- Monitors, Windows, & Views
- Memory
- Game State
- Data Structures
- Predicate: Determines whether a given value meets some criteria
- Consumer: Passes a value to a function to be consumed
- Compare: Compares two values and returns a value less than zero if a is less than b
- Factory: Creates a value of a specific type
- MemoryFactory: A factory which can also reset and copy a value
- HasAlternative: An object which has an alternative value
- CanCopy: An object which can be copied
- CanExpire: An object which can expire and listen for removal
- HasData: An object which has generic data attached to it
- Flags: A bitset with a maximum size of 64 bits
- Match:
- FlagsMatch:
- HasFlags:
- ExpiresCleaner:
- Anchor:
- Placement:
- Collection:
- ListArray:
- ListSorted:
- ListLinked:
- ListLinkedNode:
- ListCircular:
- Memory:
- MemoryHeap:
- MemoryPool:
- IntStack:
- Registry:
- Distribution:
- ( test: T ): boolean
- ( consume: T ): void
- ( a: T, b: T ): int
- create(): T
- reset( value: T ): T
- copyTo( source: T, destination: T ): T
- alternative(): T
- copy(): T
- isExpired(): boolean
- expire(): void
- onExpire(): void
- getData(): any
- setData( data: any ): any
- Exact
- All
- AnyOf
- None
- NotAll
- bits: long
- add( bits: long|Flags ): void
- remove( bits: long|Flags ): void
- only( bits: long|Flags ): void
- matches( bits: long|Flags, match: Match ): boolean
- get( index: int|enum ): boolean
- set( index: int|enum, on: boolean ): void
- on( index: int|enum ): void
- off( index: int|enum ): void
- toggle( index: int|enum ): void
- match: Match
- matches( bits: long|Flags )
- getFlags(): Flags
- base: float
- anchor: float
- set( base: float, anchor: float ): void
- set( value: float, relative: boolean ): void
- get( total: float ): float
- left: Anchor
- right: Anchor
- top: Anchor
- bottom: Anchor
- maximize(): void
- center( width: float, height: float ): void
- attach( dx: float, dy: float, width: float, height: float ): void
- relative( leftAnchor: float, topAnchor: float, rightAnchor: float, bottomAnchor: float ): void
- getBounds( parentWidth: float, parentHeight: float, out: Bounds ): Bounds
- contains( x: float, y: float, parentWidth: float, parentHeight: float ): boolean
- getWidth( parentWidth: float ): float
- getWidth( parentWidth: float, minWidth: float ): float
- getHeight( parentHeight: float ): float
- getHeight( parentHeight: float, minHeight: float ): float
- getLeft( parentWidth: float ): float
- getTop( parentHeight: float ): float
- getRight( parentWidth: float ): float
- getBottom( parentHeight: float ): float
- maximized(): Placement
- centered( width: float, height: float ): Placement
- attached( dx: float, dy: float, width: float, height: float ): Placement
- add( value: T ) : N
- add( values: T[] ): int
- add( values: Collection< T > ): int
- remove( value: T ): boolean
- pop(): T
- poll() : T
- first(): T
- last(): T
- isEmpty(): boolean
- clear(): void
- size(): int
- setCleaner( cleaner: Predicate< T > ): void
- getCleaner(): Predicate< T >
- clean(): void
- forEach( predicate: Predicate< T > ): int
- forAll( consumer: Consumer< T > ): void
- where( predicate: Predicate< T >, consumer: Consumer< T > ): void
- count( predicate: Predicate< T > ): int
- first( predicate: Predicate< T > ): T
- exists( predicate: Predicate< T > ): boolean
- values: T[]
- size: int
- increases: int
- cleaner: Predicate< T >
- comparator: Compare< T >
- head: LinkedNode< T >
- cleaner: Predicate< T >
- value: T
- next: ListLinkedNode< T >
- prev: ListLinkedNode< T >
- set( value: T ): void
- insertAfter( node: LinkedListNode< T > ): void
- unlink(): void
- removeFor( value: T ): boolean
- isFor( value: T ): boolean
- isLinked(): boolean
- front( very: boolean ): void
- back( very: boolean ): void
- pointer: int
- getRelative( index: int )
- alloc(): T
- free( value: T ): void
- size(): int
- capacity(): int
- factory: MemoryFactory< T >
- pool: T[]
- size: int
- maximum: int
- increase: int
- factory: Factory< T >
- stack: int[]
- size: int
- peek( returnOnEmpty: int ): int
- pop( returnOnEmpty: int ): int
- push( value: int ): void
- get( index: int ): int
- size(): int
- identifier: int
- items: T[]
- create(): int
- register( identifier: int, item: T ): void
- get( identifier: int ): T