The networking component handles the communication between a game client and one or more servers. Some servers are used to manage the player's account, some find a game for the player, and some run the game logic.
This component is compromised of 4 layers:
- Transportation
- Protocol
- Messages
- Game
- Handles connecting and disconnecting from a server (as a client)
- Handles accepting new clients (as a server)
- Handles detecting connection disconnect
- Sends data as packets through a connection
- Receives data as packets through a connection
- Validates packets
- Takes messages off of the message layer queue and writes them to a buffer
- Reads messages from a buffer and adds them to a processing queue
- Handles large messages that are broken up
- Implements as much of the messaging features as possible
- Keeps a prioritized queue of messages to send through a connection
- Handles messages which failed to send and may add them to the queue to retry
- Handles dispatching processed (read) messages
- Validates message by comparing message state to current connection state
- Uses messages to synchronize actors between client and server
- Server handles how much actor state to communicate (all, just position, just sound, none)
- Server determines which actors need synchronized each frame (frequency, relevancy)
- Provides utilities for communicating between client and server via remote procedure calls
- x
- hostname: string
- octets: byte[]
- port: int
- data: byte[]
- size: int
- getMaximumTransmissionUnit(): int
- getInactiveTime(): float
- getDisconnectTime(): float
- update( timestamp: long ): void
- newConnection( address: Address ): Connection
- newServer( address: Address ): Server
- getConnections(): Connection[]
- getServers(): Server[]
- allocatePacket(): Packet
- releasePacket( packet: Packet ): void
- Connecting
- Connected
- Inactive
- Disconnected
- Closed
- getTransport(): Transport
- getState(): ConnectionState
- getAddress(): Address
- getLastUpdate(): long
- update( timestamp: long ): void
- send( packet: Packet ): boolean
- receive( out: Packet ): boolean
- close(): void
- Initializing
- Listening
- Closed
- getTransport(): Transport
- getState(): ServerState
- getConnections(): Connection[]
- getLastUpdate(): long
- update( timestamp: long ): void
- accept(): int
- close(): void
Packet Format [ protocol ID ] [ size ] [ crc ] [ channel bits ] [ channel N ] [ header ] [ message count ] [ message N type ] [ message N data ]
- fixedMin: float
- fixedMax: float
- fixedBytes: int
- compress: boolean // store ints with as few bytes as possible
- useAngles: boolean // 2d normal = angle, 3d normal = yaw & pitch
- forNormal( bytes: int, angles: boolean ): void
- forPosition( bytes: int, min: float, max: float ): void
- DataBuffer( bytes: number )
- setOptions( options: DataOptions ): void
- getOptions(): DataOptions
- clear(): void
- bits(): int
- bytes(): int
- align( bytes: int ): void
- flush( out: byte[] ): int
- position(): int
- seek( position: int ): int
- mark(): int
- reset(): int
- sizeBoolean( value: boolean ): int
- writeBoolean( value: boolean ): int
- readBoolean(): boolean
- writeBits( value: int, bits: int ): int
- readBits( bits: int ): int
- sizeInt( value: int ): int
- writeInt( value: int ): int
- readInt(): int
- sizeLong( value: long ): int
- writeLong( value: long ): int
- readLong(): long
- sizeFloat( value: float ): int
- writeFloat( value: float ): int
- readFloat(): float
- sizeDouble( value: double ): int
- writeDouble( value: double ): int
- readDouble(): double
- size2f( x: float, y: float ): int
- write2f( x: float, y: float ): int
- read2f( components: float[] ): int
- size2d( x: double, y: double ): int
- write2d( x: double, y: double ): int
- read2d( components: double[] ): int
- size3f( x: float, y: float, z: float ): int
- write3f( x: float, y: float, z: float ): int
- read3f( components: float[] ): int
- size3d( x: double, y: double, z: double ): int
- write3d( x: double, y: double, z: double ): int
- read3d( components: double[] ): int
- size4f( x: float, y: float, z: float, theta: float ): int
- write4f( x: float, y: float, z: float, theta: float ): int
- read4f( components: float[] ): int
