All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- upgrade jsonpath-plus version to 10.3
- upgrade pnpm from v8.15.3 to v9.15.3
- Updated ingestion container base images for vector and nginx
- added solution-manifest.yaml
- updated versions of axios, browserslist, cross-spawn, esbuild, express, jsonpath-plus, html-minifier, http-proxy-middleware, setuptools, webpack
- use EC2 launch template instead of deprecated launch configuration. See Upgrade documentation for the post-upgrade action details.
- scan workflow fails due to processing events with large sizes of custom properties
- retry failure pipeline not working
- optimize data schema for improving query performance
- support out-of-box traffic source analysis
- new out-of-box dashboard look
- out-of-box dashboard supports timezone
- explore query improvements
- allow creating an internal load balancer as the ingestion endpoint
- improve stability of loading data into Redshift
- React Native SDK support
- inconsistent pipeline status in edge cases
- onboard QuickSight in AWS China Beijing region
- set the materialized views of Redshift backup YES
- optimize the waiting backoff when copying data to Redshift
- optimize the waiting backoff when creating or updating database schema in Redshift
- handle multiple source IPs in single event
- filter event date happened in future
- incorrect cron validation when configuring data processing interval
- fail to create schema in provisioned redshift
- fail to delete project that was onboard myApplication
- improve the performance of session and event reports
- the dashboard of Analysis Studio can not list the customized dashboards created by Analyzer users
- the solution metadata is not updated after upgrading the web console of solution
- the processed data can not be loaded into Redshift due to the data length exceed the length of column definition
- improve the performance of querying metadata
- improve the performance of exploration queries
- mitigate the intermittent failure of creating QuickSight stack
- mitigate the potential timeout when upgrading data modeling in Redshift
- few dashboard rendering issues
- the metadata scanning failure with long non-ascii data
- coordinate the alarm period of scanning metadata workflow
- manually trigger metadata scanning
- choose S3 bucket in other regions
- transform session data in GTM transformer
- mitigate the data modeling by putting the Redshift stack into UPDATE_ROLLBACK_FAILED status when updating pipeline
- fail to update the endpoint path, domain name and auth of ingestion
- fail to get pipeline detail if its age is more than 90 days
- wrong user count in the built-in dashboard
- incorrect default value of dataset parameter causes the failure to load values of selectable fields in the built-in dashboard
- support self-hosted Apache Kafka cluster
- add resource awareness to the Data Processing scheduler
- add user roles management
- add metadata scanning workflow
- add third-party transform plug-in: GTM Server Side plug-in
- update the ingestion configuration of the existing data pipeline
- data schema updates
- update out-of-box reporting dashboards
- improve pipeline status management
- improve the reliability of service availability checks
- check the incorrect configuration of NAT gateway or VPC endpoints for data pipeline
- gracefully handle with the incomplete user profile
- add Flutter SDK
- add Wechat Miniprogram SDK
- Dashboard
- Explore
- Analyzes
- Data management
- the creation of reporting stack failure
- schema 'items' type for data modeling
- create Athena stack when disabling Redshift in pipeline
- inconsistently set the warm pool size
- can not update endpoint path of ingestion sever
- cors not working when specifying specific domain(s)
- let domain name pattern comply with TLD standard
- web sdk integration guide
- UI spell typo
- can not update interval of data processing in the existing pipeline
- can not update the CORS configuration of the existing pipeline
- incorrectly check the QuickSight availability in China regions
- can not retry when putting events into KDS throttled
- time filter does not work for the visuals of device and retention reports
- increase the timeout to avoid some stacks left after deleting the project
- the typos in web console UI
- incorrect plugin descriptions in web console
- remove broken and duplicated links in navigation bar of web console
- set the default compression option as true for SDK configuration files
- All files, initial version