration | abs(duration) > maxDuration;
start(bad) = [];
stop(bad) = [];
peak_z(bad) = [];
peak_t(bad) = [];
-spindles = [start peak_t stop peak_z];
-spindles = unique(spindles,'rows');
+spindles = [start, peak_t, stop, peak_z];
+spindles = unique(spindles, 'rows');
\ No newline at end of file