- size4d( x: double, y: double, z: double, theta: double ): int
- write4d( x: double, y: double, z: double, theta: double ): int
- read4d( components: double[] ): int
- size( data: T ): number
- write( data: T, buffer: DataBuffer ): number
- read( out: T, buffer: DataBuffer ): T
- getId(): number
- getTransport(): Transport
- newClient( address: Address ): GameClient
- newServer( address: Address ): GameServer
- getChannels(): Channel
- setChannel( id: number, reliable: boolean, ordered: boolean ): Channel
- getChannel( id: number ): Channel
- getClient(): Client
- getState(): Flags
- init(): void
- isInitialized(): boolean
- read(): void
- update(): void
- isReadyToSend(): boolean
- queue( message: Message )
- addFactory( factory: MessageFactory ): void
- send(): void
- sendAllNow(): void
- close(): void
- isClosed(): boolean
- getServer(): Server
- getProtocol(): Protocol
- getAddress(): Address
- getOutbound(): PriorityQueue< Message >
- getInbound(): Queue< Message >
- getUpdateRate(): long
- setUpdateRate( millis: number ): void
- getLastUpdateTime(): long
- getMessagesSent(): int
- getPacketsRead(): int
- getPacketIndex(): int
- getLastPacketSize(): int
- getReadNanos(): long
- getUpdateNanos(): long
- getWriteNanos(): long
- getSendNanos(): long
- getSendIndex(): int
- getServer(): Server
- getState(): Flags
- getId(): number
- getReliable(): boolean
- getOrdered(): boolean
- getLastPacket(): number
- Unordered & unreliable: no header
- Ordered & unreliable: sequence number
- Reliable: sequence number & acks
- getId(): number
- getPriority(): number
- getChannel(): Channel
- getRetryCount(): number
- getReadStates(): FlagsMatch
- getWriteStates(): FlagsMatch
- getType(): MessageType
- getTries(): number
- getPriority(): number
- write( out: buffer ): boolean
- read( in: buffer ): boolean
- size(): number
- getCreateStates(): FlagsMatch
- create(): Message
- newService< T >( remoteInterface: T ): Service< T >
- addInterface< T >( remoteInterface: T ): void
- addListener< T >( listener: T ): void
What does the developer need to do to run a networked game?
- Configure network properties
- MTU, send rate (determined by flow control), number of channels
- Configure simulation properties
- Create a component producer for each type of object that may be communicated between server and client. This allows the networking system to get and set values to a subject.
- Define the actor types and their attributes.
- Attributes have a calculator, level of detail information, interpolation information, and serialization information
- Create an applier which takes the state of a network actor and applies any additional logic to a subject
- Define how relevant an actor is to a player
- Handle actor creation and destruction events
- Define which inputs are sent for a player to the server (mouse movement, directional keys, shooting)
- Define how inputs affect the actors for a player (used in client-side prediction and server simulation)
- Visible actor state can be compressed based on how far away/out of focus the actor is
- getComponent< T >( subject: S, component: number ): T
- setComponent< T >( subject: S, component: number, value: T ): void
- time: number
- actors: NetworkActorState[]
Format [ remote time ] [ actor count ] [ actor N id ] [ actor N action type ] [ actor N component bits ] - only for partial updates [ actor N creation flags ] - only for creation events (type, player, alwaysRelevant) [ actor N component data ] - only for creation, full updates, and partial updates
- Action types:
- 0 = creation
- 1 = full update
- 2 = partial update
- 3 = destruction
- 4 = deactivate (hide the actor)
- 5 = activate (show the actor)
- When actor id does not exist locally and all component bits sent - its a creation event
- When actor id exists locally and component bits is empty - its a destruction event
- actor: NetworkActor
- messageType: number
- type: number
- player: number
- alwaysRelevant: boolean
- componentBits: number
- componentData: number[]
- player: NetworkPlayer
- otherPlayers: NetworkPlayer[]
- latencyCompensation: number // set remote actors X ms (ex: 100) behind the latest state in the event we miss state updates
- processors: NetworkProcessorInstance[]
- input: NetworkInputs
- id: number
- currentActor: NetworkActor
- actors: NetworkActor[]
- relevantActors: NetworkActorRelevance[]
- relevancies: NetworkActorRelevancy[]
- update( player: NetworkPlayer, relevance: NetworkActorRelevance, time: number, elapsed: GameTime ): void
- Distance { componentPosition, maxDistance, maxDistancePriority, maxDistanceLOD, minDistance, minDistancePriority, minDistanceLOD, lookbehind, lookahead }
- Field Of View { componentLookAt, fovAngle, priority, lod, lookbehind, lookahead }
- Coherency { seconds }
- Running Average { samples }
- actor: NetworkActor
- priority: number
- levelOfDetail: number
- reset(): void
- addLevelOfDetail( lod: number ): void // ensures the level of detail is the minimum necessary
- setPriority( priority: number ): void // ensures the priority is the maximum necessary
- addPriority( priority: number ): void // adds priority to the relevance
- update( subject: S, inputs: NetworkInputs, time: GameTime ): void
- subject: S
- processor: NetworkProcessor< S >
- id: number // an id that uniquely identifies this type
- priority: number // the default send priority for actors
- deactivateTime: number // if the actor hasn't received data in X seconds, automatically deactivate it
- attributes: NetworkAttributeType[] // the descriptions of each of the attributes
- components: ComponentProducer< S > // takes an attribute from a subject instance
- factory: Factory< S > // creates a subject instance
- applier: NetworkActorApplier< S > // applies the network actor state at a given time to a subject. some properties of an actor require events on change (like animation state)
- id: number // and id that uniquely identifies this actor
- priority: number // the send priority for the actor
- owner: NetworkPlayer // which player created this actor
- author: boolean // if i'm the author, I need to send the state
- simulating: boolean // whether the attribute history is being applied to the subject
- remote: boolean // whether this actor is processed remotely or locally
- active: boolean // if the actor is visible / should be be updated
- alwaysRelevant: boolean // if this actor's state should always be sent
- type: NetworkActorType< S > // the actor type
- attributes: NetworkAttribute[] // the attributes
- subject: S // the subject being synchronized
- apply( subject: S, actor: NetworkActor< S >, time: number ): void
- index: number // the index of the attribute in the actor
- component: number // the component index on the subject
- maximumLevelOfDetail: number // the level of detail this attribute is on (0 = all details, 1 = fewer, 2 = fewest, etc)
- allowableDistance: number // the maximum allowed distance a value can be from the authoritative source before it needs to be harshly corrected
- calculator: Calculator< T > // the calculator which is passed to path calculations
- pathGenerator: PathGenerator< T > // generate a path of values based on the current values
- maxExtrapolationTime: number // the maximum amount of time we go past the latest value in an attempt to guess the unknown future position due to latency
- extrapolationDamping: number // a value which discourages extrapolation over time (a slowing down of extrapolation over time)
- dataOptions: DataOptions // the options for reading & writing this type
- dataTransformer: DataTransformer< T > // writes & reads the attribute to a data buffer
- path: Path // the path generated based on the values available
- history: AttributeHistory< T > // the history of values for this attribute
- index: number // the input
- value: T // the input value
- dataOptions: DataOptions // the options for reading & writing this input
- dataTransformer: DataTransformer< T > // writes & reads the network input to a data buffer
- history: AttributeHistory< T > // the history of inputs
- inputs: NetworkInput[]
Format [ input bits ] [ input N data ]
- calculator: Calculator< T >
- times: number[]
- values: T[]
- size: number
- current: number
- setValue( time: number, value: T ): void
- getValue( time: number ): T
- hasValue( time: number ): boolean
- getValueAtIndex( index: number ): T
- getIndexBeforeTime( time: number ): number
- getTimeMinimum(): number
- getTimeMaximum(): number
- getValueCount(): number